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Legal Aid Society New Jersey: Affordable Legal Assistance for Residents - Moonshop
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Legal Aid Society New Jersey: Affordable Legal Assistance for Residents

The Lifesaving Work of Legal Aid Society in New Jersey

Legal Aid Society New Jersey invaluable individuals afford representation. Organization crucial assistance individuals families, access justice fair process.

Why Legal Aid Society of New Jersey Matters

Legal Aid Society New Jersey critical ensuring individuals equal legal representation, financial circumstances. Organizations Legal Aid Society, individuals left legal assistance navigate legal processes.

Impactful Statistics

According American Bar Association, 80% individuals United States legal representation need. Legal Aid Society New Jersey bridge gap providing legal services need.

Case Study

Consider case Jane, single mother eviction home. Without help Legal Aid Society New Jersey, Jane found children place live. Organization stepped, providing Jane legal representation ultimately favorable her.

How You Can Support Legal Aid Society

There ways support work Legal Aid Society New Jersey. Volunteer, donations, spreading awareness, little helps organization continue provide legal assistance need.

Get Involved

If interested supporting Legal Aid Society New Jersey, visit website learn volunteer, options, ways difference.

Legal Aid Society of New Jersey is a lifeline for many individuals and families in the state. Organization`s providing legal assistance need commendable, essential continue support important work.

Year Number Cases Handled Percentage Cases Won
2018 5,000 85%
2019 6,500 88%
2020 7,200 90%

10 Popular Legal Questions About Legal Aid Society New Jersey

Question Answer
1. What services does Legal Aid Society New Jersey offer? Legal Aid Society New Jersey provides a range of legal services, including representation in court, legal advice, and assistance with legal documents.
2. Is Legal Aid Society New Jersey only for low-income individuals? While Legal Aid Society New Jersey primarily serves low-income individuals, they may provide services to those who do not meet the income requirements in certain cases.
3. How can I apply for legal aid from Legal Aid Society New Jersey? To apply for legal aid from Legal Aid Society New Jersey, you can visit their website or contact their office to inquire about the application process.
4. What types of cases does Legal Aid Society New Jersey handle? Legal Aid Society New Jersey handles a variety of civil legal matters, including housing, family law, employment, and public benefits cases.
5. Are there any fees for receiving legal aid from Legal Aid Society New Jersey? There may be nominal fees associated with receiving legal aid from Legal Aid Society New Jersey, but they are based on a sliding scale determined by income.
6. Can Legal Aid Society New Jersey represent me in criminal cases? Legal Aid Society New Jersey primarily focuses on civil legal matters and may be able to provide referrals for criminal cases if needed.
7. Is there an age limit for receiving legal aid from Legal Aid Society New Jersey? Legal Aid Society New Jersey does not have a specific age limit for providing legal assistance, but certain programs may have eligibility requirements.
8. How are attorneys at Legal Aid Society New Jersey assigned to cases? Attorneys at Legal Aid Society New Jersey are assigned to cases based on their expertise and availability, and efforts are made to match clients with the most appropriate legal counsel.
9. Can I receive legal aid from Legal Aid Society New Jersey if I already have an attorney? Legal Aid Society New Jersey typically does not provide services to individuals who are already represented by an attorney, unless certain circumstances apply.
10. Are there any limitations to the legal assistance provided by Legal Aid Society New Jersey? Legal Aid Society New Jersey may have limitations on the types of cases they can handle or the extent of their representation, but they strive to assist as many individuals as possible within their resources.

Legal Aid Society New Jersey Contract

Welcome to the Legal Aid Society of New Jersey! We are committed to providing high-quality legal services to those in need. Please following contract before proceeding.

Contract Agreement

THIS AGREEMENT (the “Agreement”) is entered into effective as of the date of acceptance, by and between the Legal Aid Society of New Jersey (the “Society”) and the undersigned individual or entity (the “Client”).

WHEREAS, the Society is a nonprofit organization dedicated to providing legal assistance to low-income individuals and families in New Jersey;

WHEREAS, the Client is in need of legal services and has sought assistance from the Society;

NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants and promises contained herein, and for other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, the Society and the Client hereby agree as follows:

  1. Scope Services. Society agrees provide counsel representation Client accordance laws regulations Jersey. The Client agrees to cooperate with the Society and provide all necessary information and documentation relevant to the legal matter at hand.
  2. Confidentiality. The Society agrees to maintain the confidentiality of all information provided by the Client, in accordance with the attorney-client privilege and applicable state and federal laws.
  3. Representation. Society agrees zealously advocate interests Client, understanding ultimate decisions legal matter rest Client.
  4. Term Termination. Agreement remain effect completion matter Client sought assistance, terminated earlier mutual agreement parties operation law.
  5. Indemnification. The Client agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the Society, its directors, officers, employees, and agents from any and all claims, liabilities, damages, and expenses arising out of or related to the legal matter for which services are provided.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned parties have executed this Agreement as of the date first above written.

Legal Aid Society New Jersey:


