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FACULTY Speaks Jaipuria Indore

Teaching is a passion for Prof. Kushwaha of Jaipuria Indore

Teaching is a passion for Jaipuria Institute of Management, Indore’s Assistant Professor, Pooja S. Kushwaha.

“I have selected this career not by chance – I love teaching,” she says, and that love of teaching translates into active classroom sessions. “My teaching philosophy emphasises active student participation in learning through the support and development of significant and innovative thinking skills. Students are encouraged to be actively involved in my class, discussing concepts, exercises and problems. It is essential, especially in IT, for students to construct their own knowledge and build upon prior information by actively questioning previous knowledge and developing new concepts.”

Prof. Kushwaha says, “To accomplish classroom participation from students in my class, I utilise a variety of teaching strategies to facilitate learning for different types of students. I introduce more real-life applications that increase the students’ interest and specifically address why the material is relevant.”

She carries her passion for teaching beyond the classroom walls, organising many student seminars on various IT-related topics like working efficiently on MS Excel, role of database management software for business and SAS.

“These seminars helped a number of students at the time of final and summer placements,” she said. “These basic IT skills make them more employable.”

Above and beyond her classroom duties, Prof. Kushwaha works for Jaipuria Institute of Management’s admissions department and carries out institutional collaboration for different MBA examination bodies such as CAT, MAT, XAT, ATMA, and CMAT. She also serves as the Information Technology Area Chair and takes care of the girls’ hostel and mess.

She has behind her nine years of teaching experience in academics and research in the area of business intelligence, knowledge management, database management systems and enterprise resource planning.

Prof. Kushwaha is also a published author, with a number of magazine articles, web articles and research papers published and presented in various national and international conferences to her credit.

Even her spare time is devoted to her career. “I love to Google search on different topics related to the latest happenings in information technology,” she says. “I love reading books and I am also devoting my time to research.”

As for her experience at Jaipuria Institute of Management, Indore, she says the institute’s polices are very favorable to employees. “As a faculty member, Jaipuria gives me lots of opportunities to grow as an academician as well as a researcher. I am very thankful to Jaipuria.”

Blog Jaipuria Indore

“Industry Interface through Chisel allows students to put their classroom learning to the test with practical experience.”

Jaipuria Institute of Management enthusiastically motivates its students to engage in activities that give them a strong grounding for their skills and knowledge that can be applied to their respective corporate life in the future. For those students who participated in the Young Enterprise Mentorship Program (Chisel) Programme believed it to be an “excellent learning experience”.

Under the Chisel program, students interact directly with industry, working on live projects for about 15 days per trimester along with peer, industry and faculty mentors.

This direct hands-on experience in industry allows students to put their classroom learning to the test with practical experience, helping turn them into management professionals.

Pooja Tripathi said her time spent at Phinnacle Investment helped her a lot “in terms of communicating professionally and expressing yourself in a confident manner. I experienced the practical corporate scenario and work- life balance in which I had to manage my academics with my project under Chisel.”

Doing his Young Enterprise Mentorship project at Splash India, a human relations consulting firm was “a very practical and learning-based experience,” said NishchayJamwale.

“The most important thing which I learned during the complete course is that it is very important for any organization to have all the processes in place and they should be transparently shared with the employees.”

Assigned a company to work with Jamwale said: “I was involved in conducting motivational workshops for the employees and introducing the concept of fun at work.

“I conducted a lot of games and activities at the work place,” he said. “This got a very positive response from all the employees. I also conducted a small survey on employee satisfaction within the company.”

As for his mentor at Splash India, Ruchi Bhasin, he found her to be helpful, supportive and “a very dynamic personality with a vast experience in the industry. The vision she has about the company and employees is amazing.”

If there were one thing he would change about the YEMP program it would be the name. “I would change the name of the program to Young Entrepreneurship Training Program,” said Jamwale, “because the perception and expectations from the company become very high when they listen to the name mentorship.”

Seemanchal Dagra’s industry interface experience took him to Packaging Bazaar, a company dealing with industrial, commercial and household packaging needs.

From his mentor at the company, Subhash Chaturvedi, an entrepreneur in the Indore area, he says he learned a lot about entrepreneurship.

“Working with this company,” said Dagra, “I learned a lot – like public relations, being alert always about the field of business, being always creative and trying to fulfil the objective of the company.”

YEMP Chisel initiative has given the Jaipuria Indore students a foundation to understand and analyse the corporate life

Blog Jaipuria Indore

“Industry Interface through Chisel allows students to put their classroom learning to the test with practical experience.”

Jaipuria Institute of Management enthusiastically motivates its students to engage in activities that give them a strong grounding for their skills and knowledge that can be applied to their respective corporate life in the future. For those students who participated in the Young Enterprise Mentorship Program (Chisel) Programme believed it to be an “excellent learning experience”.

Under the Chisel program, students interact directly with industry, working on live projects for about 15 days per trimester along with peer, industry and faculty mentors.

This direct hands-on experience in industry allows students to put their classroom learning to the test with practical experience, helping turn them into management professionals.

Pooja Tripathi said her time spent at Phinnacle Investment helped her a lot “in terms of communicating professionally and expressing yourself in a confident manner. I experienced the practical corporate scenario and work- life balance in which I had to manage my academics with my project under Chisel.”

Doing his Young Enterprise Mentorship project at Splash India, a human relations consulting firm was “a very practical and learning-based experience,” said NishchayJamwale.

“The most important thing which I learned during the complete course is that it is very important for any organization to have all the processes in place and they should be transparently shared with the employees.”

Assigned a company to work with Jamwale said: “I was involved in conducting motivational workshops for the employees and introducing the concept of fun at work.

“I conducted a lot of games and activities at the work place,” he said. “This got a very positive response from all the employees. I also conducted a small survey on employee satisfaction within the company.”

As for his mentor at Splash India, Ruchi Bhasin, he found her to be helpful, supportive and “a very dynamic personality with a vast experience in the industry. The vision she has about the company and employees is amazing.”

If there were one thing he would change about the YEMP program it would be the name. “I would change the name of the program to Young Entrepreneurship Training Program,” said Jamwale, “because the perception and expectations from the company become very high when they listen to the name mentorship.”

Seemanchal Dagra’s industry interface experience took him to Packaging Bazaar, a company dealing with industrial, commercial and household packaging needs.

From his mentor at the company, Subhash Chaturvedi, an entrepreneur in the Indore area, he says he learned a lot about entrepreneurship.

“Working with this company,” said Dagra, “I learned a lot – like public relations, being alert always about the field of business, being always creative and trying to fulfil the objective of the company.”

YEMP Chisel initiative has given the Jaipuria Indore students a foundation to understand and analyse the corporate life

Jaipuria Jaipur STUDENT Speaks

“Jaipuria is a platform for world class education & training” says Yateesh Wahaal

Yateesh Wahaal, who belongs to the second batch of Jaipuria Noida, is a man with several achievements under his belt. . An electronics and communication engineer by profession, he holds an MBA with a specialisation in Finance and Marketing. Jaipuria Noida introduced the PGDM programme after the batch of 2005-2007 graduated. He has also authored academic papers and is visiting faculty in a management school too. He is also a part of the IMT admissions committee and participates in the screening process and corporate interaction. He has always been close to academics and has done several other skill-building courses in India and abroad.

Currently, he is a Director at Pegasus International Advisory Limited, but reaching this top slot was not simple or straightforward. Pegasus is the culmination of a long journey that began with HDFC through his campus placement. From management trainee he soon jumped to the position of executive assistant to MD with Haier Appliances India Pvt. Ltd. This was a huge learning experience for him, especially in terms of the Chinese way of working. This job also gave him the opportunity to sit in on all core meetings, helping him understand strategy and research closely. His academic orientation and the papers he had written supported him in acquiring and then delivering on this job. He was able to bring significant insights to all situations being considered at the C-level and he made some important contributions. He moved on to work with MNCs and also did a stint in Oman.

Talking about his course at Jaipuria, he says, “I had just completed my engineering and was going to join Satyam. I had appeared for CAT but my bags were packed for Hyderabad. I was in Lucknow and my mother was with Dainik Jagran at the time. The college was new and she just walked in to have a look, was impressed and called me. I liked it too and filled up the forms. When I got through, I decided to join!” Yateesh calls it a stroke of luck and thanks his family for the support they provided.

According to Yateesh, Jaipuria provides the right platform to a student, a springboard to launch him into the working world. It’s not served on a platter and the student has to work hard and go that extra mile to make a mark in the industry. As Yateesh puts it, “If you have fire within, you will make it!”

He has now been recruiting students himself. His opinion is that it’s difficult to judge a student in the ten minutes of an interview. The written tests, group discussions and everything else adds up, but what also plays an important role is the faculty reference of a student. His advice to students is, “Networking with faculty is important, and then comes your personal conduct. The way you enter a room, take a seat, talk – everything matters! Language and communication are also deciding traits and you should work on them.” Yateesh thinks Jaipuria offers a fantastic platform and students should leverage it. It has the infrastructure and faculty to enable world-class education and training. He strongly recommends planning the future and working towards it.

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