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FACULTY Speaks Jaipuria Noida

Jaipuria Noida Professor Drives Student Satisfaction Survey Initiative.

Dr. Shalini Shrivasta, associate professor of OB & HR at Jaipuria Noida, is committed to ensuring that the institute offers its students the best experience possible. Working in conjunction with the Director General, Dr. J.D. Singh, Dr. Shalini has initiated a student satisfaction survey that aims to give voice to the students in all aspects of campus life.In this way, students are allowed to comment on areas that they perceive as problematic, giving the institute the opportunity to address those issues.
Dr. Shalini’s love of research has made her a natural fit for this initiative. Along with her devotion to her profession, Dr. Shalini’s making an immediate impact at Jaipuria Noida that will be felt for many years to come.

Jaipuria Noida STUDENT Speaks

Director general Dr. J.D. Singh proves to be an inspiration for Jaipuria Noida students

Mohammed Ali Sayyed does not have to look far when it comes to selecting who he idolizes. A first year student at Jaipuria Noida, Mohammed was soon inspired by Dr. J.D. Singh, Director General at Jaipuria Noida.
Comparing Dr. Singh to the late Steve Jobs, Mohammed praises him both for his influence and for his passion. “He patiently discussed and strategized about my future plans and aspirations. He listened with an attentive ear to all my concerns and had a profound impact on me,” says Mohammed. Describing Dr. Singh as a man of many talents, Mohammed remembers that he was always moved by Dr. Singh’s rousing speeches that challenged the listeners to dream big. Dr. Singh’s demeanor and zeal have proven to be motivating factors for Mohammed; factors that he holds dear to his heart.

FACULTY Speaks Jaipuria Jaipur

“My experience in Jaipuria Jaipur is that, if you are enthused enough you will be rewarded with captivated attention in class.”

What does it take to turn a dream into a reality?
Patience – in building it brick-by-brick?
Perseverance – to not give up even in the most trying times?
Or plain simple luck – that sits unswervingly on the shoulders of the chosen few?
“Passion,” answers Professor Swati Soni, without blinking.
Exactly 6 years ago, in June 2006, the Jaipur campus of Jaipuria Institute of Management came into existence. But ‘existing’ and ‘living’ are two different things. Jaipuria Institute of Management Jaipur needed to grow into a campus throbbing with life… with knowledge coursing through its veins. The onus of making this happen lay squarely on the shoulders of a chosen few. Professor Soni happened to be one of them.
“We were just 2-3 faculty members back then at Jaipuria Institute of Management Jaipur. But we were well aware of our responsibilities. There were students to be groomed; managers of the future to be prepared at Jaipuria Institute of Management Jaipur. We would reach home dead tired after the day’s work, but with the morning sun, rose with even greater enthusiasm than before.”
It is this passion for her work… passion for what JaipuriaInstitute of Management Jaipur stands for – and delivers year after year – that transforms Professor Swati Soni’s classes intoa ‘cannot-miss’ experience.
“Teaching to me is more of art than science; and the emancipation of any art lies in passion. Case-studies, role plays, PPT’s, discussions, lectures… I leave no pedagogical tool unexplored in my classes. My experience in Jaipuria Institute of Management Jaipur is that if you are enthused enough, you will be rewarded with captivated attention in your class. I constantly monitor the feedback… look for signs of even the slightest bit of doubt in my class. I try to infuse new levels of creativity, inspiration and inquisitiveness in the teaching-learning process. Subjects like Marketing Management, Marketing of Services and Brand Management are actually limitless; it is we who create the boundaries and set the rules.”
It is this drive that helps Professor Soni don many hats, including the central role of the Programme Chairperson of Jaipuria Institute of Management Jaipur. Everything from scheduling, liaising with visiting faculty, communicating with students and their parents, and managing student affairs – right from Induction till the Convocation- come under her purview.
“The Programme Chairperson’s job can only be done if you really love it. That is the only way you can be responsive to all stakeholders. It is great being a part of the Jaipuria Institute of Management Jaipurfraternity, and I enjoy knowing every new person who joins itpersonally.”
The sense of pride and satisfaction that springs from her career reflects in her work-life balance.
“I owe my achievements as much to my wonderfully responsive daughter, as I do to my Director and Management, and the excellent rapport with colleagues that helps me collaborate and seek help when needed. I love to cook, meet people and help kids in my neighbourhood with the specific problems relating to their studies, especially their project work at school. My evenings are engaged with kids, including my daughter.”
She advises the incoming batches of Jaipuria Institute of Management Jaipur to befriend books.
“Read more, observe more and be sensitive to the people around you. Integrity coupled with right attitude will help you sail through happily!”

FACULTY Speaks Jaipuria Lucknow

“Curriculum And Mode Of Delivery At Jaipuria Lucknow Rests On The Four Pillars Of Knowledge, Application, Discipline And Learning habit.” – says, Professor Dheeraj Misra, Dean, Jaipuria Lucknow.

“At Jaipuria Lucknow we strongly believe that teachers become great if they are able to put complicated theory into simple layman’s language, so that every student can understand and learn. Degrees and diplomas mean nothing if you are unable to translate knowledge into easy-to-understand-and-assimilate information.”
These are wise words from Professor Dheeraj Misra, who knows this first hand; after all, as the Dean of Jaipuria Lucknow; he leads the largest PhD faculty anywhere in the country. Professor Misra’s views on teaching methods and techniques have been developed over a career spanning 20 years.
An academician ‘by design and not by default’, Professor Misra developed a keen interest in teaching while he was still a graduate student of Economics. Once he was awarded a First Class in his graduation, the doorways to being an academician opened automatically for him, one after the other.
“In general terms, most teachers go for their Doctorate after having accumulated quite a lengthy teaching experience. For me it was the other way round. Since I had decided to be a teacher very early in my life, I completed my PhD in Economics from IIT Kanpur before joining the world of academia.”
Professor Misra points out that the curriculum and mode of delivery at Jaipuria Lucknow rests on the four pillars of knowledge, application, discipline and learning habit. By the end of their two years in Jaipuria Lucknow, every student should be able to answer these all-important questions: What is your objective? What are the best methods to achieve them? And where is the chance of failure the least?
“To achieve this, students of Jaipuria Lucknow are given an in-depth understanding of the nature of industry and its issues. They are then expected to chalk out the business strategy and see how the strategy can best be applied. The nature of each problem is different. One should first understand the issues and only then can one apply the concepts.”
Professor Misra elaborates that the faculty at Jaipuria Lucknow is especially skilled at gauging the abilities of a student, and guide him or her accordingly.
“You cannot fit a square peg in a round hole. If a student is unable to grasp the technicalities of statistics and is not good with numbers, there is not much point for the student to get into Finance.”
It is with this objective that Jaipuria Lucknow conducts a survey every trimester, wherein a student is required to assess his overall progress on managerial qualities, and the level of self-development achieved in the duration.
“Our aim is that students at Jaipuria Lucknow enjoy themselves while learning, and develop these characteristics along the way.”
At the beginning of every course Professor Misra gives a course outline to ensure that each subject has a different curriculum and that overlapping subjects/ topics are not repeated. At the end of each month the progress of the curriculum is monitored and, if required, modified for the benefit of the students of Jaipuria Lucknow. Clearly, Professor Misra is one of those rare deans who believes that a student’s time is as important as a lecturer’s or Director’s. This is what has earned him immense respect across the board in Jaipuria Lucknow.

Jaipuria Lucknow STUDENT Speaks

Defni Prasad from Jaipuria Lucknow – "One day I’m a volunteer at an IIC Conference"

Defni Prasad – “One day I’m a volunteer at an IIC Conference, & the next day I’m teaching underprivilleged kids; It can be so uniquely across-the-spectrum.”

For most of us, ‘Leadership’ is a long trudge through life, a code that needs to be cracked… the final destination that is achieved in pursuit of excellence. For most of us, ‘Leadership’ is equated by the greyness in our hair, and is often confused with experience. Not for Defni Prasad. Defni is one of those gifted few, who are recognized straightaway as born leaders. They ascend to prominence without breaking a sweat, on the basis of their natural charm, a flair for communication, and the ability to work smart.
“Deciding to commit to an MBA course meant choosing a career in management. But once that was done, Jaipuria Institute of Management Lucknow was my first choice. It was in fact, the first management institute where I had given an interview and luckily, I cracked it! I had heard a lot about Jaipuria Lucknow. But my brother’s friend, an alumnus of Jaipuria Lucknow, opined that Jaipuria Lucknow would be just the place for me as it laid stress on good grooming and gave its students ample opportunities to showcase their talent.”
Defni is the class representative of her batch at Jaipuria Lucknow. While this would be considered an accomplishment by the parents of most of the students in Jaipuria Lucknow, people who know Defni Prasad think it is quite natural for her. For this girl from Jhansi, academics and extra-curricular activities have always walked hand-in-hand. Right from her school days, Defni had excelled in competitions ranging from one-act plays and singing to debates, elocutions and seminars. Not only was Dephni the College Captain, but shehad graduated with the second highest grade in her college – over 70%.
“Organising events in school or college was small-scale work; doing the same in Jaipuria Lucknow is a different ball-game altogether. It brought out from within me the best management skills – those that I never knew I possessed. Most of the events in Jaipuria Lucknow are student-driven, right down to bringing in the sponsorship. The thrill of ‘fixing a deal’, the taste of the real business world, the tactics and strategy required to ensure a ‘buy-in’, all happens because Jaipuria Lucknow trusts its students and its pedagogical philosophy.”
Apart from being a part of the sponsorship team, faculty members have elected her to the student affairs committee, which manages all the events within the Jaipuria Lucknow campus. Having tasted action, Defni now wants more of it! She is targeting a Marketing profile with a major corporate house, and after 5 years of having learnt the ropes, she intends starting her own venture.
“One day I’m a volunteer, helping organize Jaipuria Lucknow’s flagship event – the Independence, Integration and Co-creation (IIC) conference, and the very next day I’m with the Udaan team, teaching underprivileged children. That is the beauty of Jaipuria Lucknow; it can be so uniquely across-the-spectrum.”

Jaipuria Lucknow STUDENT Speaks

Defni Prasad from Jaipuria Lucknow – "One day I’m a volunteer at an IIC Conference"

Defni Prasad – “One day I’m a volunteer at an IIC Conference, & the next day I’m teaching underprivilleged kids; It can be so uniquely across-the-spectrum.”

For most of us, ‘Leadership’ is a long trudge through life, a code that needs to be cracked… the final destination that is achieved in pursuit of excellence. For most of us, ‘Leadership’ is equated by the greyness in our hair, and is often confused with experience. Not for Defni Prasad. Defni is one of those gifted few, who are recognized straightaway as born leaders. They ascend to prominence without breaking a sweat, on the basis of their natural charm, a flair for communication, and the ability to work smart.
“Deciding to commit to an MBA course meant choosing a career in management. But once that was done, Jaipuria Institute of Management Lucknow was my first choice. It was in fact, the first management institute where I had given an interview and luckily, I cracked it! I had heard a lot about Jaipuria Lucknow. But my brother’s friend, an alumnus of Jaipuria Lucknow, opined that Jaipuria Lucknow would be just the place for me as it laid stress on good grooming and gave its students ample opportunities to showcase their talent.”
Defni is the class representative of her batch at Jaipuria Lucknow. While this would be considered an accomplishment by the parents of most of the students in Jaipuria Lucknow, people who know Defni Prasad think it is quite natural for her. For this girl from Jhansi, academics and extra-curricular activities have always walked hand-in-hand. Right from her school days, Defni had excelled in competitions ranging from one-act plays and singing to debates, elocutions and seminars. Not only was Dephni the College Captain, but shehad graduated with the second highest grade in her college – over 70%.
“Organising events in school or college was small-scale work; doing the same in Jaipuria Lucknow is a different ball-game altogether. It brought out from within me the best management skills – those that I never knew I possessed. Most of the events in Jaipuria Lucknow are student-driven, right down to bringing in the sponsorship. The thrill of ‘fixing a deal’, the taste of the real business world, the tactics and strategy required to ensure a ‘buy-in’, all happens because Jaipuria Lucknow trusts its students and its pedagogical philosophy.”
Apart from being a part of the sponsorship team, faculty members have elected her to the student affairs committee, which manages all the events within the Jaipuria Lucknow campus. Having tasted action, Defni now wants more of it! She is targeting a Marketing profile with a major corporate house, and after 5 years of having learnt the ropes, she intends starting her own venture.
“One day I’m a volunteer, helping organize Jaipuria Lucknow’s flagship event – the Independence, Integration and Co-creation (IIC) conference, and the very next day I’m with the Udaan team, teaching underprivileged children. That is the beauty of Jaipuria Lucknow; it can be so uniquely across-the-spectrum.”

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