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Jaipuria Noida STUDENT Speaks

Anumeha Chari, Jaipuria Noida 2012-14 Batch – “I dream of a successful corporate career”

Anumeha Chari is an extremely active student who has been involved with various extra-curricular activities like athletics, poetry competitions and dramatics. She was also the head of the social service league in school and loved every minute of it. After her graduation from Kamla Raje Girls College, Gwalior, Anumeha wanted to pursue Management from one of the top MBA colleges in India. “I chose Jaipuria Noida because I found the faculty profiles very impressive, and after NAAC accreditation and improved ratings, this college promises good on-campus companies”, she explains her final decision.

Anumeha belongs to the city of Gwalior. She comes from an academic family, with her father working as Senior Scientific Officer and head of the Toxicology and Narcotics Department in the Forensic Science Laboratory of M.P state. With her mother heading the Dept. of Chemistry in Scindia Kanya Vidyalaya, a public school, Anumeha was bound to look for academic excellence. However, she is an active student with a keen interest in sports as well. She is an excellent swimmer and plays baseball and football. Surprisingly, she is also interesting in developing culinary skills and says, “I am very fond of cooking and can cook a variety of dishes from different cuisines.”

Anumeha is enjoying her time at Jaipuria, which fit the bill for her on many fronts. She specifically mentions the freshers’ party as one of her fondest memories, and goes on to include her seniors saying, “My interaction with my seniors here has been very jovial and helpful; I really enjoy their company.” Her expectation from the college is very specific to the corporate world. “As a person, I want to be better equipped to handle the challenges of the corporate world. I am looking forward to the training and education that will enable me to interact better and find my niche out there.”

Jaipuria Noida has convinced Anumeha that she will be given the exposure to several opportunities in the form of companies visiting the campus for recruitment. She is confident she will be able to bag a job matching her aspirations when she passes out. Her beliefis founded on the faculty support she has been receiving every day since she joined the college. “The faculty here is very dedicated and sincere towards both the institution and the students. I am looking forward to a course full of learning and practical experience with industry orientation.” Anumeha dreams of a successful corporate career and is steadfastly moving towards one through Jaipuria Noida.

Jaipuria Noida STUDENT Speaks

A chat with Mr. Deepak Singhal, President & CFO, Philipin Manufacturing Company, on the sidelines of Jaipuria Noida’s Finance Conclave.

Close on the heels of the HR Conclave, Jaipuria Institute of Management, Noida hosted a high-profile Finance Conclave. The conclave, organised by the Finance Club at Jaipuria Noida, was held on the 15th of September, 2012. Financial wizards from various industries were seen discussing the ‘Emerging Paradigm in the Financial Sector’, and one such was Mr. Deepak Singhal, President and CFO, Philipin Manufacturing Company. An MBA from IIM Ahmedabad and a Mechanical Engineering graduate from Birla Institute of Technology, Mr. Singhal has more than 25 years of experience in the Finance domain, with numerous success stories to his credit.

Priyanka Priya, the on-campus journalist of Jaipuria Institute of Management, Noida, caught up with Mr. Deepak Singhal.

Priyanka: Thank you for finding the time to talk to us at Jaipuria Noida. From a management student’s perspective, do you think being good with numbers is the only key to success in Finance?

Mr. Deepak Singhal: No. Being good with numbers is very important, but even more importantly, you should learn to analyse these figures and draw conclusions.

Priyanka:When we join as freshers in a management school, we have a lot of apprehensions about Finance as a subject. Do you have some words of wisdom for us? How should freshers approach Finance?

Mr. Deepak Singhal: Why should there be apprehensions? Finance is very easy; it’s not a complex subject. It is as interesting as any other subject. Just approach it with an open mind.

Priyanka: What is the current placement scenario in the Finance sector? Where does a fresher stand?

Mr. Deepak Singhal:Finance has a lot of scope, because it is an intrinsic part of every industry across the globe. A finance manager has a world of options – Accounting, Controlling, MIS, Budgeting, Treasury … the list is endless. Freshers with sound basics will automatically grow in this field.

Priyanka: Can you please amplify the last statement? What would you describe as sound basics for somebody who has landed a Finance profile in the corporate world?

Mr. Deepak Singhal: You should know your subject and responsibilities well. That is the only basis of initial success. Your domain-knowledge should be beyond doubt. With time, management skills, human skills and soft skills slowly come into play, especially at the senior and top management positions. But you have to keep on grooming yourself in that line.

Priyanka: Lastly, what would be your word of advice to students of Jaipuria Institute of Management?

Mr. Deepak Singhal: The buzzword today is ‘fresh’. Keep your mind fresh; come up with fresh ideas and innovations. Your ability to compete will take you guys a long way, but your ability to innovate will be the game-changer.

Priyanka: Thank you for your time, Sir. I hope Jaipuria Noida students get to hear you more often. You’ve been truly inspiring.

Jaipuria Jaipur STUDENT Speaks

Abhishek Soni achieves more than he set out to.

“It was on 23rd March 2012 that I got a job with TTK Prestige Ltd. as a Territory Sales Executive. After a tough selection process, just two of us got through, one from Jaipuria Institute of Management, Jaipur and the other from Jaipuria Noida. I was lucky to have made it through,” recalls Abhishek Soni, a student of the batch of 2010-2012.

