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Placement Update

Workshop on “Develop Your Employability Skills”

A workshop for 2nd Year Students called “Develop Your Employability Skills” was organized by the institute on November 23-24, 2012. The programme was organized by Prof. S. P. Garg and ably assisted by the officials of the placement department. We also had a range of industry experts to bring in relevance and motivation to the students who face a spate of employment opportunities in the current season. These sessions equipped the students with the broad skills necessary to be successful at all stages of the recruitment cycle as well as further into their career. Students understood the basic skills necessary for getting, keeping and doing well on a job. Other than the primary skills sought by the employers, there was emphasis on the universally sought skill-sets like; Higher-order thinking and personality development.

Placement Update

Workshop on “Develop Your Employability Skills”

A workshop for 2nd Year Students called “Develop Your Employability Skills” was organized by the institute on November 23-24, 2012. The programme was organized by Prof. S. P. Garg and ably assisted by the officials of the placement department. We also had a range of industry experts to bring in relevance and motivation to the students who face a spate of employment opportunities in the current season. These sessions equipped the students with the broad skills necessary to be successful at all stages of the recruitment cycle as well as further into their career. Students understood the basic skills necessary for getting, keeping and doing well on a job. Other than the primary skills sought by the employers, there was emphasis on the universally sought skill-sets like; Higher-order thinking and personality development.

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