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Jaipuria Institute of Management Noida, honored meritorious students.

Jaipuria Institute of Management Noida was buzzing with excitement and joy. Meritorious Students had all the reasons to smile and paint the town red—their hard work was acknowledged in the awards distribution ceremony which was held in Auditorium II, between 3.30 PM to 5.00 PM, 8 February. It was attended by all PGDM (G/S/M) students. “I cheered for my buddy Akanksha Chaturvedi who is overall topper of PGDM (2010—12) for 1st year,” says classmate and close friend who missed making to the toppers list but was very happy for her friend.
Girls at Jaipuria Noida have more than one reason to smile this time—they have annihilated boys as all the three top rankers for first year are only girls. So, boys have a lot to prove in future. But some of them have their own idea to settle the scores . “We boys cheered the loudest on Wednesday and girls could not match us”, says Pankaj. “This time they took the crown but they should not forgot that there is one more year and an injured lion is very dangerous,” laughed Pankaj. Ms. Reshu Varshney, and Ms. Rhythem Gupta have bagged second and third position respectively. Jaipuria Institute of Management Noida gave cash prize of fifteen thousand to the overall topper Ms Akansha, ten thousand to second topper Ms. Reshu and five thousand to third topper Ms. Rhythem.
PGDM (2010—12) 3rd term top rankers and subject-wise toppers were also felicitated.
Jaipuria Noida PGDM (2011-13) batch journey has taken off well–first term is over and the results are very promising. Here too, top is crowded with girls as the first two toppers are Ms. Harshita Shukla and Ms. Aarti Sharma. Boys can take solace in the fact that Mr. Sameer Vivian Joseph has saved complete wash out by securing third position. Subject-wise toppers for the first term were also awarded.
It was time to look one’s best, and appreciate friends who deserved applause for their hard work.

FACULTY Speaks Jaipuria Noida

Dr Vikas Nath of Jaipuria Noida Speaks on his Experience in Teaching

Dr. Vikas Nath began his career in Management thirteen years ago. He has faced challenges head-on and has grown as a person with each roadblock in his life. Moving through B Schools, Dr. Vikas Nath has gained priceless experiences. “The journey was very exciting,” he recalls. “I started with IMR, went on to become a Reader and Coordinator with the affiliated college of GGSIPU and have now joined Jaipuria, Noida.”
Before entering B-Schools, Dr. Nath tried the corporate experience, but it was not for him. He was a teacher through and through, he found, and promptly returned to academics. “Over the years I have learned a lot and have exercised that learning in my teaching. For me, teaching is twofold. One is to make my student’s great businessmen and secondly, of equal importance is to help them mature into good human beings,” he says. Because, he finds, deep down inside everybody is a ‘good human being. Some have many layers covering that innate goodness. It is his job to peel off those layers so the real person can shine through.
Knowledge shared is knowledge doubled. Dr. Nath’s mission to share as much as he knows, and he is doing it the practical way, which is the best way to teach and learn. Students retain lessons much better when they experience things firsthand. “I believe in giving practical knowledge that is not confined within the pages of a book alone,” he confesses. Books guide. For practice, you need real life. “At Jaipuria Noida, I take the students to different corporate houses or maybe to a local market to make them understand different market trends and often give them research projects that they work on independently. It helps the students to learn fast and know about the realities of business and market.”
In a recent trip to HEIG-VD, while mentoring a team of students from different countries viz Switzerland, America, and India, Professor Laurence Firoben of HEIG-VD commented- ” I really like the way, you coach students”. In that visit, he inculcated the Spirit of observing practical things done by managers and embed it in one’s life.
Being told he is on top of the teachers’ popularity charts at Jaipuria, Noida brings a smile to the otherwise serious Dr. Vikas Nath’s face. “Thank you,” he says, still smiling. “It feels great. I guess my practical way of teaching may have attracted the students. It actually helps students to understand the market scenario and the quantitative method in a more appropriate way,” he ends, happy in the knowledge that his students value his hard work.