After failing to clear the Group Discussion (GD) for his preferred company, Neuearth Pvt. Ltd., Soni had to put his best into the second interview. Soni remembers, “It was a hectic day and I was under pressure to perform. I did not want to fail. We started the day with the presentations at 7:30 in the morning followed by an aptitude test. Out of 45 students, only two of us made it to the post of Territory Sales Executive.”

He believes that he could not have got the job if his faculty had not helped him crack the interview. “My teachers helped me identify and hone my marketing skills to be able to make it to the retail industry,” says Soni.

Today, Soni is a confident and competent professional who has started making a mark through his hard work. He proudly remarks, “Out of a target of starting 5 franchise stores by March 2013, I have already confirmed 4. My aim now is open at least 6 by the end of December 2012.” Soni has been able to implement all the tricks of the trade he was taught at Jaipuria Jaipur.

Soni is responsible for the complete retail management of 12 stores in the Rajasthan region of north India. “My job is to explore new markets and find clients for setting up new franchise stores in the region,” explains Soni. He is constantly researching and developing new leads to identify a client. Soni also develops negotiating strategies and positions, by studying the integration of new franchise with company strategies and operations, and by examining risks and potentials.

The most challenging part of his job is to ensure that all special events, visual merchandising and branding of the stores are executed in tandem with the plan laid down by the Head Office. He also looks after POP management and vendor management. Soni explains, “Since the business is new, I cannot make a mistake. I ensure that the staff in the stores is trained, coached, mentored and provided with a good working environment. After all, they are the interface between the client and the company.” From formulating online and offline marketing strategy to revenue generation, he has tokeep a tab on all elements. Soni then has to do store visit the stores to check on whether the agreed terms and conditions are being followed.

While Soni is passionate about what he does, he has a word of caution. “We have learned in systematic way but in the real world, we have to accept some chaos. It’s like the days when we prepared for our presentations at the last moment.” He adds, “Its chaotic, but worth the challenge. I like what I do and that’s why I have been able to achieve more than was expected.”

Jaipuria Noida STUDENT Speaks

“How to soldier on in times of downturn – A chat with Mr. Anil Rathore, zonal HR Partner, north east and west, ING Vyasya

The HR Conclave held at the Jaipuria Institute of Management, Noida saw participation from eminent leaders from the HR landscape of India. Of the 10 panelists who represented their industries in unravelling the ‘HR Practices and Challenges During Downturn’, the one who spoke for the Banking industry was Mr. Anil Rathore, Zonal HR Partner, North East and West, ING Vyasya. Mr. Rathore’s career as an HR practitioner is prominently split into two halves. The first half was as a distinguished naval officer, who rose to be the Joint Director Manpower Planning & Recruitment for the Indian Navy. The second half is in the corporate world, with a major chunk belonging to ICICI Bank, where he started out as the Head of Talent Acquisition & Recruitment Service, and grew to be the Recruitment Head of North, before shifting to ING Vysya.

Campus journalist at Jaipuria Institute of Management, Noida, Priyanka Priya, found the opportunity to quiz Mr. Rathore on the future of the HR domain, and the best way forward for MBA students of Jaipuria Noida.

Priyanka: At the outset, Sir, what made you chose HR as your domain of expertise? Is it something that you chose as a career right from your college days?

Mr. Anil Rathore: Not exactly! It grew on me instinctively. As you know, the Indian Armed Forces are completely manpower intensive. I have been managing people for the last 20 years, but only for the last 6 years have I been focussing on core HR functions. I did venture out into business for some time, but I came back to HR, because I enjoyed being a ‘People’s Person’. My stint as a businessman has helped me understand the challenges of business better, and today, I obviously view HR from the business perspective as well.

Priyanka: The challenges in HR for present-day managers are often said to be very different from those that existed till about a decade ago. What qualities do you think B-school students like those at Jaipuria Noida should imbibe to be good HR professionals?

Mr. Anil Rathore: In HR, at times you have to be at the front in communicating some hard decisions, but a majority of the time you have to play the role of a friend, philosopher and guide to the employees. The HR is the department that employees in an organisation should look forward to speaking their hearts out to. Today, organisations need imaginative and creative employees on their rolls, and HR departments cannot ignore or take the feelings of an employee in a negative vein.

Priyanka: Sir, why is it that HR jobs are mostly available in metros? Do you see this environment changing? Are there any opportunities in the rural space or smaller cities?

Mr. Anil Rathore: Very few. 80% of the jobs will be at metro level, as HR is a support function and business leaders will like their support functions to be right next to their heart, for communication purposes. For example, ING Vysya will have 30 branches in metros and 2-3 branches in smaller townships. Therefore, the HR functions where the concentration is more.

Priyanka: How about the nationalised banks, who stress equally or sometimes more on the grass-root levels of the economy? Are there no opportunities in those banks for HR in smaller cities?

Mr. Anil Rathore: Yes there are. For instance, Bank of Baroda has started taking people for core HR jobs, which they call specialist recruitments. Even PNB is doing so.

Priyanka: We’ve all heard you speak about how the banking sector dealt with the global meltdown. The insight you provided was clearly based on things you observed at close quarters. What would be your message to the students of Jaipuria Institute of Management?

Mr. Anil Rathore: A very short one, really – Market Awareness. Be more aware. Don’t restrict it only to today’s session; there is enough and more available in the media today for you to keep yourself upgraded.

Priyanka: Thank you, Sir. We hope to see you more often at Jaipuria Noida, to gain from your wisdom.

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