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The quality assurance policy of Jaipuria Institute of Management, Lucknow, is derived from the vision of the Institute i.e. to provide learner-centric quality education for stakeholders’ wellbeing. The academic quality assurance mechanisms rest on the foundation of ensuring effectiveness of the curriculum for all important stakeholders and for our students in particular. With the formation of IQAC committee the institute has put in place an institute wide academic quality management frame work to gather evidence based information on the quality of its programs and graduates and to encourage a culture of continuous self-improvement through self-reflection of process.
This quality policy document is integral to the setting of the internal quality assurance cell (IQAC) in the Institute in accordance with the UGC guidelines, which emphasizes the essential need for an internal mechanism for sustenance, assurance and enhancement of the quality culture of education imparted by higher education institutions and adds that every institute should have an internal quality assurance system , with appropriate structure and processes, and with enough flexibility to meet the diverse needs of the stakeholders.
The institute has long been committed to the quality of its academic output. Various informal and formal mechanisms have existed such as well-structured course feedback system, review and ratification of course outlines at twin levels of specific areas and faculty council. This is coupled with collective review of pedagogy and debate on the rigor and relevance of the overall curriculum. However, in the backdrop of the emerging quest of Institute and Program level accreditation and drawing upon the feedback received from the three visits of experts teams of NAAC (Year 2012, 2017), and AIU (Year 2013); the institute committed itself to outcome based education. This commitment is reflected in adoption of a formal academic audit mechanism under the aegis of the IQAC committee, for all the courses, introduction of midterm feedback system in addition to the term end feedback.
Two other mechanisms support this, the system of open classes (attended and reviewed by Dean Academics and Director), and the Academic Program Committee which reviews the functioning/ output of and advises the program committees, examination committee and the IQAC on policy and implementation. In addition, Director / Dean (Academics)/ Program Chair Level review of courses takes place intermittently in small and large group meetings with students and faculty members.
Faculty members will be provided a checklist of documents which must be submitted at the completion of the course to the IQAC office. The documents to be submitted include course outline, self-audit form duly filled by faculty members, all readings/ support material used/ quizzes / cases etc. The files are reviewed by the IQAC office staff at the first level and matched against the check list. The IQAC Committee meetings will be convened to initiate the academic audit process as follows:
Since the A.Y. 2019-20, the IQAC Acadmic Audit Process has been integrated with the LMS (Moodle) and the full audit process including filling up the IQAC Audit Form, loading of supporting documents and both stages of the audit process is processed on the same platform.
As an outcome of the IQAC processes the following specific outcomes have been achieved:
In June 2018, IQAC committee recommended adoption of IQAC. Pursuant to this, the institute adopted output based education(OBE) from the academic year 2018-19. For the effective implementation of OBE from the academic year 2018-19, it was decided that the following actions will be taken:
An OBE curriculum means starting with a clear picture of what is important for students to be able to do, then organizing the curriculum, instruction and assessment to make sure this learning ultimately happens. Basic principles of OBE include
For OBE implementation, a “design down” process was employed which moved from PLOs (which are aligned to the vision/mission of the Institute) to Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs) and outcomes for individual learning experiences. Outcomes at the course level were aligned with, and contributed to, the program outcomes.
OBE Based Curriculum Review: The major pillars of Higher Education rest upon the concept of ‘Kaizen’ or continuous improvement. Innovation and continuous improvement are a steady process that that takes its own time but once imbibed in the institutional processes and procedures, it becomes a part of institutional culture. The process is quite evident in the majority of academic and administrative processes in Jaipuria, Lucknow. The student engagement survey and student satisfaction survey are conducted independently for understanding the gap in the expectation and actual delivery of services to the students.
Since 2018-19 onwards, OBE has been an essential part of program curriculum designing and upgradation.
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