FACULTY Speaks Jaipuria Noida

Dr Vikas Nath of Jaipuria Noida Speaks on his Experience in Teaching

Dr. Vikas Nath began his career in Management thirteen years ago. He has faced challenges head-on and has grown as a person with each roadblock in his life. Moving through B Schools, Dr. Vikas Nath has gained priceless experiences. “The journey was very exciting,” he recalls. “I started with IMR, went on to become a Reader and Coordinator with the affiliated college of GGSIPU and have now joined Jaipuria, Noida.”
Before entering B-Schools, Dr. Nath tried the corporate experience, but it was not for him. He was a teacher through and through, he found, and promptly returned to academics. “Over the years I have learned a lot and have exercised that learning in my teaching. For me, teaching is twofold. One is to make my student’s great businessmen and secondly, of equal importance is to help them mature into good human beings,” he says. Because, he finds, deep down inside everybody is a ‘good human being. Some have many layers covering that innate goodness. It is his job to peel off those layers so the real person can shine through.
Knowledge shared is knowledge doubled. Dr. Nath’s mission to share as much as he knows, and he is doing it the practical way, which is the best way to teach and learn. Students retain lessons much better when they experience things firsthand. “I believe in giving practical knowledge that is not confined within the pages of a book alone,” he confesses. Books guide. For practice, you need real life. “At Jaipuria Noida, I take the students to different corporate houses or maybe to a local market to make them understand different market trends and often give them research projects that they work on independently. It helps the students to learn fast and know about the realities of business and market.”
In a recent trip to HEIG-VD, while mentoring a team of students from different countries viz Switzerland, America, and India, Professor Laurence Firoben of HEIG-VD commented- ” I really like the way, you coach students”. In that visit, he inculcated the Spirit of observing practical things done by managers and embed it in one’s life.
Being told he is on top of the teachers’ popularity charts at Jaipuria, Noida brings a smile to the otherwise serious Dr. Vikas Nath’s face. “Thank you,” he says, still smiling. “It feels great. I guess my practical way of teaching may have attracted the students. It actually helps students to understand the market scenario and the quantitative method in a more appropriate way,” he ends, happy in the knowledge that his students value his hard work.

Blog Jaipuria Noida

E-week in full swing from 11-18 February at Jaipuria Noida

All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. Well, the same is true for the budding future managers at the prestigious Jaipuria Institute of Management, Noida where a week has been planned away from the occupying daily schedules of management education and rather venture into the arena of fun through mutual learning and healthy competition and special focus on evoking entrepreneurship capabilities. The E week will be on from the coming Saturday, 11th of February till the corresponding Saturday, 18th of February where around 120 events and 304 pledges have been planned for the participants.
The E week campaign, led by the National Entrepreneurship Network (NEN) and supported by the prestigious Wadhwani Foundation, has been designed to build public awareness and support for entrepreneurship in the country. The faculty in- charge for the E week this year is Dr. Poonam Sharma from the Jaipuria Institute of Management, Noida. The special E week at Jaipuria Institute of Management, Noida will focus on creating a public awareness on today’s biggest business opportunities and encouraging participants to imbibe skills and attributes that will reflect on their role as leaders and innovators of tomorrow.
A rather hurried look at the long list of schedules and events planned and up for the E week at Jaipuria Institute of Management, Noida reveals eye grappling activities spread across all the 7 days with a dominant theme. A mix and flurry of events planned include guest speaks by eminent personalities from the industry. The E speak will be the most grappling guest speak-up for participants to attend that will kick off the very first day with the outlined theme of ‘Education’. An interesting role playing event will also be among the events planned on Saturday. Another E week event will be focused on good governance of the political scenario of India. The 11th of February will also see the commencement of Unicus- a competition to showcase the best business plan. Other activities include quiz events, movie screening, writing activities, documentaries, book fairs and discourse on the future of marketing.
The second day is dedicated to the theme ‘Sports Arena and CSR’ that apart from generating interest towards CSR activities in an organization, will also challenge the physical fitness of the participants. Some of the events planned include Cricket for charity, self defense lessons for girls, a rock show, and a tree plantation drive. The third day that is Monday, 13th of February will be the special day for all talented participants with artistic inclination. Under the theme ‘Artistic Platform’, creative activities like tribal art, Mr. and Ms. Entrepreneur, My Story, Master of creation- business ideas workshop, poster presentation and waste is wealth events are lined up.
Similarly for the rest of the week, the per day themes include E week @ School on the 14th of February, Tuesday, Rural Day on Wednesday, Design and innovation on Thursday, Science and Technology and Abstract on the Friday, 17th and Saturday, 18th of February respectively. Under the various absorbing themes, an even more exciting array of events will include skit on environmental awareness, mock parliament, write up on water harvesting, sales pitch, extempore, micro technology, patents, E-treasure hunt, chess championship, and a special focus on waste management with the broader theme of developing entrepreneurial skills and endeavours from participants.
This year too, the E week is slated for an active participation from people across all industries and educational institutes much in accordance with its past of dramatic results of the largest entrepreneurship activity in the country. The E week has built support for the entrepreneurs while encouraging them to launch a start up. As is anticipated for the coveted E Week this year, it is set to engage over 6,00,000 participants as the campaign will see active involvement from more than 30 organizations that support entrepreneurship; corporate entities; industry captains, experts, non-profits, and faculty leaders to inspire, encourage, and guide students.

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