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Jaipuria starts its new 2013 academic session with orientation programme at its four campuses

With the start of a new academic session, all four campuses of Jaipuria Institute of Management started up their orientation sessions for the class of 2013-2015.
But before the formal orientation programme got underway, Jaipuria kick-started the process by holding two webinar sessions, one for parents and the other for students, to give them all an introduction to the institute. The student webinar was held on the 11th of June from 4-5 p.m., and the parent webinar was held on June 16th at the same time.
“We understand that the process of selecting an institution and supporting a student through college is a daunting task. Jaipuria Institute of Management is here to support you in this important role. Not only do we offer specific one-on-one support through our email, we also provide webinars as an opportunity to further understand collegiate challenges and the value of strong family support so that your ward may develop into a professional, independent and well-rounded graduate.”, said Dr. Pankaj Gupta, Director General, Jaipuria Institute of Management.
Also in preparation for the formal orientation programme, Jaipuria held a Faculty Development Programme at the Noida campus from June 16th-22nd, with faculty from all four locations getting together with experts from academia and industry for a brainstorming session.
Shreevats Jaipuria, Vice-Chairman of the institutes, cited the importance of such academic gatherings and said,  “An FDP is a time when the entire faculty think-tank gets together to align itself to new methods of teaching and the latest pedagogical tools that have been introduced in the B-school environment. This ensures that across all locations, our faculty members are on same wavelength. The combined workshop is targeted at academic excellence.”
First off the mark was Jaipuria’s Noida campus, with its orientation having started on June 24thto  6th of July. Each day of the programme features something different, including Yoga and meditation, sports, dramatics, an alumni interaction and open house, and an orientation session by the National Entrepreneurship Network (NEN).
Next up was Lucknow campus, whose orientation and preparatory course started on June 25th with student registration, and continued till the 5th of July.
During the 11-day programme students got  chance to meet and interact with staff, learn about the relevance of various courses and the opportunities they offer, take advantage of remedial classes being offered in various areas and understand what will be expected of them as students.
Jaipuria Lucknow used social media as the platform to start its orientation programme and to ensure that new students got off to the best possible start, assigned each freshman a senior student and faculty mentor. According to Dr. S.R. Musanna, Director, Jaipuria Institute of Management, Lucknow online mentor ship programme was highly appreciated and is an industry innovation. This initiative was taken in order to make the incoming batch of 2013-2015 feel at ease and at home.
A host of prominent guest lecturers addressed the orientation programme,
Mr. D.K. Garg, General Manager, Bank of Baroda gave the Inaugural Address, Justice Bhanwar Singh, Chairman- Judges Training Research Institute discussed, “Standards of conduct and etiquettes for students.” He talked about the necessity of discipline in one’s academic life. He said that students should preferably follow a proper dress-code and the use of cell-phones should be regulated in colleges. Justice D. K. Upadhyaya, Honorable Judge, High Court-Lucknow Bench shared his views on “Corporate Social Responsibility.” He disapproved of the government outsourcing its social responsibilities by instilling them in the corporate sector.
Mr. Ravindra Shukla, Senior Vice President, Sales and Marketing at Heidelberg Cement spoke on “Challenges faced by Management Graduates in the area of Sales & Marketing. Mr. Himanshu Manglik,- Head, Corporate Communications, Nestle India Ltd. spoke on  “Skill Sets required for a successful career”.
Other speakers includes Mr. Sandeep Mohanty, AGM (HR), Amtek Auto, Mr. Vijendra Singh, Customer Care Associate & Unit Head, Shoppers Stop Limited, Mr. RuchirTiwari, Branch Manager, ITC-IBD Limited, Mr. Ved Krishna, MD, Yash Papers, Mr. Rajiv Agarwal, Principal Secretary-Housing & Urban development, Govt. of Uttar Pradesh, Padam Shree Dr. Mansoor Hasan, Director of Sahara Hospital, .Mr. Avnish Bhatnagar, VP & Regional Head (North) Franklin Templeton
Third in the league Jaipuria Jaipur organized its induction programme from June 30thto July 12th. During the 13-day session, students got to learn about the institute, gotan overview of the PGDM course.
Throughout the programme, there were session on Yoga, aerobics and dance, indoor sports, theatre workshops, cricket and panel discussions and spiritual learning.
One day after on July 1st, Indore campus startedits orientation programme with the registration, a medical check-up for students, and an institute tour and orientation session for parents.
The orientation cum induction programme continued  upto July 13th, the programme featured introduction to the faculty, staff and facilities the institute offers.
The Chief Guest on thisoccasion was Mr. Dinesh Goel, a renowned entrepreneur. Mr. Goel stressed upon the importance of having values in life. He said that the students were the generation of the future and as such, they would need to take these two years of the PGDM programme very seriously. He also said that they would need to know their strengths and weaknesses, and work at building on their strengths. His message to the students was, “Build on your capabilities and draft a mission statement for yourself.”
Students learnt what industry expects from management graduates and get a chance to introduce themselves to their fellow students.
During the orientation students participated in various management games, ice-breaking games, and also were introduced to the various courses and participate in study group discussions.
There will also be a sports meet, a concert, team-building activities and visits to the city of Indore, so students will be familiar with the place they will call home for the next two years.

