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‘The national conference on understanding global economy for business decisions’ is a big hit with Jaipuria Jaipur students

On the 31st of August 2012, Jaipuria Institute of Management, Jaipur conducted ‘The National Conference on Understanding Global Economy for Business Decisions’. It was the culmination of 3 months of hard work and, going by the response of the faculty and students of Jaipuria Jaipur, the event was quite a success.

The event was inaugurated by Mr. Shiva Kumar, Managing Director of State Bank of Bikaner and Jaipur, followed by ‘a session with a difference’ with Professor K. Bhattacharya, former Dean of IIFT, Delhi. Professor Bhattacharya addressed the changes in the economic environment, and the corresponding changes needed in the government structure that could make India globally competitive. Interestingly, Professor Bhattacharya listed quite a few factors that indicated a halt in the world’s march towards globalisation. He spoke distinctly about the role of FDI and FII in the economic growth, and how different cultures affect an economy.

The 2nd session on ‘Global Presence and a Competitive Advantage’ was taken by Dr. Rajiv Thakur – the Director of Jaipuria Jaipur – himself. Dr. Thakur focussed on the tangible and intangible factors that can a help an organisation build a competitive advantage that could minimise risks and maximise returns.

The final session of the workshop was taken by Dr. S.P. Garg, Faculty Member – Finance, Jaipuria Jaipur. Based on his vast experience in the Banking sector, he drew a picture of the changing trends, and discussed survival techniques that would hold the future managers from Jaipuria Jaipur in good stead. He discussed the advantages of taking initiative, focussing on people, talent and culture, to maximise one’s career.

“The Workshop was undoubtedly very interactive,” commented Sagar Agarwal from the 2012-14 PGDM batch of Jaipuria Jaipur. “The concepts which we came across in the workshop will help us build a perspective. I think it will go a long way in helping us make the right decisions whenever we are confronted with a problem.”

Both the students and faculty of Jaipuria Jaipur were of the opinion that workshops such as these should be used as effective pedagogical tools.

Jaipuria Internship

Varun Khanna, Jaipuria Noida 2009 Batch – “During placements, it all boiled down to the kind of support I received from my family; and faculty, peers and mentors at Jaipuria Noida.”

