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FACULTY Speaks Jaipuria Lucknow

Management by intuition is not enough anymore, you need to know your numbers.”

When a professional leaves the security of a government job to shift into academics, he does so only because he is truly dedicated to teaching and learning. Dr. Masood H. Siddiqui quit his job as statistical officer for the UP government after three years of service. He believed he was better suited to the calling of a teacher.
In 2005, Dr. Siddiqui joined Jaipuria Institute of Management, Lucknow. He now has 13 years of teaching experience in Quantitative Analysis, Operations Research, Research Methodology and Data Analysis behind him. Dr. Siddiqui’s approach to the course is completely aligned with business and industry. While teaching at Jaipuria Lucknow, Dr. Siddiqui realised that courses like decision-science are not very popular among the students because they are perceived as complex and mathematical. He decided to evolve a methodology to make the course more acceptable and student-friendly without diluting its content. As he puts it, “The objective has been to develop the conceptual clarity and understanding for objective decision-making without making it complex.”
Dr. Siddiqui also identified that these courses were seen as non-core management courses and not very useful in dealing with real business situations. He says, “These complexities and dogmatism have distanced the students and future managers from these subjects and they are opting out of such courses in almost all management institutes, including the top-ranking ones.” This trend, however, is creating gaps in the globalised world of business. The competition is tough and management by intuition is no longer enough. He thinks “A need is being felt for ‘numbers’ to support intuitions and some enhanced analytical and logical tools to support the decisions being made.”
He points out another change in the environment – knowledge process outsourcing – that makes it necessary for students to build these competencies. The objective of the decision science courses is to understand the environment surrounding the problem, to figure out what the problem really is, analyze the available courses of action and choose the best one available.
Uncertainty in the business scenario makes the task of choosing the appropriate solution difficult. Dr. Siddiqui has turned this problem into a solution for the students.  He shifted the focus from theory, statistical tools and concepts to the quest for answers to the questions that were raised! “We managed to change the very nature of questions arising in the minds of the students and successfully imparted rational answers to those questions. Hence the curiosity in the students’ minds was logically addressed.”
The students have appreciated the innovative teaching method and Dr. Siddiqui is reveling in the success. His only wish is to continue to inspire generations of students with the subjects he loves.

Jaipuria Indore STUDENT Speaks

Geet Malhotra, Jaipuria Indore 2011-13 Batch – “Jaipuria Indore is a wonderful management institute which focuses on one’s overall development to make one professional and presentable”

When it comes to communication skills, Geet Malhotra is second to none; not just in the Jaipuria Institute of Management fraternity, but in the entire city of Indore. In the past, Geet has worked with leading Radio Channels of the Times Group and Dainik Bhaskar Group. More recently, after joining Jaipuria Indore, Geet was the winner of the Campus Jockey Hunt of MyFM 94.3, held in November 2011. Clearly, Geet is hardly ever at a loss for words; but ask him to describe his experience at Jaipuria Institute of Management, Indore and you find him tongue-tied. This is not because he has nothing to say, but because he hardly knows where to begin.
“The experience of staying in Jaipuria Indore is actually beyond words. You can only understand the value of life in Jaipuria Indore if you stay here, with the beautiful landscape all around. It’s a fully-residential campus, and living here 24 x 7 with friends, studying and enjoying all the passions of life is absolutely fantastic.”
An Indore-bred boy, Geet Malhotra is a Commerce graduate from the Renaissance College of Commerce and Management, Indore. He is a trained tabla artist and writes, composes and sings his own songs as well.
“Jaipuria Indore is a wonderful management institute, which focuses on one’s overall development to make one professional and presentable. There is immense scope for extra-curricular activities within the campus. Before joining Jaipuria Indore, I had worked as a core team organiser in Ganga Avtaran, an event organised by the Paridhi Art Group in association with the Uttarakhand government. I was able to build on my organisational skills in Jaipuria Indore by being an organiser for the ENCORE 2 Fest and the National Business Olympiad at Jaipuria Indore. Over and above this, I was also the main event coordinator for the student exchange programme across all four campuses of Jaipuria Institute of Management, called MILAN.”
Geet’s exposure to organising large-scale events at Jaipuria Indore came very handy during his summer internship with Zeeco Media Private Limited, where, as the supervisor of an 18-member team, he successfully organised Gulli Premier League in the NCR region. This widely acclaimed event was sponsored by RadioCity 91.1 FM.
Geet Malhotra, who is currently specialising in Marketing at Jaipuria Indore, is looking forward to a career that harnesses his creative as well as organisational skills.

