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FACULTY Speaks Jaipuria Jaipur

“I do not load my students at Jaipuria Institute of Management with heavy academic inputs. I try to make sessions interesting and hassle-free for them.”

In Dr. Pradeep Kautish’s class, ‘fun while you learn’ is guaranteed. Dr. Kautish, who is a teacher of Human Resources and Organisational Behaviour at Jaipuria Institute of Management, Jaipur, is known for his lively way of teaching.

“My teaching philosophy is ‘less is more’. I do not load my students at Jaipuria Institute of Management with heavy academic inputs; I always try to make sessions interesting and hassle-free for them. Most of my effort goes into simplifying the more complex issues. I’m always on the lookout for students who are not able to understand a topic. I rely a lot on case method teaching, giving live examples through telling stories, using videos from films, advertising, short movies, documentaries, cracking management jokes at times, and making classes more participative for students.”

After doing his MBA, Dr. Kautish worked as Marketing professional with the media powerhouse, Dainik Bhaskar, for nearly three years, followed by a short stint with Dr. Reddy’s Labs. Realising his passion for teaching, he gradually moved out from the corporate domain, and began furthering his education. Apart from a Doctorate, Prof. Kautish has qualified in the National Eligibility Test (NET) for Lectureship in Management. He is also an Accredited Management Teacher (AMT) from AIMA. Dr. Kautish uses his 13 years of mixed experience in industry and academia to conduct numerous seminars and workshops in Jaipuria Jaipur. The topics for these seminars include team building, leadership, selling skills, training issues in organisations, etc. Given his varied experience, he often accompanies students of Jaipuria Jaipur on industrial visits as well.

“My favourite subjects in the classrooms of Jaipuria Institute of Management are those related to human behavior. Whether it is an individual working in organisation, or a consumer making a purchase decision, I find the process of decision-making fascinating.”

A keen researcher, Dr. Kautish has more than 20 published research papers to his credit, most recently in the International Journal of Management on Green Consumerism. Interestingly, while his teaching area is HR, his research interests also include subjects like Environmental Friendly Products and Service Quality. He is currently researching the work-life balance proposition in an organisation. In his five years with Jaipuria Jaipur, Dr. Kautish was the Admission Chair for the first three years, followed by one year as Examination Coordinator.

For the last year or so, he has been holding the chair for student welfare. “As you know, Jaipuria Institute of Management campuses are student managed. My role is simply to provide inputs to students in designing the mess menu – which is a healthy mix of tasty and nutritious food – satisfactory canteen facilities, seeking suitable vendors for quality of food, etc. It is also my mandate to help students deal with aspects of hostel life and address any issues that might arise in the hostel and other facilities.”

Dr. Pradeep Kautish is a great fan of infotainment channels like National Geographic and the History Channel. He uses a lot of his spare time watch science fiction movies.

“My tenure at Jaipuria Jaipur has been enjoyable – personally as well as professionally. The academic freedom provided by the Jaipuria Group of Institutes is of great benefit to its faculty, and ultimately to the students.”

He encourages students at Jaipuria Institute of Management to be themselves, work smart and do everything in their lives with passion, and compassion as well.

Jaipuria Jaipur Placement Update

Priyanka Khatri of Jaipuria Jaipur is working towards her dream of turning jaipur into a mega-city, in her role as relationship manager with India Bulls

At the recent farewell party for the batch of 2011-13 of Jaipuria Institute of Management, Jaipur, Priyanka Khatri easily stood out from the crowd. She was in the unique position of attending her farewell party at Jaipuria Jaipur as a full-fledged employee of India bulls Real Estate Limited. Having found in her the right fit for the profile of a Relationship Manager, the recruiters from Indiabulls wanted Priyanka to join on the 1stof March, 2013 itself.