When Varun Khanna entered Jaipuria Institute of Management, Noida in 2007, the world seemed at his feet. The global economy was surging ahead and India was leading the charge. It all changed with the 2008 Lehmann Brothers-led sub-prime crisis, and the global economy went into recession. Like Varun Khanna, B-school students were filled with a sense of dread about placements. Surprisingly, despite the recession, Jaipuria Noida’s placement programme began with a bang in November 2008. Varun was targeting the Analytics/ Research and Banking sectors. To his immense relief, his target companies like Grail, Essar and Deutsche Bank began making the rounds of the Jaipuria Noida campus towards the beginning of January 2009.
“After completion of quantitative aptitude test, group discussion and two rounds of personal interviews with the Vice-President Sales and HR, I cracked my first job on-campus with Deutsche Bank. The role that was being offered to me was that of an executive responsible for corporate tie-ups in a priority vertical of Deutsche Bank. I could hardly believe my luck!”
With the placement offer from Deutsche Bank, Varun’s confidence soared to a new high. At the end of his first year at Jaipuria Noida, Varun had interned with the Premier Banking Division of the global banking giant, HSBC. It was a two-month internship where he had worked on a premier vertical of HSBC’s Greater Kailash Branch in New Delhi. He had gained some insights into the working of Banks and the kind of profile that he wanted. With the Deutsche Bank offer in his pocked, Varun was able to successfully leverage his position and skills to land his dream job with the HDFC Ltd.
“I chose HDFC Ltd. over Deutsche Bank as the role offered to me at HDFC was in the field of Financial Analytics/ Research. It was the profile I wanted. It’s been more than two-and-a-half-years now and I’m now an Assistant Manager, working as a credit appraiser with HDFC. My role is that of a loan underwriter and I recommend/ approve mortgage loans based on the repayment capacity of the client. HDFC, being the largest mortgage lender in the country, has its clientele spread across India, with international offices in the Middle-East, UK and Singapore catering to our NRI clientele.”
Varun’s typical day at work includes accepting loan applications from different sales channels that source business for HDFC, and perusing, recommending and dispatching them to the central sanctioning hub. He handles 15 such people who source business for HDFC, and is also responsible for their product training, and keeping them informed of latest developments in terms of policies. The other part of his job is interacting with potential clients, understanding their capital requirements and providing them with optimal solutions. Such clients are usually HNIs or High Net Individuals. He is also responsible for developing new channels for sourcing business and exploring corporate ties with selective companies. Varun feels that his role is very holistic in nature and gives him immense exposure to all facets of banking.
“It all actually boiled down to the kind of support I received from my family; and faculty, peers and mentors at Jaipuria Noida. It’s time to reap the rewards of consistent hard work and perseverance during those two years at Jaipuria Noida. Personally, I feel very lucky to have been groomed by such a fantastic set of professors who always showed me the right path. I feel that the extra sessions at Jaipuria Noida for personality development, group discussions and personal interview sessions served us really well.”
When you have your dream job, work becomes play. That is exactly what has happened with Varun. The good news is that his work has found widespread recognition in his department at HDFC. He has recently been offered the role of Branch Head in one of HDFC’s branches in the Middle East. He is looking forward keenly to this tenure.
“My two years at Jaipuria Noida were the best years of my life. There was immense value addition to me in these years. Jaipuria Noida is unforgettable.”
When it comes to advice to his juniors at Jaipuria Institute of Management Noida, Varun chooses the words of Chetan Bhagat. ‘It’s ok to bunk a few classes, score low during exams, goof up in a few interviews, take leave from work, fall in love, etc., as we are all human beings, not programmed devices.
“So don’t be serious,” Varun concludes, “be sincere”.

Jaipuria Internship

Varun Khanna, Jaipuria Noida 2009 Batch – “During placements, it all boiled down to the kind of support I received from my family; and faculty, peers and mentors at Jaipuria Noida.”