Jaipuria Indore STUDENT Speaks

My experience with Jaipuria has been priceless

My name is Pratham Inani. I was born in Indore and spent 23 years of excitement and learning in this city. For graduation, I did my Bachelor of Engineering from SVCE Indore and alongside that, I was working as Administrator and Manager of “myMO” News and Web-Solutions. Through this experience, I gained three-and-a-half years of experience in education as well as the corporate world. After graduating, I realised that I was born to be a manager and that made me opt for a career in Management; I decided to do PGDM and took HR and Marketing as my Major subjects.
Having some past experience of working in an organisation gave me the signal that I was meant to be a Manager, as I used to do all the work which was done by a Marketing Manager and HR Manager. In a sense, the company gave me the confidence to shift from a technical background to management.
I came to Jaipuria Institute of Management with a dream to learn and to grab knowledge wherever I could get it. My first statement to our professor, Mr. Kanak Gupta was that I wanted to be a manager through practical knowledge and not only through book learning. One year of experience in Jaipuria confirmed my belief that I had picked the right college. College gave me multiple opportunities to prove myself and gave me the chance to improve my skills.
Being in Jaipuria, I got a chance to work in DCB Bank Ltd. as a Summer Intern. My internship was in the field of HR – Recruitments in the city of dreams, Mumbai. The DCB internship was the experience of a lifetime, as it showed me a new aspect of the corporate world. Time management, resource management and professionalism were just some of the basic lessons I learnt through my internship. Apart from these, I observed and learned all the basic HR practices which are used practically in the HR department of a bank.
My project was based on modules and each module focused on a different area. I handled three modules, which were based on Web Designing, Social Media Presence and Daily Assignments of the Recruitment team of a Bank. I successfully completed and submitted each of these Modules and they were appreciated and implemented by DCB Bank.
I completed 60 days of my SIP with valuable contribution and guidance from my Faculty Mentor – Prof. Kanak Gupta, Industry Mentor and Project Guide- Ms. Hamsaz Vasunia (GVP – Human Resource) and Ms. Ashu Sawhney (Head – Recruitments). The full Recruitment team, which included Kamakshi, Alen, Tarana, Priya and Shivendu  also added to the excitement and dynamism of the experience.
The SIP was the best experience I have had in my growing years and it wouldn’t have been possible without the efforts of all the working members of the Jaipuria team. I give serious thanks to the Jaipuria Institute of Management for giving me another opportunity to work in a corporate and add to my basket of my skill-sets.
To date, my experience with Jaipuria has been priceless and today I feel confident that in choosing the Jaipuria Institute, I have set out on the path to a successful future.

Jaipuria Lucknow STUDENT Speaks

Bank of India internship proves enlightening for Jaipuria Lucknow’s Bhoomika Agrawal.

A seven-week summer internship with Bank of India proved to be an educational experience for Jaipuria Institute of Management, Lucknow student Bhoomika Agrawal.
“I learned how practical implementation is entirely different from the theoretical fundamentals,” she said. “It made me realize the importance of meeting targets on time and proving your credibility in the corporate world. The whole staff and officers at Bank Of India were very helpful and co-operative.”
During her internship, she worked on a project involving the comparison of products and services in the banking industry and Bank of India’s customer satisfaction.
She was also actively involved in deposit mobilisation campaigns organised by the Bank of India in most of its branches in Lucknow. As she says,  “I opened about 100 accounts per day on average, with two other marketing officers.”
The internship also instilled a new respect for the banking industry in Bhoomika.
“The work culture is very good and the conducive atmosphere made me feel at peace while working. It has instilled in me a strong desire to join a bank or for that matter,  any reputed firm with a good work culture.”
In particular, she cited Jaipuria’s “highly functional and active placement cell” which she said helps students to achieve their dream jobs.
“Overall,” said Bhoomika, “the placement process is very fair and gives equal opportunity to every student to attain his or her ultimate objective. The preparation process sets up every student to excel in the corporate world by enhancing our communication skills, strengthening our forte and overcoming our weaknesses. Individual attention is given to every student and everyone’s needs are catered to.”
An all-round student, she excels both academically and in athletics. Her hard work had finally paid of when she was awarded a scholarship of Rs. 75,000/- by Jaipuria Institute of Management, Lucknow for securing 98.9 per cent in MAT 2011. Her string of achievements continues till date. She qualified in the GATE entrance exam with 89.2 per cent; was a Merit Holder for securing second position in B. Tech. Food Technology; got fifth position on National Science Day (2010) for her poster presentation. In the field of sports she was placed ninth in the 3.5 km cross- country race (University Athletics Meet, 2009). Bhoomika has bee actively involved in organising the Interdependence, Integration and Co-creation conference.
She also appreciates all the support she got from Jaipuria Institute of Management, Lucknow. “The best thing about Jaipuria is its ever-helpful and highly-qualified faculty members,” she said. “I enjoy being in Jaipuria because of the immense support I receive from my friends and peers.”
She continued in the same vein,  “Because of Jaipuria, I have enhanced my analytical, technical and communication abilities and since the institute has a good brand image and reputation, I hope to receive a good job in the future.”
Life at the Jaipuria Lucknow campus is enlivening, said Bhoomika, “all filled with fun, life, events and lots of study as well. Overall, it feels good to be a part of this college.”

