As a part of its on-going process of keeping its student managers in tune with the times, Jaipuria Lucknow hosted a one-day workshop on RTI activism. The firebrand RTI activist Mr. Anoop Prakash Awasthi, a member of the Liberal Youth Forum of India, conducted the workshop on the 16th of October 2012.
“It is no secret that RTI has been a crucial force in bringing out all these scams in the public, private and government sectors that you see today,” Mr. Awasthi pointed out, in his introductory session. “It is a power that you students of Jaipuria Lucknow should be well aware of as future managers and leaders.”
The interest that this one-day workshop generated can be gauged by the attendance, which included almost the entire staff and faculty of Jaipuria Lucknow as well. Mr. Anoop Prakash Awasthi systematically took his audience through the entire process of structuring and filing an RTI application.
“We now know that even a common man can be an RTI activist,” said Aditi Shipra, a first year PGDM student at Jaipuria Lucknow. “The case studies presented by Mr. Awasthi were really helpful. He was able to answer our queries through his personal experiences as an RTI activist. The Right To Information Act of 2005 has empowered us and forced organisations to be transparent. We can now access the kind of information that will help us fight for our causes.”
The workshop had segments dedicated to the objectives and reasons behind this act, how it can be used as a mechanism to bring in transparency and revelation, and the concept of RTI activism. Mr. Awasthi also focused on the two ways of getting information through this act – Reactive Information and Proactive Disclosure – and how to read between the lines and put two and two together.
“The main aim of having such events is to make Jaipuria Institute of Management students aware of all that goes on inside our country’s legal framework,” observed Professor Maneesh Yadav. “So when they step out of Jaipuria they are better equipped to grow into aware managers and industry leaders.”
The question and answer session that took place after the talk ensured that this well-appreciated workshop at Jaipuria Institute of Management, Lucknow stretched way beyond its allocated duration.