When Varun Khanna entered Jaipuria Institute of Management, Noida in 2007, the world seemed at his feet. The global economy was surging ahead and India was leading the charge. It all changed with the 2008 Lehmann Brothers-led sub-prime crisis, and the global economy went into recession. Like Varun Khanna, B-school students were filled with a sense of dread about placements. Surprisingly, despite the recession, Jaipuria Noida’s placement programme began with a bang in November 2008. Varun was targeting the Analytics/ Research and Banking sectors. To his immense relief, his target companies like Grail, Essar and Deutsche Bank began making the rounds of the Jaipuria Noida campus towards the beginning of January 2009.
“After completion of quantitative aptitude test, group discussion and two rounds of personal interviews with the Vice-President Sales and HR, I cracked my first job on-campus with Deutsche Bank. The role that was being offered to me was that of an executive responsible for corporate tie-ups in a priority vertical of Deutsche Bank. I could hardly believe my luck!”
With the placement offer from Deutsche Bank, Varun’s confidence soared to a new high. At the end of his first year at Jaipuria Noida, Varun had interned with the Premier Banking Division of the global banking giant, HSBC. It was a two-month internship where he had worked on a premier vertical of HSBC’s Greater Kailash Branch in New Delhi. He had gained some insights into the working of Banks and the kind of profile that he wanted. With the Deutsche Bank offer in his pocked, Varun was able to successfully leverage his position and skills to land his dream job with the HDFC Ltd.
“I chose HDFC Ltd. over Deutsche Bank as the role offered to me at HDFC was in the field of Financial Analytics/ Research. It was the profile I wanted. It’s been more than two-and-a-half-years now and I’m now an Assistant Manager, working as a credit appraiser with HDFC. My role is that of a loan underwriter and I recommend/ approve mortgage loans based on the repayment capacity of the client. HDFC, being the largest mortgage lender in the country, has its clientele spread across India, with international offices in the Middle-East, UK and Singapore catering to our NRI clientele.”
Varun’s typical day at work includes accepting loan applications from different sales channels that source business for HDFC, and perusing, recommending and dispatching them to the central sanctioning hub. He handles 15 such people who source business for HDFC, and is also responsible for their product training, and keeping them informed of latest developments in terms of policies. The other part of his job is interacting with potential clients, understanding their capital requirements and providing them with optimal solutions. Such clients are usually HNIs or High Net Individuals. He is also responsible for developing new channels for sourcing business and exploring corporate ties with selective companies. Varun feels that his role is very holistic in nature and gives him immense exposure to all facets of banking.
“It all actually boiled down to the kind of support I received from my family; and faculty, peers and mentors at Jaipuria Noida. It’s time to reap the rewards of consistent hard work and perseverance during those two years at Jaipuria Noida. Personally, I feel very lucky to have been groomed by such a fantastic set of professors who always showed me the right path. I feel that the extra sessions at Jaipuria Noida for personality development, group discussions and personal interview sessions served us really well.”
When you have your dream job, work becomes play. That is exactly what has happened with Varun. The good news is that his work has found widespread recognition in his department at HDFC. He has recently been offered the role of Branch Head in one of HDFC’s branches in the Middle East. He is looking forward keenly to this tenure.
“My two years at Jaipuria Noida were the best years of my life. There was immense value addition to me in these years. Jaipuria Noida is unforgettable.”
When it comes to advice to his juniors at Jaipuria Institute of Management Noida, Varun chooses the words of Chetan Bhagat. ‘It’s ok to bunk a few classes, score low during exams, goof up in a few interviews, take leave from work, fall in love, etc., as we are all human beings, not programmed devices.
“So don’t be serious,” Varun concludes, “be sincere”.

Jaipuria Noida STUDENT Speaks

Student credits Jaipuria Noida and internship for getting her on right career path

Harshita Shukla, a student of Jaipuria Institute of Management, Noida credits her institute for the “go-getter” attitude she has acquired. As for deciding her career path, she has her internship to thank for that.

A native of Lucknow, Harshita received her Bachelor of Business Administration from National PG College in the same city, before choosing Jaipuria Noida for her post-graduate work. “I chose Jaipuria Institute of Management because the exposure that we get here is incredible,” said Shukla. She also said that the institute came highly recommended by her mentor “for the exceptional faculty that we have here and the experiential environment of education that is provided.”

It proved to be the right choice for her.

“My first year was full of learning and fun,” she said, pointing out that she secured the first rank in all three semesters “with the help of my faculty members and peers” and also won various debating competitions. “Jaipuria Institute of Management, Noida provided me with the opportunity to carry on my passion for writing and I became student editor of Verbajim, our college magazine.”

Shukla has high praise for the Jaipuria Noida faculty, citing in particular Dr. Prabhat Pankaj, who helped her decide on her specialisation – finance. Her thanks also go out to Professor Poonam Sharma. As she puts it, “They guided me in every sphere and helped me make many crucial decisions, like choosing electives, etc.”

But it was her summer internship that narrowed down the field of career choices open to her. “The internship gave me a platform to understand the real corporate world,” she said. “It not only helped me in getting a broader perspective on the corporate world, but helped me to decide the job profile I would love to work in – the area of research.”

“Jaipuria gave me a focus toward my goals and aspirations,” said Shukla.

“There was a hazy picture of what I wanted to achieve in life, but Jaipuria cleared all my doubts and gave me confidence to realise my dreams.”

Blog Jaipuria Featured Stories Jaipuria Noida Events

“Learning to be ‘Change Compliant’ in times of downturn” says Mr. N.N.Akhouri, Former Senior VP, Hero Honda Motors

The HR Conclave held at Jaipuria Institute of Management, Noida on the 25th of August 2012 saw participation from eminent leaders from the HR landscape of India. Of the 10 panelists who represented their industry in the discussion on the ‘HR Practices and Challenges During Downturn’, the one who spoke for the Automobile Industry was Mr. Narendra Nath Akhouri, who was the Senior VP, HR Management, Hero Honda Motors Ltd. during the global economic meltdown of 2008. Mr. Akhouri, a product of XLRI Jamshedpur, has had a career of more than 35 years in the HR domain, finally retiring a couple of years ago as the Group HR Head at Worlds Window Group.

Campus journalist at Jaipuria Institute of Management, Noida, Geetika Goyal found the opportunity to quiz Mr. Rathore on how the HR domain has evolved over the years, and what the expectations of industry are from future HR managers of Jaipuria Noida.

Geetika– I think your presentation on ‘HR Perspective on the Recession’ was quite an eye-opener. We also enjoyed the way you created a mathematical connection between Technical Solution, Acceptance and Overall Effectiveness. What is it that attracts you most about the HR profession?

Mr. Akhouri – It’s the sheer energy that is involved in interacting with diverse kinds of people and the different reasons that

make them click. The interesting part is that when you are interacting with people, you are never alone. It also includes recruiting from a campus like Jaipuria Institute of Management.

Geetika– Traditionally, there has been a perception that HR is a domain mainly opted for by women. Does this belief still hold good? Is this a myth?

Mr. Akhouri – To an extent it was true until a decade or so ago. Even today, an outsider might hold this view, but when you deal internally within companies, you realise that the situation is not so. Men seem to be ruling the roost when it comes to HR. The general opinion seems to be undergoing a change, though. Alternatively, a lot of women are rising to the posts of CEOs, as well as moving into Operations – something quite uncommon till a few years ago. I personally believe that the overall headcount of women in multinational companies is still far from being at par with men.

Geetika – What do you think should be the main focus of future managers from Jaipuria Noida who would like to choose a career in HR management?

Mr. Akhouri – The biggest change that you should make in yourselves is ‘be open to change’; be encouraged to face what the future has in store for you. Be in a ‘soaking’ mode. Ask questions; because asking questions is humility, but having pre-conceived answers is arrogance. Learn from nature; learn from your failure. Don’t be afraid of challenges; face them as they come. It is what we’ve all understood from the global meltdown.

Geetika – That is a lot of food for thought for us at Jaipuria Noida, Sir. I guess the only thing constant is change and as HR practitioners, we’ll have to be ready for it. We’ll have to look for those who are change-compliant, as well. Thank you so much for your insights.

Jaipuria Jaipur STUDENT Speaks

Foundation Day Celebrated at Jaipuria Jaipur

Jaipuria Institute of Management, Jaipur celebrated the sixth Foundation Day. This special day was remembered with fondness and celebrated with a small function. This year, the celebration was extra special since it was just a day after the first annual Inter-college Sports Meet organised by Jaipuria Jaipur.

The PGDM students presented a skit on the occasion, showcasing the standard of education offered by the institution. There was also a dance performance by the students. The faculty, staff and the students enjoyed both the performances and the feeling of togetherness that the celebration brought.

Thereafter, the faculty of Jaipuria Jaipur shared their own experiences at the institute. Mr. Hemant (PS to Director) said, “Bricks make a building but hard work makes a building an institution.”

A more poetic Mr. Devesh who is the account officer, expressed himself with the words “phoolon ki har kali khushboo de aapko, suraj ki har kiran roshni de aapko, hum toh kuch dene ke kaabil nahi, dene wala har khushi de aapko.”

Rakesh simply congratulated everyone and then Dr. Swati Soni (Assistant Professor) shared her experiences about the days when “we all were a big family with a visionary leader”. Prof. S.P. Garg shared his feeling of pride at being associated with one of the most visionary groups in the field of management education.

The event closed with everyone eating together and sharing their experiences at the institute. After a day of such warmth and camaraderie, the students expressed a desire to celebrate the day more meaningfully each year.

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