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Jaipuria Noida’s NAAC Report Card: Straight ‘A’s

Reaching another milestone in its climb to the top, Jaipuria Nodia has received National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC) accreditation with an “A” grade.

The NAAC is an autonomous body established in 1994 by the University Grants Commission in the wake of recommendations in the National Policy in Education and Plan of Action for the establishment of a national accreditation body. Its mandate is to assess and accredit institutes of higher learning with the aim of upholding the quality of education in India. Director General J.D. Singh said: “This is a great milestone in the journey, particularly from Jaipuria Noida’s point of view.”

He said Jaipuria Noida “might be one of the youngest campuses to have this honour. NAAC ‘A’ is the highest rating, so it is naturally comforting to know this. It reinvigorates us to keep on doing a good job – to know that one is on the right path and now you need to scale it higher and further and carry on.”

The rating is the result of a consistent push toward excellence right from the start said Director Singh. “When the NAAC team comes to verify and meets with the students, the faculty, the staff and so on, the alumni or the recruiters, they are not looking into what you have been doing today, but what have you been doing all along.”

The NAAC focuses on how committed and deeply engaged an institute is in achieving excellence in management education and looks for documented evidence in regard to the number of students graduated, curriculum, research papers published by faculty over a period of time, seminars and conferences organized, how you keep your employees upgraded, how much industry involvement there is, how much are alumni and recruiters involved. “They even go on to talk to these recruiters and speak to them on the recruited students,” said Director Singh, “do they see any deficit in terms of knowledge, exposure and so on.

“Similarly they ask faculty how comfortable they feel working here, anything which is missing or any weak links. It’s a comprehensive examination of the institute’s conceptualization, implementation and the road ahead.” He said 40 per cent of the feedback from students is on conditions in the classroom and 60 per cent on conditions outside the classroom – the hostel, the food, whether they have hot water in winter, are they being treated well, or not being treated well, whether they are getting the correct support in the library, in the computer lab or in the corridors.

Director Singh cited both students and staff for achieving the ‘A’ grade. “We have a faculty that is truly committed to the students’ development – teaching, counselling and mentoring them became the first priority,” he said. “Congratulations to all the students and the staff on the NAAC accreditation,” he said. “This they have achieved together. Together we have and together we will rise!”

Jaipuria Media Jaipuria News

Jaipuria Noida’s NAAC Report Card: Straight ‘A’s

Reaching another milestone in its climb to the top, Jaipuria Nodia has received National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC) accreditation with an “A” grade.

The NAAC is an autonomous body established in 1994 by the University Grants Commission in the wake of recommendations in the National Policy in Education and Plan of Action for the establishment of a national accreditation body. Its mandate is to assess and accredit institutes of higher learning with the aim of upholding the quality of education in India. Director General J.D. Singh said: “This is a great milestone in the journey, particularly from Jaipuria Noida’s point of view.”

He said Jaipuria Noida “might be one of the youngest campuses to have this honour. NAAC ‘A’ is the highest rating, so it is naturally comforting to know this. It reinvigorates us to keep on doing a good job – to know that one is on the right path and now you need to scale it higher and further and carry on.”

The rating is the result of a consistent push toward excellence right from the start said Director Singh. “When the NAAC team comes to verify and meets with the students, the faculty, the staff and so on, the alumni or the recruiters, they are not looking into what you have been doing today, but what have you been doing all along.”

The NAAC focuses on how committed and deeply engaged an institute is in achieving excellence in management education and looks for documented evidence in regard to the number of students graduated, curriculum, research papers published by faculty over a period of time, seminars and conferences organized, how you keep your employees upgraded, how much industry involvement there is, how much are alumni and recruiters involved. “They even go on to talk to these recruiters and speak to them on the recruited students,” said Director Singh, “do they see any deficit in terms of knowledge, exposure and so on.

“Similarly they ask faculty how comfortable they feel working here, anything which is missing or any weak links. It’s a comprehensive examination of the institute’s conceptualization, implementation and the road ahead.” He said 40 per cent of the feedback from students is on conditions in the classroom and 60 per cent on conditions outside the classroom – the hostel, the food, whether they have hot water in winter, are they being treated well, or not being treated well, whether they are getting the correct support in the library, in the computer lab or in the corridors.