“You see, Jaipur is projected as one of the ten mega-cities of the India of the future,” elaborates Priyanka on the reason behind this urgency on the part of Indiabulls to see her on their rolls. “While real estate companies are working overtime in an attempt to push the limits of Gurgaon on the NH 8 – even beyond Manesar – the fact of the matter is that the next boom lies only in Jaipur. With a formidable infrastructural and business backbone and real estate not as expensive as in Gurgaon, Jaipur is quickly surfacing as a major IT destination. Prestigious projects, including Mahindra’s 3,000 Acre SEZ, Anil Ambani’s Mega City Development Plans and Hero Honda’s Rs 700Croreplant are well on their way.”

Barely two weeks into her job, Priyanka is already in the thick of things at the Indiabulls office in 8Jaipur.

“As a Relationship Manager in the real estate department,my work involves creating new contacts and pitching our real estate projects to them. I am already working on finding prospects for eight different projects, in and around Jaipur.”

The Indiabulls recruitment process, conducted on-campus at Jaipuria Institute of Management, Jaipur, was an elaborate 3-stage affair. The first stage was a GD. Priyanka’s group was given the topic “Can Narendra Modi be a good PM or not”. She followed up a strong performance in this GD with back-to-back Personal Interviews.

“The good thing about the Indiabulls recruitment at Jaipuria Jaipur was that all the three stages were conducted in just two days. The process began on the 3rd of January 2013, and by the end of 4th of January, I had the offer letter in my hand, asking me to join on the 1st ofMarch 2013. Had it not been for the fantastic support from my faculty at Jaipuria Jaipur I would’ve been lost at the speed of the GD and interviews. Before every stage, my mentors would help me regain my composure. Instead of worrying about what had passed, they would help me focus on the next stage. I still remember Prof. S.P.Garg’s advice before the PIs, which helped me get an idea about where the real estate business was headed, particularly in relation to Jaipur and Rajasthan.”

Priyanka Khatri feels that she has upheld the trust of the Director of Jaipuria Institute of Management, Jaipur.

“I remember how Dr. Rajiv Thakur, the Director of Jaipuria Institute of Management, Jaipur, conveyed his happiness over the positive change that had come over me after my SIPwith Bonanza Medical Tourism. He has been very motivating for all of us, and was very happy to see me at the farewell party – well placed and enjoying my work at Indiabulls.”

Priyanka believes that this is not the end, but just the beginning of her connection with Jaipuria Insititute of Management.

Alumni Speak Jaipuria Jaipur

“Jaipuria Institute of Management laid the foundation for my professional life. It turned me into an achiever; the placement with Deutsche Bank was the icing on the cake.”

It would not be out of place to say that Shefali Arora turned into a winner the day she entered Jaipuria Institute of Management. Crowned ‘Ms. Fresher’ of the 2007-09 batch – the memory of which still brings butterflies to her stomach – Shefali’s two years at Jaipuria Jaipur were studded with sterling performances, including numerous victories at inter-college festivals. Apart from being a core member for Jaipuria Institute of Management’s national management fest, Abhyudaya, Shefali was also on a number of committees; the most prominent were the Placement Cell and the Corporate Resource Centre. Shefali’s big break came when she cracked an on-campus placement with Deutsche Bank.

“Jaipuria Institute of Management laid the foundation for my professional life. It turned me into an achiever, with the on-campus placement in Deutsche Bank being the icing on the cake.”

Six months into her job at Deutsche Bank, Shefali was missing the open, green environment and the heady classroom interactions at Jaipuria Jaipur. She soon realised that more than the corporate world, it was being on campus and grooming young minds that appealed to her.

“I switched to academics, starting out with Jaipur National University and Poornima Group of Colleges. Along with my core subject – Marketing – I ended up being the coordinator for the Personality Development Programme for both these institutions. I handled various events, and coordinated administrative and entertainment activities. All this came to me naturally, given my strong co-curricular background at Jaipuria Institute of Management.”

Very soon, Shefali began to realise her deep-set passion for teaching and decided to formalise things. She has recently shifted to IIS University as a research scholar. But naturally, she has recently been assessed as one of the top three Research Scholars for PhD coursework.

