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FACULTY Speaks Jaipuria Noida

“I remind every batch at Jaipuria Institute of Management, Noida, that one must care about the process, and not just the outcome; every visionary the world has ever seen has done just that.” – Professor Sonali Singh

Process oriented, meticulous and organised, Professor Sonali Singh is known to be the perfect Quantitative Techniques and Operations teacher in Jaipuria Institute of Management. A core faculty member at Jaipuria Noida, Professor Sonali Singh is an MPhil in Operations Management and has over nine years of teaching experience.

“I am passionate about teaching. I really enjoy teaching quantitative papers like Statistics, and Operations Research, simply because they are always evolving. With the world grappling with challenges of data clutter management, waste data management and, of course, tools for Big Data tabulation and analysis, the subject is only getting more critical for management students.”

It is for this reason that Professor Sonali Singh constantly invites eminent professionals from industry for guest talks. These interactions help the students of Jaipuria Institute of Management to appreciate the relevance of quantitative and statics-driven subjects in business.

“Not many newcomers understand the importance and motive of including quantitative subjects in their course. The challenge for a teacher in such a field lies in generating interest in the student. I use a lot of real life business applications in my classes at Jaipuria Noida, and keep my students involved in numerous course exercises.”

Professor Sonali Singh believes that like every profession, teaching comes with its highs and lows.

“Personally, I have experienced many great moments in my teaching career. A good day can leave you happy and enthusiastic, and feeling on top of the world! There are days when students seem very participative, and then there are days when they seem not so connected. A teacher has to keep reinventing herself or himself to keep the class participative and interested.”

Without fail, Professor Sonali Singh dedicates a portion of each day to reading articles and global updates on the subject she’s teaching the next day in her class at Jaipuria Noida. She promptly responds to her mails, clears her desk, and prepares well in advance for forthcoming tasks. She believes her own conduct will inspire her students at Jaipuria Noida to understand how essential time management is.

“If there is one lesson that I try to impart to every batch at Jaipuria Institute of Management, Noida, it is – ‘Care about the process and not just the outcome; every visionary that the world has ever seen has done just that’.”

Professor Sonali believe that the best thing that students learn in Jaipuria Institute of Management is the ability to work with others and share their success.

FACULTY Speaks Jaipuria Noida

“My industry experience helps me establish and deliver the connection between theory and practice.” – Dr. Pratibha Wasan

If there is one word that defines Dr. Pratibha Wasan, it has to be ‘Excellence’. Dr. Wasan’s tryst with excellence began much before she moved the academia. Way back in 2003, as a greenhorn business consultant at HCL Infosystems, young Pratibha – straight out of a top notch B-school – was awarded the ‘Excellence in Performance’ award with barely two years of service under her belt. It is this spirit of delivering quality that Dr. Pratibha Wasan has been bringing everyday to her classrooms over the last nine years.

“Jaipuria Institute of Management attracts good quality students. However, even good students can loose interest if they find the learning to be boring, difficult, complex and theoretical. My industry experience helps me establish and deliver the connection between theory and practice. It has given me an insight into corporate functioning, its behaviour, value systems, culture, challenges and realities, which I now pass on to my students.”

For Dr. PratibhaWasan, the academic experience is “ongoing, delightful and self-rewarding”. As an Assistant Professor – Finance, she takes quite a few subjects, but finds teaching Financial Accounting to first year students the most rewarding.

“In first year, atleast 50% of the students are from a non-commerce background, and carry a lot of apprehension about accounting and finance. In contrast, the commerce students look overconfident in the course and show dismay at what more needs to be learnt in accounting. I enjoy leveling the playing field for both groups of students through my teaching style, pedagogy and management orientation in the course. In fact one of the students, Gaurav, of the PGDM 2010-12 batch actually said to me, ‘I thought I am a commerce graduate with sound accounting knowledge… what new things could I learn? But day one in the Jaipuria class, and I feel I know nothing so far’. This is because accounting is quite different from having a managerial perspective.”

Dr. Pratibha Wasan keeps herself updated on the latest teaching techniques by attending workshops on mentoring, financial data analysis, financial statement analysis and business research methods. Infact, in one of the workshops on Financial Statement Analysis that was conducted by the PhD Chamber of Commerce in 2011, she had gone as a participant. But at the end of the two-day workshop, she was acknowledged as a great asset for the workshop resource person, since Dr. Wasan could assist her in clearing the doubts of many other participants, many of whom were entrepreneurs who wanted to learn financial statement preparations and reading. Post the event, she was even inquired after for consulting.

