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Dr. Aparna Mendiratta

Assistant Professor - HR & OB
Program Director - PGDM SM

Location: Jaipuria Jaipur


Workplace Bullying, Organizational Citizenship Behavior, Spiritual Leadership

Organizational Behavior, Managing Human Resources, Strategic HRM

Dr. Aparna is currently working as an assistant professor at Jaipuria Institute of Management, which is among India's top management Colleges in Jaipur, Rajasthan. She has more than 09 years of teaching experience.

Before joining Jaipuria Jaipur, Dr. Aparna was associated with IIS (Deemed to be University) and IGNOU. Dr. Aparna holds her MBA degree with a Gold Medal and a doctorate in the area of HR. Her research area was “Retention Strategies- A Comparative Study of Selected Public and Private Sector Banks”.

She regularly contributes to international journals in her area. She is an avid reader and likes to research the emerging trends in the domain of HR.

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Ph.D., NET(UGC), MBA(Hons.)

9 Years

  1. Mendiratta, A.and Srivastava, S. (2021), "Workplace bullying and organizational citizenship behavior: the parallel mediating effects of job satisfaction and resilience", International Journal of Emerging Markets, Vol. ahead-of-print No. ahead-of-print. (ABDC Category- B)
  2. Mendiratta A., Sharma A.K. (2019). Employee Retention-A Case of Selected Public and Private Sector Banks. Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research. 6(1), 551-556.
  3. Mendiratta A., (2016). Gender Differences in Job Satisfaction- A Study of Pharmaceutical Employees in Jaipur (India). Opus HR Journal.
  4. Mendiratta A., (2015). A Study of Job Satisfaction of Employees with special reference to Stress and Psychological Illness Indicators at Workplace. Zenith International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research (ZIJMR),5(5), 40-46.
  5. A, Mendiratta R. (2015). Employee Engagement - Exploring the Concept and Extent in Indian Context. International Research Journal of Business Management (IRJBM), 8(5), 25-33.

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