“At IIS University, apart from pursuing my Doctorate in Marketing, I also take classes as Visiting Faculty. I make it a point to attend various FDPs, MDPs, conferences and workshops to gauge market and industry realities.”

Shefali Arora advises her juniors at Jaipuria Institute of Management to make the most of the opportunities that come with being part of the best management institute in Rajasthan.

“Learn what is taught to you, but also learn more about yourself. Find out who you are, what talents you possess and, most importantly, what you want out of your Jaipuria experience. At the end of these two years of your life, you would like to make sure that you are at a place where you’re not just earning well, but are also happy.”

A social media junkie, Shefali is in constant touch with her batch-mates, seniors and juniors from Jaipuria Institute of Management, through tools like Facebook and Whatsapp. Having discovered her passion for teaching, she is positive that, five years down the line, she will be part of a premium B-school like Jaipuria Institute of Management. She also believes she will have established her credentials by producing 12-15 internationally recognised research papers, published in globally acclaimed journals.

Blog Jaipuria Featured Stories Jaipuria Jaipur Events

Not just another B-School, but a community leader in sustainable development

Jaipuria Jaipur wins Social Community Engagement Award at the Community Leadership Awards 2012.

The sustained efforts of Jaipuria Institute of Management in community-building were recently recognised by the Institute of Leadership development (ILD). On the 23rd of February 2013, Jaipuria Institute of Management was recognised at the Community Leadership Award 2012 as ‘The Organisation with the Best Social Community Engagement in Rajasthan’.

“It is a proud moment for Jaipuria Institute of Management,” said Dr. Rajiv Thakur, Director, Jaipuria Institute of Management.

“This award once again shows that the Jaipuria Institute of Management believe in a far greater purpose to management education. This is recognition of the good work done by Jaipuria Jaipur in capacity building in Rajasthan. Our round-the-year training initiatives, MDPs, conferences and seminars have earned us this distinction. Various CSR initiatives like the free computer courses and English speaking courses in the Dantli Panchayat under Project Dantli have begun showing results. Credit goes to our young student managers for bridging the information gap between rich and poor. Apart from bringing us recognition, these projects have helped the budding managers from Jaipuria Institute of Managementgain the right skills and temperament for community growth and development.”

A team of faculty and staff members from Jaipuria Jaipur received this prestigious award from Dr. Mahesh Joshi, Member Parliament (Jaipur), and Shri Dilip Baid, Chairman, CII, Rajasthan. According to ILD, Jaipuria Jaipur was selected for the Social Community Engagement award from a pool of many organisations.

Leading consulting firm, Kamtech Associates Pvt. Ltd., was included as the knowledge partner entrusted with the task of evaluating the nominations.Shortlisting was carried out on the basis of systematic evaluation criteria, like how well an organisation had championed a cause or causes and implemented sustainable solutions for the benefit of target citizens or communities.

FACULTY Speaks Jaipuria Indore

Young academics bring in a youthful, dynamic energy to the classrooms of Jaipuria Institute of Management

“Finance is just like cooking. You cannot make a perfect dish unless you put in the right ingredients at the right time; just as you cannot do financial management at all levels, unless you take the right decisions at the right time.”

It is interesting comparisons like these that make Prof. Kalyani Parmal’s classes in Jaipuria Institute of Management very popular. A youthful and vibrant figure on the Jaipuria campus, Prof. Parmal is one of the youngest teachers, with just about two-and-half years of teaching experience. A natural researcher and academic, Prof. Parmal is currently in the last leg of two immensely challenging educational qualifications – a PhD as well as CA. This is something which can be very stressful, unless you are absolutely passionate about finance.

“Financial Management is one of my favorite teaching areas. I love to shoulder the responsibility of making students understand the need and importance of Finance, gradually making them comfortable with the subject to the extent that they start loving it. It gives me immense satisfaction when my students start playing with numbers and display great confidence with the subject.”