Blog Jaipuria Indore

Future Corporate houses to be powered by future managers from Jaipuria Indore.

Jaipuria Indore has already made itself well-known as the first B-school in South-East Asia to provide its students a completely digital business management education. Now, in yet another interesting move, it has announced the‘Young Enterprise Mentorship Programme’ or YEMP-CHISEL. As is suggested by the word ‘Chisel’, this programme will help chisel Small and Medium sized companies into corporate houses of the near future. The programme is all set to begin in the first week of September.
“An internship is single-dimensional – a project decided by the corporate house or a task to be fulfilled. But YEMP-CHISEL will be two-way traffic, where students will be equal participants in the decision-making process of a company,” says Kanak Gupta, one of the three faculty members of Jaipuria Indorespearheading the programme.
On the 1st of September 2012, students of Jaipuria Indorewill be organised intogroups of three and will begin a 20-month long association with selectedstart-up companies. The programme will encourage these student groups to act as ‘catalysts’ in the growth of their respective companies. Each group of students will be mentored by a faculty member from Jaipuria Indore for the entire duration. In the first week of the YEMP-CHISEL programme, these ‘catalysts’ will visit their respective YEMPees – as these enterprises are fondly called – and study their business philosophy, model and practices. Based on this feedback, the ‘catalysts’ will then create a roadmap to take their YEMPee to the next level. This roadmap will then be discussed with key members of the concerned company in October. In the beginning of November, these teams will take a viva, submit a project report and make a full-fledged ‘strategy and perspective’ presentation. The YEMPee concerned will be a part of the evaluating process, along with the Director and programme heads of Jaipuria Indore.
“This is absolutely amazing! I had never imagined I’d be a part of transforming a company while studying in a B-school!” says Shravanti from the 2011-13 batch of Jaipuria Indore.
“It is not a training exercise. This is the real deal,” says Jagdish Prabhat, one of the faculty members of Jaipuria Indore heading the programme. “All the faculty members have been engaged as mentors. Progress will be reported every two months, with a review of the work of the catalyst teams by the Director, the programme heads and the YEMPee management. If we are to make managers who will change the face of the Indian economy, we have to do it right now and right here.”
It is hoped that by developing a relationship early on with these future corporate houses, Jaipuria Indore will ensure that its students have a bright and promising future.

Blog Jaipuria Jaipur Jaipuria Jaipur Whats New

“An empowered employee gives his best"

Mr. Paritosh Vaishnav, Senior Executive (Human Resources) Gravita (India) Ltd., a leader in the lead battery business, delivered a guest lecture on ‘Managing Global Teams’ to second year students of Jaipuria Institute of Management, Jaipur on February 3rd, 2012. When asked about getting the best out of an employee he said, “An empowered employee is a responsible employee who gives his best. Rewards are just the consequence.” Since Gravita is an MNC, he spoke about managing teams in Nigeria, South Africa, Europe, and USA,and also discussed cross-cultural issueslike traditions, communication, dress, food, languages, and different greeting styles.He also touched upon the legal, environmental and social aspects of business in different areas. The discussion concluded with a comparison of workforce expectations from Asia, South Africa, Europe and America.
Gravita (India) Ltd came to Jaipuria Jaipur for recruitment two years back and is expected to make a visit in the near future as well.

Blog Jaipuria Lucknow Jaipuria Lucknow Whats New

Industrial tour to Tata Motors for Jaipuria Lucknow students.

