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Alumni Speak Jaipuria Noida

Anant Chaturvedi , 2010-12 Batch – Life at Jaipuria Noida “Networking is my Life”

“I consider myself really lucky” says Anant Chaturvedi, who is yet to attend his PGDM Jaipuria convocation and has already bagged his dream job as Executive – Campus Relations, at India HR Network, Noida.
Hailing from the princely state of Jodhpur, Anant was sceptical pursuing CA along with his Bcom (in Jodhpur) which seemed to be a popular trend among his friends at that time. Instead, he chose to follow what he terms as his ‘networking interests’ and started to work in the field of marketing alongside his graduation.
‘I’ve always been good around people’—holds for Anant true, ashe has scores of friends and acquaintances from all walks of life to boast of (a great sales and marketing skill). Interestingly, his gift of gab also landed him his first job with a FM radio station in Jodhpur during his Bcom days. Anant, being a frequent caller at that particular radio station, soon chatted up to become friends with the RJ. That RJ then went on to invite Anant to visit his radio station. A visit turned into a job-offer, as the radio station soon beckoned him to join their marketing team. Not only that, in the next few months Anant went on to manage the marketing efforts of 3 other radio stations and a Cinema hall around Jodhpur region.
A self-professed way-wanderer, Anant went on to seek the guidance of his elder brother to apply for his PGDM degree. Subsequent to scoring a decent 80 percentile in his MAT, he chose Jaipuria Noida as a better option over other Universities. Not only had he heard about its reputation, he also knew that the faculty there was superb.
Jaipuria-Noida — “Here I come”
Along with studies, life at Jaipuria was lots of masti and lots of fun! Of course the regimen of a fixed schedule and classes makes the student what they are, but for Anant, the entire journey meant earning a degree and a higher degree of relationship making.
Poised with confidence, he adjusted well to life in Delhi and campus life in general. Today, he keeps in touch with almost all his friends, through the popular social networking site, Facebook.
Anant went on to do his internship with retail brand, Provogue.
Executive, Campus-Relations, India HR Network, is Anant’s current designation. As the title suggests he is instrumental in ice-breaking through new relationships at college campuses and getting to sign on Btech students for placements across different companies.
And the ‘icing on the cake’ for Anant is – he can steal a visit to his Jaipuria campus once in a while (because his office is in Noida itself) and meet his Kanchan ma’am for a quick hello!

Alumni Speak Jaipuria Noida

Anant Chaturvedi , 2010-12 Batch – Life at Jaipuria Noida “Networking is my Life”

“I consider myself really lucky” says Anant Chaturvedi, who is yet to attend his PGDM Jaipuria convocation and has already bagged his dream job as Executive – Campus Relations, at India HR Network, Noida.
Hailing from the princely state of Jodhpur, Anant was sceptical pursuing CA along with his Bcom (in Jodhpur) which seemed to be a popular trend among his friends at that time. Instead, he chose to follow what he terms as his ‘networking interests’ and started to work in the field of marketing alongside his graduation.
‘I’ve always been good around people’—holds for Anant true, ashe has scores of friends and acquaintances from all walks of life to boast of (a great sales and marketing skill). Interestingly, his gift of gab also landed him his first job with a FM radio station in Jodhpur during his Bcom days. Anant, being a frequent caller at that particular radio station, soon chatted up to become friends with the RJ. That RJ then went on to invite Anant to visit his radio station. A visit turned into a job-offer, as the radio station soon beckoned him to join their marketing team. Not only that, in the next few months Anant went on to manage the marketing efforts of 3 other radio stations and a Cinema hall around Jodhpur region.
A self-professed way-wanderer, Anant went on to seek the guidance of his elder brother to apply for his PGDM degree. Subsequent to scoring a decent 80 percentile in his MAT, he chose Jaipuria Noida as a better option over other Universities. Not only had he heard about its reputation, he also knew that the faculty there was superb.
Jaipuria-Noida — “Here I come”
Along with studies, life at Jaipuria was lots of masti and lots of fun! Of course the regimen of a fixed schedule and classes makes the student what they are, but for Anant, the entire journey meant earning a degree and a higher degree of relationship making.
Poised with confidence, he adjusted well to life in Delhi and campus life in general. Today, he keeps in touch with almost all his friends, through the popular social networking site, Facebook.
Anant went on to do his internship with retail brand, Provogue.
Executive, Campus-Relations, India HR Network, is Anant’s current designation. As the title suggests he is instrumental in ice-breaking through new relationships at college campuses and getting to sign on Btech students for placements across different companies.
And the ‘icing on the cake’ for Anant is – he can steal a visit to his Jaipuria campus once in a while (because his office is in Noida itself) and meet his Kanchan ma’am for a quick hello!

FACULTY Speaks Jaipuria Noida

“Finance is all about picking up a pen and paper, and crunching numbers. At Jaipuria, Noida we ensure that an MBA in Finance is never scared of numbers.” Says Prof. Anurag Singh, Faculty – Finance, Jaipuria, Noida

If one were to compress the life and times of Professor Anurag Singh, a core faculty member of Jaipuria, Noida, into one line, it would be ‘tough times don’t last, tough men do’. Professor Singh did not start out as an academician, destiny brought him to it.
“Finance is a part of our DNA. Whether you are taking an interview or giving one, whether you are a dancer or an artist, at the end of the day you need to know how much is it that you are making; whether that’s ok? Whether it’ll take care of your current needs and the needs in the near future? how much is it in comparison to others? Right or wrong, everyone has the knack of dealing with numbers. Its only when you study Finance in a structured fashion in B-schools like Jaipuria, Noida, with a purpose of excelling, it becomes demanding.”
Born in a family of army officers, little Anurag Singh traversed the length and breadth of India during his school days, studying in schools wherever his dad was posted. After his BSc from the Panjab University, Chandigarh, he did give the Army a shot, but destiny had other plans for him. He enrolled simultaneously for the MBA and CA programs.
“I did a lot of bank audits and statutory audits for quite a few big firms and banks, during my CA articleship, in Orissa. This turned accountancy and taxation into my strong points. The first thing that I tell my students at Jaipuria, Noida is that in finance, you can never be scared of numbers. Financial options, products and investment options keep on multiplying. Few of them give you good results and few don’t. Turn financial literacy into a habit at Jaipuria, Noida. In finance you cannot be just ok; you cannot just survive or be mediocre. You have to work really hard and keep yourself updated; do not free yourself of numbers.”
Young Anurag Singh picked up his first job in Solan, Himachal Pradesh, with an engineering and construction firm by the name of Amar Promoters Pvt Ltd Solan. After 3 years in this profile he moved to Delhi with Career Launchers. He began taking assignments with various colleges as visiting faculty, and was eventually picked up by Delhi School of Professional Studies as a regular; a profile which he held for 5 years. Today, he teaches Strategic Financial Mgt and International Financial Mgt at Jaipuria, Noida.
“The best and worst thing about the Finance-scenario is that it keeps on changing, and therefore market demand for people in Finance is always good, especially if you are from a B-school like Jaipuria, Noida. Attrition is very less in Finance; just like people don’t change their doctors, they don’t change their financiers. It’s because it takes a lot of time to understand the business environment and also because you are dealing in something very confidential. The number of opportunities in the finance sector has multiplied manifolds. There is no dearth of jobs, just dearth of quality manpower.”
Apart from his regular teaching assignments at Jaipuria, Noida, Professor Anurag Singh, has also conducted numerous MDP (Management Development Programmes) on behalf of Jaipuria, Noida for Managers of various banks, and concerns like Maruti-Suzuki and Tata Motors.
“It’s a platform where I pass on the latest in the areas of finance – what you have to know, what you can avoid, taxation, how to plan your taxes within the provisions of the law of the land, claiming valid deductions… and doing all this without having to pay a hefty sum to a CA. Such programmes are very, very welcome in the corporate world. My teaching methodology in the classrooms of Jaipuria, Noida and outside is pretty much white board calculations. I hardly use PPT’s in Jaipuria, Noida since Finance is more about application of concepts… not really much of theory. Every situation is a case an every case has to be broken down into small pieces to bring home a point. As I tell my students in Jaipuria, Noida – Finance, after all, is about picking up a pen and paper, and crunching numbers.”

FACULTY Speaks Jaipuria Noida

“Finance is all about picking up a pen and paper, and crunching numbers. At Jaipuria, Noida we ensure that an MBA in Finance is never scared of numbers.” Says Prof. Anurag Singh, Faculty – Finance, Jaipuria, Noida

If one were to compress the life and times of Professor Anurag Singh, a core faculty member of Jaipuria, Noida, into one line, it would be ‘tough times don’t last, tough men do’. Professor Singh did not start out as an academician, destiny brought him to it.
“Finance is a part of our DNA. Whether you are taking an interview or giving one, whether you are a dancer or an artist, at the end of the day you need to know how much is it that you are making; whether that’s ok? Whether it’ll take care of your current needs and the needs in the near future? how much is it in comparison to others? Right or wrong, everyone has the knack of dealing with numbers. Its only when you study Finance in a structured fashion in B-schools like Jaipuria, Noida, with a purpose of excelling, it becomes demanding.”
Born in a family of army officers, little Anurag Singh traversed the length and breadth of India during his school days, studying in schools wherever his dad was posted. After his BSc from the Panjab University, Chandigarh, he did give the Army a shot, but destiny had other plans for him. He enrolled simultaneously for the MBA and CA programs.
“I did a lot of bank audits and statutory audits for quite a few big firms and banks, during my CA articleship, in Orissa. This turned accountancy and taxation into my strong points. The first thing that I tell my students at Jaipuria, Noida is that in finance, you can never be scared of numbers. Financial options, products and investment options keep on multiplying. Few of them give you good results and few don’t. Turn financial literacy into a habit at Jaipuria, Noida. In finance you cannot be just ok; you cannot just survive or be mediocre. You have to work really hard and keep yourself updated; do not free yourself of numbers.”
Young Anurag Singh picked up his first job in Solan, Himachal Pradesh, with an engineering and construction firm by the name of Amar Promoters Pvt Ltd Solan. After 3 years in this profile he moved to Delhi with Career Launchers. He began taking assignments with various colleges as visiting faculty, and was eventually picked up by Delhi School of Professional Studies as a regular; a profile which he held for 5 years. Today, he teaches Strategic Financial Mgt and International Financial Mgt at Jaipuria, Noida.
“The best and worst thing about the Finance-scenario is that it keeps on changing, and therefore market demand for people in Finance is always good, especially if you are from a B-school like Jaipuria, Noida. Attrition is very less in Finance; just like people don’t change their doctors, they don’t change their financiers. It’s because it takes a lot of time to understand the business environment and also because you are dealing in something very confidential. The number of opportunities in the finance sector has multiplied manifolds. There is no dearth of jobs, just dearth of quality manpower.”
Apart from his regular teaching assignments at Jaipuria, Noida, Professor Anurag Singh, has also conducted numerous MDP (Management Development Programmes) on behalf of Jaipuria, Noida for Managers of various banks, and concerns like Maruti-Suzuki and Tata Motors.
“It’s a platform where I pass on the latest in the areas of finance – what you have to know, what you can avoid, taxation, how to plan your taxes within the provisions of the law of the land, claiming valid deductions… and doing all this without having to pay a hefty sum to a CA. Such programmes are very, very welcome in the corporate world. My teaching methodology in the classrooms of Jaipuria, Noida and outside is pretty much white board calculations. I hardly use PPT’s in Jaipuria, Noida since Finance is more about application of concepts… not really much of theory. Every situation is a case an every case has to be broken down into small pieces to bring home a point. As I tell my students in Jaipuria, Noida – Finance, after all, is about picking up a pen and paper, and crunching numbers.”

Jaipuria Noida Placement Update

“With numerous companies coming to Jaipuria Noida for recruitment, we were ably guided by our faculty and staff throughout the placement process. It was amazing!”

The PGDM class of 2012 recently passed out of Jaipuria-Noida thus completing its tough schedule and curriculum. It has been an experience of a lifetime for the passing out batch and, a sad goodbye too.
For Raghavendra Singh, who studied Finance, Jaipuria delivered on great expectations for him. He was happy taking away something unique and unforgettable, from the exotic campus of Jaipuria, to the diverse activities; there was so much to absorb that he wished to stay over a longer period of time to digest everything.
When asked what Raghavendra would miss the most in Jaipuria, we were pleasantly surprised to know, that it was not the cultural fests, or the Finance clubs, not even his friends, but the Volley Ball courts that would be greatly missed.
Oh yes, the everlasting charm of the volleyball court (sighs Raghavendra!). In love with the sport, he never wasted a minute, in between his classes (15 minute break times) or even the lunch break – as he and his friends would always head out to the court to grab a few high lunges at the ball.
Before embarking on the PGDM program, Raghavendra, like scores of other aspirants, had appeared for his CAT, and took interviews at various colleges. But, Jaipuria Institute of Management Studies, he found the best. Not only it was near to his place in Noida, it also had a superb talked about Finance Faculty. As he talked to his other friends and faculty members, Raghavendra was more than convinced of Jaipuria being a good place for his higher studies.
He reminisces of his days spent with his hostel friends, when he’d take a lunch-box full of breakfast, which would be soon devoured by his hungry friends.  Active in sports, Raghavendra had a TT gang, a Cricket gang and Volleyball gang of course, wherein they’d regularly play matches with each other.
On the study front, the Mentor program was particularly good, where 4-5 students were assigned to a mentor. The mentor acted as a friend, philosopher, and guide to the students. He/she would provide guidance on subjects that students would find tough, help in the interview process, conduct mock GD’s and mock interviews to prepare students. The plus point being that a mentor worked as a perfect sounding board for students under their aegis.
For Raghavendra, the end of PGDM as a class unit meant having enjoyed every opportunity of the PGDM journey.  He scored a fine balance between his studies, sports, and various extra-curricular in Jaipuria. He was an active member of the Cultural club, Book Club and helped organise the Freshers’ Party and Dance.
Armed with a Tax consultant position with Deloitte now, his advice to all the aspiring business students is to make everyday better than the one before. He tells them to participate in all types of debates, clubs and cultural activities to have a well rounded-grooming.

Jaipuria Noida Placement Update

“With numerous companies coming to Jaipuria Noida for recruitment, we were ably guided by our faculty and staff throughout the placement process. It was amazing!”

The PGDM class of 2012 recently passed out of Jaipuria-Noida thus completing its tough schedule and curriculum. It has been an experience of a lifetime for the passing out batch and, a sad goodbye too.
For Raghavendra Singh, who studied Finance, Jaipuria delivered on great expectations for him. He was happy taking away something unique and unforgettable, from the exotic campus of Jaipuria, to the diverse activities; there was so much to absorb that he wished to stay over a longer period of time to digest everything.
When asked what Raghavendra would miss the most in Jaipuria, we were pleasantly surprised to know, that it was not the cultural fests, or the Finance clubs, not even his friends, but the Volley Ball courts that would be greatly missed.
Oh yes, the everlasting charm of the volleyball court (sighs Raghavendra!). In love with the sport, he never wasted a minute, in between his classes (15 minute break times) or even the lunch break – as he and his friends would always head out to the court to grab a few high lunges at the ball.
Before embarking on the PGDM program, Raghavendra, like scores of other aspirants, had appeared for his CAT, and took interviews at various colleges. But, Jaipuria Institute of Management Studies, he found the best. Not only it was near to his place in Noida, it also had a superb talked about Finance Faculty. As he talked to his other friends and faculty members, Raghavendra was more than convinced of Jaipuria being a good place for his higher studies.
He reminisces of his days spent with his hostel friends, when he’d take a lunch-box full of breakfast, which would be soon devoured by his hungry friends.  Active in sports, Raghavendra had a TT gang, a Cricket gang and Volleyball gang of course, wherein they’d regularly play matches with each other.
On the study front, the Mentor program was particularly good, where 4-5 students were assigned to a mentor. The mentor acted as a friend, philosopher, and guide to the students. He/she would provide guidance on subjects that students would find tough, help in the interview process, conduct mock GD’s and mock interviews to prepare students. The plus point being that a mentor worked as a perfect sounding board for students under their aegis.
For Raghavendra, the end of PGDM as a class unit meant having enjoyed every opportunity of the PGDM journey.  He scored a fine balance between his studies, sports, and various extra-curricular in Jaipuria. He was an active member of the Cultural club, Book Club and helped organise the Freshers’ Party and Dance.
Armed with a Tax consultant position with Deloitte now, his advice to all the aspiring business students is to make everyday better than the one before. He tells them to participate in all types of debates, clubs and cultural activities to have a well rounded-grooming.