Director Singh cited both students and staff for achieving the ‘A’ grade. “We have a faculty that is truly committed to the students’ development – teaching, counselling and mentoring them became the first priority,” he said. “Congratulations to all the students and the staff on the NAAC accreditation,” he said. “This they have achieved together. Together we have and together we will rise!”

Jaipuria Noida STUDENT Speaks

J. D. Singh Sir is My Idol

I am a first year student, absolutely inspired by Dr. JD Singh, Director General, Jaipuria-Noida. All of us look for someone to look up to, someone to idolise. At Jaipuria-Noida, I found my idol. An effluent academician, he has served as IFCI Chair Professor of International Business and as a member of faculty of IMI Delhi, IIM Bangalore, XLRI Jamshedpur, Administrative Staff College of India, Hyderabad and the Delhi University. A Summer Visiting Faculty at McGill University, Montreal, his academic achievements are completely overshadowed by his inspiring character.

Although initially I did not believe it when someone said that the people who reach the top are great because they are humble and gracious, yet after having met Dr. Singh, all my doubts stand erased. His personality is a strong embodiment of the fact that humility, grace and success go hand-in-hand.

I feel that Director General JD Singh is similar to the Late Steve Jobs – extremely influential and exceptionally passionate about his work. Even though I haven’t got many opportunities of interaction with him, he has made a huge impact on me during the single, short talk I had with him. He patiently discussed and strategized about my future plans and aspirations and gave my concerns a patient hearing and left a profound impact on me. Thanks to Sir, my conviction in myself has increased manifold.

Sir’s speeches are the most rousing – be it on academics, social issues, or an address to the crowd in general. They make us rethink our motives and encourage us to dream big and dream strong.
His patent reply to a ‘Thank you’ is that the pleasure is all his. His zeal is motivating, his presence is electrifying. The ever-smiling face of Sir epitomizes his magnanimous personality which is forever an object of positivity for each of us.

Dr. Singh is like a candle who continues to light the lives of the many students who get to come under his well-regarded guidance. I am honoured to be a part of Jaipuria, mainly due to the fact that this is where I got to meet my idol and mentor.

Jaipuria Noida STUDENT Speaks

J. D. Singh Sir is My Idol

I am a first year student, absolutely inspired by Dr. JD Singh, Director General, Jaipuria-Noida. All of us look for someone to look up to, someone to idolise. At Jaipuria-Noida, I found my idol. An effluent academician, he has served as IFCI Chair Professor of International Business and as a member of faculty of IMI Delhi, IIM Bangalore, XLRI Jamshedpur, Administrative Staff College of India, Hyderabad and the Delhi University. A Summer Visiting Faculty at McGill University, Montreal, his academic achievements are completely overshadowed by his inspiring character.

Although initially I did not believe it when someone said that the people who reach the top are great because they are humble and gracious, yet after having met Dr. Singh, all my doubts stand erased. His personality is a strong embodiment of the fact that humility, grace and success go hand-in-hand.

I feel that Director General JD Singh is similar to the Late Steve Jobs – extremely influential and exceptionally passionate about his work. Even though I haven’t got many opportunities of interaction with him, he has made a huge impact on me during the single, short talk I had with him. He patiently discussed and strategized about my future plans and aspirations and gave my concerns a patient hearing and left a profound impact on me. Thanks to Sir, my conviction in myself has increased manifold.

Sir’s speeches are the most rousing – be it on academics, social issues, or an address to the crowd in general. They make us rethink our motives and encourage us to dream big and dream strong.
His patent reply to a ‘Thank you’ is that the pleasure is all his. His zeal is motivating, his presence is electrifying. The ever-smiling face of Sir epitomizes his magnanimous personality which is forever an object of positivity for each of us.

Dr. Singh is like a candle who continues to light the lives of the many students who get to come under his well-regarded guidance. I am honoured to be a part of Jaipuria, mainly due to the fact that this is where I got to meet my idol and mentor.

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