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I could not have imagined doing so much in just one year – Souvik Ghosh, Class of 2015-17, Jaipuria, Noida

I could not have imagined doing so much in just one year – Souvik Ghosh, Class of 2015-17, Jaipuria, Noida

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“My name means magician,” explains Souvik Ghosh, “and it’s really been a magical journey for me so far,” he adds. Growing up in Belgharia, north of Kolkata, Ghosh passed out of St. Xavier’s school with scholarship. A graduate degree in BBA followed. “I was then looking for a college that would provide me with a platform that would not just give me a degree but something more valuable than that — an understanding, a purpose, a reason…,” he explains. After long hours of surfing the net, the young man came across an advertisement. This was the start of his Jaipuria, Noida journey. And as he says, “I am now part of this rich and vast experience called the Jaipuria Institute of Management, Noida.”

Ghosh slowly moved up the ladder working hard across the semesters with his work-load increasing and one day merging into the next. But as he says, “I realised that I was good at time management. With the support of the faculty, my friends and my peers, worries soon became a thing of the past. Not to mention all the fun activities Jaipuria, Noida has to offer that also contributed.”

The young man’s Jaipuria experience also included “many platforms” where he showcased his talents. The first was a campus sports event ‘Spardha’ where he was approached by the Media Relations Committee to join them because of his skills in videography and editing. He was also part of ‘Udaan’, where he won first prizes in Face-Painting, and Short Film-Making. “I felt proud since I had won two times in a row and people knew what potential I had in me. I also won first place in the drama competition where we enacted a street play on the subject ‘Save Our Farmers’.” Ghosh has also helped the institute design a certificate, using his skills in Pictogrpahy and Photoshop, which will be provided to foreign exchange students.

As far as academics is concerned, Ghosh stresses that the faculty is extremely supportive and is always there if students need a helping hand. “We have also been assigned mentors who help us in our routine work, whether it be personal or related to academics,” says Ghosh. Two of his favourite faculty members are his mentors, Dr. Swati Agarwal, and Dr. Shalini Shrivastava. “Swati ma’am is an amazing person. On the very first day, we were assigned a ‘Coffee with Mentor’ session where she gave me excellent advice and helped me overcome my home-sickness. I met Shalini ma’am on the first day of class which was on ‘Organisational Behaviour’. She was the first faculty member to have interacted with the whole class in such a friendly and interactive fashion. Her unique way of teaching was so enjoyable that everyone seemed to love her sessions.”

Ghosh, whose inspiration comes from his parents and grandfather, feels that if you want to be a manager, learning to manage time is the most important thing. As he says, “Time management and discipline are the most important qualities that you must inculcate if you want to be successful. Jaipuria, Noida has also taught me that no matter how much you learn and how many people are there to help you, ultimately it is you who has to walk upon the path to your goal.”

Ghosh’s time at Jaipuria, Noida also included industry exposure, and networking with senior industry experts. “I got to meet Prahlad Kakkar at the international conference ICROSMOS held by Jaipuria, Noida. I was delighted to meet a man of such magnitude and I can say that this was my most life-changing moment at the Institute.”

Speaking about his internship programme, Ghosh says that his dissertation was on, “The detailed study of commodities and trading in Indian markets.” Interning with Sharekhan Ltd, one of the most prestigious names associated with trading and investment in the market, has given him an “exposure as to how challenging and vast the global as well as Indian market and economy really is. Being able to understand the market, how things work, being constantly guided by my industrial mentor Deepak Rohilla and Praveen Sir, has added to my rich experience.”

And his ultimate vision? “I have good communication skills and I have good market knowledge and management skills. When these skills have been polished by Jaipuria, Noida, I hope they will lead to my being placed with a good multinational brand,” he says.

This Sagittarian has a lot of friends on campus. “I can’t fit them into one category,” he says, “so I will just say, “they are a cocktail of fun” – Arnish (my room-mate), Sohini, Tridip, Paulomi, Bornita, Deepshikha, Swatilekha, and Rachaiyata – without them campus life would be rather dull. Two of the brightest personalities I have met so far are my seniors – Aarohan, and Arko.” Says classmate Aditya Singh, “Souvik is a dear colleague and friend. He has always been busy but has found the time to help those who need his support.” Arnish Mukerjee concurs, “Souvik is a fantastic individual. He has been my room-mate for a year and I wish him the best of luck.” Arko Debsharma and Aarohan Dev (batch of 2014-16) both agree that their friend is the most creative person they have ever encountered. “He lives up to his Bengali heritage,” says Aarohan Dev.”

Ghosh’s ultimate dream would be to create an organisation where people can recognise talent in the smallest of spheres. “I would like to help such people, to inculcate new ideas with my creativity, no matter how little impact I have in this world, I want people to understand each others’ potential, so that we can all grow together,” he says.

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