“I am delighted when my students achieve new heights. In fact, just yesterday, Shweta from the PGDM 2010-12 batch came to visit me and shared that when she joined Edelweiss, she was happy to find that all the derivative trading strategies she was asked to deal with had been thoroughly discussed and demonstrated in class. It put her in a commanding position from the first day of her corporate career. It is not the gratitude, but the achievements of my students, that makes my day.”

Dr. Wasan describes her teaching experience with Jaipuria Institute of Management as “enriching and great!” She finds her students aware and anxious to learn, coming from good academic backgrounds and excellent set of minds to groom as managers. Dr. Pratibha Wasan feels that faculty development programmes conducted by Jaipuria Institute of Management have enabled her to use interactive, practical, interesting and relevant course content and pedagogical tools.

Jaipuria Indore STUDENT Speaks

"How Manager’s job Negotiate and Convince people and bring different kinds of people together.” – Snehlata Kashyap

“I now understand group dynamics better. Know how to negotiate and convince people and have understood that a manager’s job is to bring different kinds of people together.” – Snehlata Kashyap

Snehlata Kashyap is described by her batchmates at Jaipuria Institute of Management, Indore, as ‘highly disciplined, sincere, tomboyish and a real foodie!’ Highly creative by nature, Snehalata wants to reinvent or improve most things around her. Beyond her classroom hours, she is either seen reading books, or painting, or exploring and collecting coins.

“I enjoy being in all places at the same time; trying to put my legs, hands, or head in everything that’s going on at Jaipuria Indore. The most interesting thing is managing the mess that I create for myself by taking on so many responsibilities. I have been a core committee member for all the events that were held in Jaipuria Indore in our first year – Encore, Finance, Marketing and HR conclaves, E-week and the Big Data event.”

Snehalata is now the coordinator of Jaipuria Indore’s MRC. She is also on the Sports committee as well as the Library committee. She finds great satisfaction in being a part of UGAM, an evening school initiative by Jaipuria Indore for Dakachya village kids. In fact, Snehalata has left a mark on other Jaipuria campuses as well, winning the Rangoli competition (Ojas) at Jaipuria Lucknow, and Kalakrati (Abhyudaya) at Jaipuria Jaipur. Within Jaipuria Institute of Management, Indore, she was the winner of the Best Marketing Plan (Marketing Wizard), as well as Skit, Rangoli, and Face Painting competitions during Jai Utsav.

“I was in search of the best MBA colleges in Indore and other cities where I could explore myself. Not only is the ‘Jaipuria Institute of Management’ brand well-reputed, but it also allows you diversified areas of specialization, has excellent mentors, beautiful infrastructure, and convenient fees for MBA courses. The concept of complete digitalization of management education only makes Jaipuria Indore more attractive as an option.”

Snehalata strongly believes that Jaipuria Institute of Management, despite being around only for a decade-and-half, has emerged as one of the top five Education Groups in India because of its faculty.

“It took us some time to realize that our teachers discussed our individual talents and how best to groom us on the right lines, even during their break periods. They are always watching, guiding, and evaluating our growth on each level in the campus. The Director, Dr. J. P. Upadhyaya, is always on the lookout for the best for his students. He is always on our side. Often, in the middle of lectures, he steps in to ensure the quality of learning that we are getting. He puts in a lot of effort in conducting workshops for both faculty and students.”

Snehalata’s first year at Jaipuria Indore has been an extremely memorable one, especially the experience of sitting on the floor of the common room, collectively trying to finish off assignments after midnight. “Every single one of us felt we would not be able to pull it off. Yet, somehow every morning, we would have managed to complete our assignments. Jaipuria Institute of Management has brought about a remarkable change in me. I used to be a rebel without a cause; Jaipuria Indore has made me understand the importance of choosing my battles carefully. I now understand group dynamics better I have begun negotiating and convincing people and have understood that a manager needs to be able to bring different kinds of people together. I am now more mature and capable of taking far more sensible decisions than I took before joining Jaipuria Institute of Management.”

Snehalata Kashyap dreams of the day when she will be able to fulfill her mother’s every desire, make her family proud, and still have enough to distribute amongst the less fortunate. She is positive that the Jaipuria Institute of Management will help her realize this dream.

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