An MS (Finance) and a CFA (Indian), Prof. Kalyani Parmal has become skilled at holding classes that are buzzing with activity. There is either a debate, a group presentation, case analysis, or even quizzes going on at all times. Students at Jaipuria Institute of Management carry the opinion that Prof. Parmal’s teaching method strengthens the weak, but also probes students who are not so up-to-date in financial matters. She makes it a point to focus more on the weaker students in a batch.

“Workshops and seminars are part and parcel of the Jaipuria Institute of Management culture,” emphasises Prof. Parmal. “Apart from the regular seminars, workshops and guest sessions, organising the unique ‘One Day MBA’ programme has been very interesting. All these interactions bring ‘straight-from-the-horse’s-mouth’ knowledge on how industry operates.”

Often described as a bundle of energy by her fellow faculty members at Jaipuria Institute of Management, Prof. Parmal enjoys general reading. It helps her explore the financial aspects of different topics and domains. And her favourite pastime? You guessed right… it’s cooking! “I love cooking for my near and dear ones,” adds Prof. Parmal, with a smile. “I find it meditative and relaxing.”

Prof. Kalyani Pramal advises her students to make the most of the opportunity to enhance their skills, provided at Jaipuria Institute of Management.

“Count yourself among the lucky ones to have made it to Jaipuria Institute of Management. I’m sure you will find a big change in what you were before and after the two years at Jaipuria. There is a clear-cut difference between students groomed at Jaipuria Institute of Management, and those from other institutes. There are no short cuts to success; so work hard and outperform wherever you go.”

Prof. Parmal defines her teaching experience at Jaipuria Institute of Management as “wonderful, with a fantastic work culture”. She feels that the faculty members at Jaipuria Institute of Management have been very cooperative and the course is highly dynamic, and quickly adjusted as per the needs of industry.

Blog Jaipuria Featured Stories Jaipuria Jaipur Events

2011-13 batch of Jaipuria Institute of Management, Jaipur, lose farewell cricket match in an extremely enjoyable event

Farewell matches are usually sentimental affairs. Not at Jaipuria Institute of Management, Jaipur, though. On Sunday, 24th of February 2013, the passing out batch (2011-13) of Jaipuria Jaipur met the First Year batch (2012-14) in the cricket field, in what is a traditional play-off organised by the Desert Devils Sports Association. The Desert Devils is the sports club of Jaipuria Jaipur, responsible for organising all sporting activities internally and externally, and encouraging physical activity. The sports facilities at the club include Badminton, Table Tennis, Health Centre, Cricket, Volleyball, Chess, Gymnastics, etc. Here, ofcourse, the matter of the better team was being settled on Jaipuria Jaipur’s cricket ground.

At the toss, it was clear that this was going to be no ‘friendly match’, but a real battle. None of the teams was thinking of the forthcoming farewell day of the senior batch on the 28th February. The captains of both teams – Ashish Gupta for 2011-13 and Yusuf Kamal for 2012-14 – had made it amply clear that they were there to win.The seniors, led by Ashish Gupta, won the toss and elected to bat first.

However, Yusuf Kamal settled matters in the second over of the match itself. Bowling a fiery spell, Yusuf accounted for 4 wickets in his very first over. After that, it was an uphill task for the senior batch of Jaipuria Jaipur. To make matters worse, Rohan Maheshwari followed this up with a beautiful over that accounted for 2 more wickets. It is worth noting that the batting side was equally responsible for its poor performance, since 5 wickets fell to run-outs. Ofcourse, the fielding by the junior batch of Jaipuria Jaipur was excellent, but quite a few of these run-outs were bad judgment calls.

The seniors’ team fell like a pack of cards, winding up with just 60 runs on the scoreboard. Yusuf Kamal’s team from the 2012-14 batch of Jaipuria Jaipur made the batting side sweat even for the singles, and ensured that the seniors did not play their full quota of 20 overs by bowling them out in just 15 overs.

