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Wisconsin License Plate Frame Laws: What You Need to Know - Moonshop
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Wisconsin License Plate Frame Laws: What You Need to Know

The Fascinating World of Wisconsin License Plate Frame Laws Contract

Have you ever given much thought to the license plate frame on your car? You may not realize it, but those seemingly innocuous accessories are subject to regulations and restrictions in Wisconsin. This post, will delve the world Wisconsin License Plate Frame Laws Contract, the and that these details vehicle ownership.

The Basics of Wisconsin License Plate Frame Laws Contract

In license plate frames by law. Statute 341.12(8), plate frames not obscure lettering numbers plate, they not any of plate is to a sticker. Additionally, frame not cover state motto, or tab mark.

It’s to that these can in citation potential so for drivers be of law selecting installing plate frames.

Case Study: The Impact of License Plate Frame Violations

To the of to Wisconsin License Plate Frame Laws Contract, consider real-life study. 2019, Wisconsin was for obscured plate to an license plate frame. Frame covered state motto on plate, to citation $150 fine.

Statistics on License Plate Frame Violations

According from Wisconsin Department Transportation, plate violations common one think. 2020, 2,000 were for plate violations the state. Serves reminder even minor can real for drivers.

Ensuring Compliance with the Law

Given potential of plate frame it’s for drivers consider of frame ensure complies state law. Selecting plate frame, sure choose that appropriate and to any information plate. Exercising and drivers avoid citations while a of style vehicles.

Wisconsin plate frame laws not topic garners attention, play significant in the and of on road. Understanding to these drivers can the with and of mind.

Remember, next you’re for plate frame, a to the and that It’s but detail make big in driving experience.

Wisconsin License Plate Frame Laws Contract

This is made entered as the Date by between State Wisconsin individual entity to license plate in state Wisconsin.

1. Definitions
License Plate Frame: a frame or border that surrounds the edges of a license plate
State of Wisconsin: the state government of Wisconsin
Effective Date: the date on which this contract is signed by both parties
2. License Plate Frame Laws
2.1 The State Wisconsin has laws the of license plate vehicles in state.
2.2 Individuals entities required with laws license plate frames in Wisconsin Statutes Administrative Code.
2.3 Failure comply license plate frame result penalties imposed state authorities.
3. Compliance
3.1 Individuals entities license plate frames Wisconsin ensure frames not or any license plate, the number expiration stickers.
3.2 License plate frames be attached vehicle not the of plate any way.
4. Enforcement
4.1 The State Wisconsin reserves enforce license plate frame through vehicle and stops by officers.
4.2 Any of license plate frame result citations, and removal non-compliant frames.
5. Agreement
By license plate frames State Wisconsin, individuals entities to by laws regulations license plate frames set in contract in the statutes administrative code.

Wisconsin License Plate Frame Laws Contract – 10 Common Answered

Question Answer
1. Are license plate frames legal in Wisconsin? Oh, the ever-so-controversial license plate frames! In Wisconsin, license plate frames are legal as long as they don`t cover any letters, numbers, or stickers on the plate. So, can add touch personalization your vehicle without law.
2. Can I have a decorative or colored license plate frame? Absolutely! Law doesn`t decorative colored license plate frames, as long adhere rule earlier. So, feel free to express your creativity and personalize your ride with a snazzy frame.
3. Are there any restrictions on the material of the license plate frame? Wisconsin law doesn`t impose any restrictions on the material of the license plate frame. As long doesn`t any information license plate, good go. So, whether it`s metal, plastic, or any other material, the choice is yours!
4. Can I have a frame that covers the registration sticker? Unfortunately, no. Law explicitly the registration sticker visible unobscured. So, make sure your license plate frame doesn`t cover that sticker, or you might find yourself in some legal trouble.
5. Is legal have frame covers county name plate? Again, no can do. The county name on the license plate must remain visible at all times. Therefore, your license plate frame should not cover it. All about keeping clear unobstructed.
6. Are there specific size restrictions for license plate frames? Wisconsin law doesn`t specify any size restrictions for license plate frames. As long frame interfere visibility plate’s information, good go. Just use best ensure frame overshadow plate itself.
7. Can I have a frame with a dealership`s name or logo? Yes, you can sport a license plate frame with a dealership`s name or logo in Wisconsin. As long as it doesn`t obstruct any details on the license plate, there`s no issue with showing off your dealership pride. Just make sure it complies with the visibility rules.
8. Is it legal to have a frame that covers the “Wisconsin” text on the plate? Nope, covering the “Wisconsin” text on the license plate is a big no-no. That text must remain visible, so your frame should not interfere with it in any way. Let your Badger State pride shine through!
9. Can I use a frame that has a raised design or embellishments? Go ahead and add some flair to your license plate frame with a raised design or embellishments. As long doesn`t hinder legibility plate’s information, there`s issue bit three-dimensional creativity. Just make sure it`s not overly flashy!
10. Are there any fines for using an illegal license plate frame in Wisconsin? Yes, using an illegal license plate frame in Wisconsin can result in a citation and a fine. It`s best to stick to the rules and regulations to avoid any unnecessary expenses or legal trouble. Keep legal stylish!