Students of the regular PGDM, PGDM – Financial Services and PGDM – Retail Management courses of Jaipuria Lucknow visited the Tata Motors Plant at Chinhat, Lucknow, for the 7th consecutive year. As a part of their industrial interface programme, the would-be managers at Jaipuria Lucknow took management tips from professionals at Tata Motors and observed the globally acclaimed corporate manufacturing practices of Tata Motors.
The youngsters from Jaipuria Lucknow were shown all the action in the Chinhat plant, from production plans for the day, stock and raw materials storage and movement and inventory control, to supply chain management. The heads of various departments briefed the students from Jaipuria Lucknow and answered their questions patiently. The future managers were also exposed to the world-renowned Tata Motors methodology of Lean Production i.e. procurement of raw materials in small lots from nearby vendors.
“As an HR student, for me the most interesting part of the visit was talking to HR executives of the Chinhat plant about the challenges of labour allocation at various work stations, issues-resolution in the huge plant, best manufacturing practices and safety measures adopted during the production run,” says Harsha Mishra, a second year student.
During the visit, the Jaipuria students also had the opportunity to interact with the top management of Tata Motors, Lucknow, on the factory floor. The entire initiative, led by Professor Vinod Kumar Chib from the Operations Management department of Jaipuria Lucknow, was quite successful.
Over these seven years of association, the bond between the Chinhat Plant of Tata Motors and Jaipuria Lucknow has become stronger. Senior managers from Tata Motors visit the Jaipuria Lucknow campus to interact with the students and faculty on a regular basis, with the most recent visit being that of Mr. Tribhuvan Kumar, AGM. Mr. C. V. Singh, Executive Vice President (Operations) often finds time to come to Jaipuria Lucknow and share his experiences in the Lucknow plant as well as his earlier experiences in Tata-Daewoo Motors Limited, Korea. Mr. Alok Saxena, Plant in-charge, Lucknow, has also inspired students of Jaipuria Lucknow through his visits and conversations.
It is expected that students of Jaipuria Lucknow will continue benefiting from the wisdom of Tata Motors professionals, and be inspired to do well in their corporate careers.

Blog Jaipuria Lucknow Jaipuria Lucknow Whats New

Industrial tour to Tata Motors for Jaipuria Lucknow students.

Students of the regular PGDM, PGDM – Financial Services and PGDM – Retail Management courses of Jaipuria Lucknow visited the Tata Motors Plant at Chinhat, Lucknow, for the 7th consecutive year. As a part of their industrial interface programme, the would-be managers at Jaipuria Lucknow took management tips from professionals at Tata Motors and observed the globally acclaimed corporate manufacturing practices of Tata Motors.
The youngsters from Jaipuria Lucknow were shown all the action in the Chinhat plant, from production plans for the day, stock and raw materials storage and movement and inventory control, to supply chain management. The heads of various departments briefed the students from Jaipuria Lucknow and answered their questions patiently. The future managers were also exposed to the world-renowned Tata Motors methodology of Lean Production i.e. procurement of raw materials in small lots from nearby vendors.
“As an HR student, for me the most interesting part of the visit was talking to HR executives of the Chinhat plant about the challenges of labour allocation at various work stations, issues-resolution in the huge plant, best manufacturing practices and safety measures adopted during the production run,” says Harsha Mishra, a second year student.
During the visit, the Jaipuria students also had the opportunity to interact with the top management of Tata Motors, Lucknow, on the factory floor. The entire initiative, led by Professor Vinod Kumar Chib from the Operations Management department of Jaipuria Lucknow, was quite successful.
Over these seven years of association, the bond between the Chinhat Plant of Tata Motors and Jaipuria Lucknow has become stronger. Senior managers from Tata Motors visit the Jaipuria Lucknow campus to interact with the students and faculty on a regular basis, with the most recent visit being that of Mr. Tribhuvan Kumar, AGM. Mr. C. V. Singh, Executive Vice President (Operations) often finds time to come to Jaipuria Lucknow and share his experiences in the Lucknow plant as well as his earlier experiences in Tata-Daewoo Motors Limited, Korea. Mr. Alok Saxena, Plant in-charge, Lucknow, has also inspired students of Jaipuria Lucknow through his visits and conversations.
It is expected that students of Jaipuria Lucknow will continue benefiting from the wisdom of Tata Motors professionals, and be inspired to do well in their corporate careers.

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