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Why averages suck and percentiles are great

But they are decade apart in term of features, reliability and UI. You may notice reliability isn’t on the list at all. ” There’s no way to ensure that, let alone prove it in a product demo. “90% unit test coverage and a full suite of integration tests? ” Nobody knows what that means and if you explained it to them, they’d be bored. There’s no way to express reliability in a way customers will both believe and care about.

My Top 7 Worst Blogs & Why They Sucked

Someone gets to say “I wrote that” aka I pushed that one (literally “one”) key button. But I think it’s a big reason why – no new classics are being made. It’s just, the bar and level of quality has taken a serious nose dive.

Luna Tattoo Ukulele Review (2022 Edition)

But then, in a jarring shift, the tone eventually turns maudlin with Charlie’s increasing martyrdom. In this Diamond Head ukulele review, I’ll be looking at the DU-150 soprano ukulele. This ukulele is one of the best-selling budget ukes online, but is it any good? Luna’s Tattoo concert https://turbo-tax.org/ ukulele is another model that surprised me with its quality. It gets its name from the unique Hawaiian tattoo pattern etched onto the top. The bold design may not be everybody’s cup of tea, but if you’re looking for something a little different, this uke is worth a look.

My Top 7 Worst Blogs & Why They Sucked

You might not believe it – but today, the process of getting music into the computer – often is not even played but literally “drawn” into the computer via a programmer. Like literally, people will look at you like you’re some type of alien or wizard from another dimension. Let’s compare that today, where in 2020 + you’re literally shocked and amazed when someone can even play an instrument much less sing competently. Every band / artist was known also as a serious musician. And for those of you who don’t know – 10,000 hours is the general barometer for the amount of time it takes to become an expert.

With ‘The Flash’ Leading VOD, Warner Bros. Discovery Gets Another #1 Film

First, this guy has never had an important at bat in his entire life, dating all the way back to his time at Georgia Tech. I don’t think so, if anything there are many rumors that suggest Tex has the leadership skills of a…well who are we kidding, he has no leadership skills. Are these the same people that are seeing what I’m seeing. Ladies and gentleman, I bring you exhibit 1a. Don’t get me wrong, I love Tex’s on-base percentage, and ability to hit for average and play great defense. Yankees go out, whip open their checkbook, dish out butloads of money, and once again are front-runners in the AL East, and some would say for the World Series.

  • The average response time is by far the most commonly used metric in application performance management.
  • The wind was going in a way that I’ve never seen before.
  • People were screaming and cars alarms were going off all over the place.
  • Some colonoscopy preps are taken in one evening, others may be a “split-dose” and taken between an evening and the following morning.
  • The information is current but the design is so outdated that it is nearly impossible to trust it.
  • These jumps represent real performance degradation for the majority (50%) of the transactions.

Some programmers want to write smaller apps. But the benefits aren’t there for the market or for us. These are falsifiable statements; either the software does these things or it does not. They can all be proven in a one-hour product demo. The software may in fact be very slow, taking several seconds to respond to a button click, without making the “instant updates” claim a lie.

Abandon The Ads and Monetize Your Blog the Right Way

To learn more about this uke, read my full review of the Lohanu LU-S, LU-C, and LU-T ukulele. Download our free screening mini magazine for more information about colorectal cancer screening. If the doctor removed colon polyps, or any signs of cancer, it may take a few days, up to a few weeks, before biopsy results come in. Because colorectal cancer risk is increased if you have a family history of polyps AND/OR colorectal cancer, share your results with your family — especially your children, parents, and siblings. Drinking 32 ounces of anything can be daunting. But when you break up your prep over the course of an hour with four 8-ounce glasses, the mental stress of drinking “32 ounces” doesn’t seem so bad.

My nana, who unfortunately would be in another massive tornado in Mossy Grove, TN, several years later, was terrified of storms. My dad and my uncles yelled from the front porch to get into the basement because the tornado was “coming over the mountain.” In the later part of March 1982, I was on spring break and home by myself that whole week. For 3 days before the tornado, it was incredibly windy but sunny out. My dog would just stand in the yard and howl for hours those entire 3 days as well as acting off in other ways.

Far from curing your headache, the layout, choice of fonts, and navigation options of the Serene Naturist website can give you a fresh headache. Also, we are really not sure if including pictures of naked butts and bare chests sends out the right kind of message to their perspective clientele. It is like someone designed this website more than a decade ago and failed to update it. It has a dark background, small text, pixelated images, and a bad logo.

The frame on the left contains the content and the frame on the right is empty. I had to zoom to 200% to make it look what I thought was a natural size. The products should be the focus of the site. A few animations here are there is okay, but when https://turbo-tax.org/my-top-7-worst-blogs-why-they-sucked/ everything is animated the site is too busy. I like colors, but take a look at the text and see how long you want to read it against that black background. In this article, we’ll take a look at a few websites that are hilariously terrible.


Every now and then it’s a good idea to look around to see what you find annoying, and then find ways to improve on it. Learning what you like and don’t like will give you insights on what visitors want and on what your clients need. And especially do not use all of them at the same time on the same screen. The color-choice and the haphazard layout sometimes makes it difficult to follow, othertimes not. Blocks of information are scattered all over the page and the page scrolls on and on while showing you almost nothing in the space except the score board.

Compare that landscape to today, where as I mentioned, technology has put music creation literally in the hands of anyone. Just to step into the studio was major bucks. You had to pay for expensive studio time, gear, musicians, producers, mixers, engineers and more. However, in the “golden era” of music (which for our purposes we’re going to refer to as the 1960s, 70s, and 80s), you needed a key record label to bankroll you. Now, this post is probably going to upset some people.

She had burrowed under that concrete slab to take cover. She went on to live a good dog life and died of old age. We didn’t have a basement so we all got in the interior hallway with blankets and pillows on top of me mostly and waited. There was like a brief squall with wind/heavy rain and then it got dead calm.

After we composed ourselves and kissed, thanking God we were alive, we got off the floor and started our survey. I found her a flashlight, and scoped the inside of the house. Untouched and no water damage or cracks to the outside. Then I peeked out the deck door and saw nothing but leaves. There was no rain, no wind, but still continuous lightning to the east, peppered with blue and green flashes as power lines, transformers, and power substations were damaged and put off line.

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