Blog Jaipuria Featured Stories Jaipuria Lucknow Events

Case Writing and Case Discussion for enhancing learning in Marketing Classroom – FDP at Jaipuria Lucknow'

Guided by the philosophy “Knowledge grows by sharing” a 2 day Faculty Development Programme (FDP) on “Case Writing and Case Discussion for enhancing learning in Marketing Classroom” was organized at Jaipuria Institute of Management, Lucknow from 28th-29th June, 2013. The work shop was facilitated by Prof. Himanshu Mishra

The FDP started with discussion on the need and relevance of case studies in marketing classroom. The discussion focused on various factors hindering case studies in classroom, the facilitator suggested various techniques to overcome the various barriers faced. One of the participant opined that this session was “Very relevant for classroom teaching and discussion, excellent understanding of the constraint factors of a faculty”.

Next two sessions focused on Case discussion in the classroom, the participants were provided were 4 cases well in advance and they selected two which they wanted to discuss in the classroom. The facilitator demonstrated how a case should be approached in classroom, the preplanning before the class, the learning objectives, structure of discussion, instigating discussion and various points to be kept in mind for effective case discussion in a classroom. The facilitator suggested various ways in which a case discussion may be done in a classroom setting. One participant was of the view “Case discussion was very relevant and now finally I can draw a conclusion from a case, if it is given to me. Motivational part from the facilitator side is incredible. The learning’s are immense”.

Two sessions were dedicated to identification and inviting ideas from the participants about their interest areas and how to go ahead with writing a case. The participants identified their interest areas and various issues related to the same were discussed upon. How to start a case, listing of learning objectives, structure and flow of case was discussed in this session. The participants found the session “full of insights on how to write a case”

The last session focused on devising a suitable evaluation technique for case study.  Depending on the way the case study is used in class the evaluation should be well aligned to ensure learning of the students. Various evaluation schemes were suggested by the facilitator and the participants found the session insightful and of immense help. One of the participants opined “Very thorough worksheet provided for evaluation. Highly Exhaustive and taking into account all possible factors”

The programme ended with experience sharing and certificate distribution to the participants. One participant summarized his experience as “This FDP was very useful for giving an insight into the classroom teaching. Also how to go for case writing, i.e planning, flow and evaluation gave a clear insight for writing a case for a fresher like me”

FACULTY Speaks Jaipuria Noida

“By giving respect and letting go of their fears students find it easy to get participative”

If there is one word that defines Dr. Abhijit Nair, it has to be “Excellence”. He is an Associate professor in Business Communication, practiced Branding and Business Communication in the corporate world for a good 12 years before choosing to shift to academia. He is also involved with placements, training, mentoring and certain clubs that are art or creative based. Dr. Nair continues to be associated with the industry in varied manners of consultancy and hence he brings in certain new trends back from the boardroom to the classroom.

I believe activity induce student to get vigorous, primarily all aspects that involve their world and their needs; When I say ‘their world’ I mean they are mostly in between screens at all times so everything that we do in the class, I try bring the screen into play whether it is to use the app world or to get their attention through moving images.

According to me Workshops are mostly based on Case interview training, communication, leadership and soft-skills. These add impetus to the hard – skills that they have absorbed throughout the year.

Dr. Abhijit Nair loves everything involving communication. He is currently working on a book that he has been trying to complete for some time now. Other than this he had the good fortune to come upon a wonderful story of business interest from the hills of Munnar, Kerala. It is from one the tea plantations there and I reckon, it would be useful for areas like employee engagement, simplified communication and corporate strategy. I hope to complete it by early next year.

I spare about 2 hours for writing all weekdays. Most other times – movies, documentaries, music, sports and a load of reading about all things under the sun, carry me along. Recently I got inclined towards biographies and I am reading about Jack London and Warren Buffet simultaneously.

My teaching philosophy is that I respect each and every individual student whatever they constitute – academically, personality-wise or background. I believe life is wonderful array of mistakes that we slowly thrive to make right.


According to me “Uncampus” brings a constituent of camaraderie between all the four campuses. It brings the culture of family among all members from all campuses and there is collective moving forward that seems to be nurtured, albeit slowly, but that is the best way ahead.

Recently we had a faculty development program at our Noida campus. Dr. Nair shared his experience while saying I had lots of stories to share and to mention to all those people whom I love. I loved the speech of Mr. Nirjar He imparted his experience to us in the form of anecdotes but dotted with some amazing lines that shall stay with me. His intellect was worth imbibing and his narrative was a wondrous experience for a communication professor such as me.

His message to the students of Jaipuria Keep it simple, always

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