Chasing a modest target of 60 runs, the team representing the First Year of Jaipuria Institute of Management, Jaipur, got off to a good start, with the opener, Jai Singh Rathore, hitting back-to-back boundaries in the 2nd over. Although Ashish Gupta, captain of the senior batch, , managed a few quick wickets, the game remained well within the grasp of the First Year team, with vice-captain Shivam Sharma playing an exciting knock. Shivam hit a 4 and followed it up with the only 6 of the match. By the time Shivam Sharma was bowled out, the juniors were just 5 runs short of a win. The fate of the match was sealed by a brilliant hook shot for 4 from Radhakishan’s bat.

“We lost because of two reasons,” explained Ashish Gupta, in the post-match interviews. “Firstly, we could not see the ball clearly, as most of us were very emotional on our farewell match, and had tears in our eyes.” This excuse was met with loud hoots from the winning team. “And secondly,” continued a smiling Ashish Gupta, “we love our juniors so much, that we can’t see their sad, defeated faces.” The students of Jaipuria Institute of Management, Jaipur, responded to this excuse with even more jeers and cheers.

It was clearly a memorable match organised by the Desert Devils Sports Association of Jaipuria Jaipur, which brought out the strong bond between both batches of the prestigious institute.

Jaipuria Jaipur STUDENT Speaks

“I acquired basic knowledge of finance during my BBA. Jaipuria Institute of Management helped me gain practical knowledge and exposure, through interactions with corporate stalwarts during the annual finance conclave and other seminars.”

A student in the batch of 2012-14 at Jaipuria Institute of Management, Jaipur, Vijay Lalwani comes from a strong business community of Ahmedabad. Having decided on studying Business very early in life, Vijay did his BBA from the prestigious GLS Institute of Management, Ahmedabad. When the time came to do his post graduation in business administration, Jaipuria Jaipur was his first choice for a number of reasons.

“Jaipuria Institute of Management, Jaipur has top-class faculty and great infrastructure. After the IIMs, it is the best B-school within reach of Ahmedabad – my home-town. Of course, being part of the prestigious ‘Brand Jaipuria’ is an honour for anyone.”

Vijay speaks highly of his seniors, who have been of great help whenever he has sought guidance. Being a hosteller, Jaipuria Jaipur is like a second home to him now. The round-the-year extracurricular scenario at Jaipuria Institute of Management has kept Vijay busy in his first year. A keen cricketer, Vijay was part of the inter college sports events. Apart from club activities, Vijay Lalwani has been in the organising team for events like the International Conference and the flagship annual fest of Jaipuria Institute of Management, Abhyudaya.

“Jaipuria Institute of Management provides you with the right platform. It is up to us as mature individuals to decide what to do with it and choose what skills we want to acquire. Not only are we shown numerous options in the business world today, we are also given specific training to become entrepreneurs and professionals.”

Vijay Lalwani believes that Jaipuria Jaipur is the best thing to have happened to him. He is positive that two years down the line, he will get a much better placement compared to his position prior to joining Jaipuria Institute of Management, Jaipur. He is targeting a Finance profile in the corporate world on passing out of Jaipuria Jaipur.

“Right from the beginning of my BBA, I’ve targeted a financial profile. I am good at number-crunching, and was able to acquire good knowledge of business finance during my BBA in GLS Ahmedabad. Jaipuria Institute of Management has helped me gain greater practical knowledge about finance, and has given me a wider exposure to industry. I’ve had the opportunity to interact with the best from the financial domain during the Annual Finance Conclave and other seminars at Jaipuria Institute of Management. I’ve gained valuable insights into not just Financial Services, but Banking, Insurance and Accounting as well.”

A strong optimist, Vijay Lalwani emphasises that if you believe in your own abilities, destiny and people around you will help you achieve your dreams. He is aiming to set up his own business five years down the line, after gaining enough experience in the corporate world. He sees Jaipuria Institute of Management as the first and most important step towards fulfilling his dreams.

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