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Inspired by Mother Teresa

Inspired by Mother Teresa

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I am from Saharanpur UP. I have done my BBA from IMS Dehradun, specialized in HR. I wanted to stay closer to my parents hence took the opportunity of studying at Jaipuria-Noida. I am enjoying my stay at Jaipuria-Noida.I am quite good in singing and I love to paint. Painting embraces me and connects me with what i feel. Its easy to express myself on canvas and it is fun to paint or sketch.
I have some good friends here at College and the environment is also nice.
Studies wise there is a lot to work on- from assignments, to everyday studies to participating in extra-curricular activities. Here the students have a lot of focus and are really independent. I have learnt this from students here to do lots on my own, become a self starter. With my friends we tend to eat out a lot as I am a big foodie. The funny bit is that I can only cook maggi and tea.
Whenever the students have the time we are exploring foodjoints- the places we frequent are the Shipra Mall and Great India Place. The mess food for me is not sufficient to appease my appetite. We get a lot of snacks from home to pass time while studying late at nights during Exams. It’s interesting to note that there is gas kept in the boy’s hostel! The boys are definitely a lucky lot here!
I feel lucky to pursue my passion of painting and sketching. I even contributed some sketches and paintings at the Exhibition held during our annual festival in Udaan. I also sang at Udaan. I draw a lot of inspiration from Mother Teresa, whose painting I made. That is my favorite till date. I get a lot of positive vibes from that painting. I am a positive person and that is why I love that painting so much.
My future plans include doing PhD and pursue painting in some way or another. I will pursue a job, but will also keep looking to pursue my passion. Jaipuria-Noida has allowed me to explore not just PGDM, but also encouraged my passion. It’s my outlet to showcase my talents!

Rishibha Jain

PGDM General Jaipuria Noida

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