Jaipuria Noida Placement Update

Vipendra Vikram, 2010-12 Batch – “Get Involved”

Everyone always says that “the years you are in college are the best years of your life.” Having recently graduated with a degree in Marketing and Operations from Jaipuria Noida, this statement could not be less true for VipendraVikram.
Hailing from small town of Allahabad in U.P. Vikram remembers his freshman orientation as he arrived at his campus for the first time. He had visited the campus before, but along with umpteen other schools, which he remembers as a blur. The distinct, spacious and neat campus of Jaipuria Noida , stood apart to all the other colleges he’d visited in the NCR region.  He soon found himself meeting a number of people – students who would be living on his hostel floor, taking classes with him, and spending day after day alongside him.
Jaipuria Noida’s experienced faulty, combined with robust infrastructure & entire facility, was instrumental in imparting valuable and real-world skills for Vipendra. In fact, it was at this institute where he learned to ‘get involved’, actively engage and achieve the tactical edge over potential customers and prospective clients. The institute imbibed team spirit that helped him foster greater confidence and spirit. Virendra had ample opportunities within the institute itself like the annual cultural fest Udaan. The educational institute also has numerous mini workshops like Entrepreneurial workshops to test classroom tactics on field.
For a Post Graduate in Marketing & Operations, it was the two-pronged specialization offered by Jaipuria Noida that was the stepping stone for his first success getting into the Banking Industry.
Vipendra has been thankful from day one to his professors who had not only been technical & academically proficient, but also quite practical and realistic in nature. Coaxing the students to set higher standards and push them to achieve and even surpass them seems to be routine in the campus. “Learn from the knowledge and apply it as per the need” not as per the rule book is the mantra Vipendra seems to have imbibed as he prepares to enter the corporate world as Area Sales Manager for Corporate Banking with ING Vysya Bank.
Jaipuria Noida, not only helped him bring up his skill set in his desired field, but also helped him develop the confidence to sail successfully through the interview process. As ING Vysa Bank does not hire anyone but the best, it was a gruelling four step-interview for Vipendra as he faced and conquered every task and hurdle staring from a GD, Technical and Aptitude Tests, followed by immersive interviews with HR Head & National Sales Manager. Vipendra is indeed a happy person as he now set to start his career in one of the premier banks of India with a global presence
Overall, Vipendra attributes the institute for his entire turn-around in personality. Not just Vipendra, but his colleagues and co-students who have been placed in large Public and Private Sector Banks have been thankful and wish their juniors the same experience. Jaipuria Institute of Management,Noida has been instrumental in bringing closer students from myriad background and preparing them for the responsibilities and challenges of some of the largest companies in the world. However, as Vipendra puts it, “It is a family like atmosphere that helps us nurture the person within, while forging one way ahead”.

Jaipuria Noida Placement Update

Vipendra Vikram, 2010-12 Batch – “Get Involved”

Everyone always says that “the years you are in college are the best years of your life.” Having recently graduated with a degree in Marketing and Operations from Jaipuria Noida, this statement could not be less true for VipendraVikram.
Hailing from small town of Allahabad in U.P. Vikram remembers his freshman orientation as he arrived at his campus for the first time. He had visited the campus before, but along with umpteen other schools, which he remembers as a blur. The distinct, spacious and neat campus of Jaipuria Noida , stood apart to all the other colleges he’d visited in the NCR region.  He soon found himself meeting a number of people – students who would be living on his hostel floor, taking classes with him, and spending day after day alongside him.
Jaipuria Noida’s experienced faulty, combined with robust infrastructure & entire facility, was instrumental in imparting valuable and real-world skills for Vipendra. In fact, it was at this institute where he learned to ‘get involved’, actively engage and achieve the tactical edge over potential customers and prospective clients. The institute imbibed team spirit that helped him foster greater confidence and spirit. Virendra had ample opportunities within the institute itself like the annual cultural fest Udaan. The educational institute also has numerous mini workshops like Entrepreneurial workshops to test classroom tactics on field.
For a Post Graduate in Marketing & Operations, it was the two-pronged specialization offered by Jaipuria Noida that was the stepping stone for his first success getting into the Banking Industry.
Vipendra has been thankful from day one to his professors who had not only been technical & academically proficient, but also quite practical and realistic in nature. Coaxing the students to set higher standards and push them to achieve and even surpass them seems to be routine in the campus. “Learn from the knowledge and apply it as per the need” not as per the rule book is the mantra Vipendra seems to have imbibed as he prepares to enter the corporate world as Area Sales Manager for Corporate Banking with ING Vysya Bank.
Jaipuria Noida, not only helped him bring up his skill set in his desired field, but also helped him develop the confidence to sail successfully through the interview process. As ING Vysa Bank does not hire anyone but the best, it was a gruelling four step-interview for Vipendra as he faced and conquered every task and hurdle staring from a GD, Technical and Aptitude Tests, followed by immersive interviews with HR Head & National Sales Manager. Vipendra is indeed a happy person as he now set to start his career in one of the premier banks of India with a global presence
Overall, Vipendra attributes the institute for his entire turn-around in personality. Not just Vipendra, but his colleagues and co-students who have been placed in large Public and Private Sector Banks have been thankful and wish their juniors the same experience. Jaipuria Institute of Management,Noida has been instrumental in bringing closer students from myriad background and preparing them for the responsibilities and challenges of some of the largest companies in the world. However, as Vipendra puts it, “It is a family like atmosphere that helps us nurture the person within, while forging one way ahead”.

Jaipuria Noida Placement Update

Amit Kumar, 2010-12 Batch – “Jaipuria, Noida Changed Me From An Introvert To An Extrovert.”

Amit Kumar is back from Jaipuria, Noida, to his hometown Bhopal, enjoying the company of family and friends. They of course are still in a state of disbelief over the change that they see in the shy, introverted Amit Kumar who had bid farewell to them to study Business Administration at Jaipuria, Noida.
“The time spent at Jaipuria, Noida were the finest two years of my life. Prior to that, I was an introvert. But Jaipuria, Noida changed me from an introvert to an extrovert. I took part in almost all co-curricular activities in Jaipuria, Noida. I was the coordinator for ‘UDAAN’, the coordinator for the Jaipuria University conference.  I also presented the entrepreneurship week, in the first week of February this year.”
Amit Kumar is the cynosure of every eye in Jaipuria, Noida, having landed a coveted job with Berger Paints.
“Berger has a very structured and exhaustive recruitment system, which happens in three phases. It consists of everything ranging from online application short-listing, to video interviews, to face-to-face interviews. The best gift that I received from Jaipuria, Noida,is the power to analyse; something which was non-existent in me till graduation. At the end of the two years at Jaipuria, Noida, I was able to relate different things and events, something which came really handy in cracking Berger. Despite being from a science background, the confidence with which I handled questions relating to HR, Finance andmacro and micro economics, was all due to Jaipuria, Noida.”
Had it not been for a friend’s timely advice, Amit Kumar would never have found himself inJaipuria, Noida.
“My friend introduced Jaipuria, Noida to me as one of the topmost B-schools in the NCR. I paid a visit to the campus and was thoroughly impressed by the infrastructure and the faculty. But the reason why I zeroed in on Jaipuria, Noida amongst the choice that I had, was the fact that it was the only B-school which was interested in knowing, what I wanted out of a PGDM degree. The rest of them were more inclined to letting me know what they expected out of me.”
Amit credits his internship with Kohler India – a brand name in bathroom and kitchen fittings – for helping him validate a lot of Marketing and HR wisdom that he had picked up from the classrooms of Jaipuria, Noida. The grind at Kohler – the work culture and environment – exposed him to the ground realities. Amit especially remembers playing an active part in organizing the annual function of Kohler, where their latest products were showcased to their distributor and retailers.
“Jaipuria, Noida is simply fantastic. It manages to strike the right balance between studies, fun, and co-curriculum. You are at liberty to explore the learning method, best suited for you.There are activities at Jaipuria, Noida to help you sharpen the skill-sets required in the corporate world, as well as numerous platforms where you can display your abilities.
Amit believes that the sheer diversity of the students at Jaipuria, Noida is a great education in itself; sooner or later, everybody finds like-minded colleagues to hang out with. He believes he too has found a set of 5 to 6 die-hard friends at Jaipuria, Noida.

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