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Jaipuria Noida STUDENT Speaks

Students of Jaipuria Noida have the time of their lives on the Swiss exchange programme

For students of Jaipuria Institute of Management, Noida, the experience of travelling with their teachers for an exchange programme in HEIG-VD in Yverdon Les Bains, Switzerland was an opportunity not to be missed. Student exchange programmes are all about understanding new ways of learning, often seeing things from diametrically different points of view and broadening one’s horizons. This programme seems to have lived up to all that and then some. The Swiss are known all over the world for their punctuality and that’s something the students of Jaipuria experienced first-hand. Everything, from trains in the country to the itinerary of the visitors, moved with clockwork precision. Their exchange faculty member from HEIG-VD University, Ms.Laurance Larghi, took the importance of timeliness to a whole new level, prompting Prof. Anurag Singh to comment, “There’s Swiss time and then there’s Prof. Larghi time.”

However, the lesson of always being on time as professionals wasn’t lost on the students. In fact, they realised that, “Time is the only capital that any human being has, and the only thing he can’t afford to lose”, said Geetika Goyal. This understanding set the tone for the trip, and the students decided to make the most of their time on the exchange programme.

Students and faculty from Jaipuria Noida were charmed by the warmth and hospitality of the Swiss. They were made to feel at home during their trip to the country and got to experience the much talked-about Swiss hospitality. Over time, the students were also impressed by the emphasis on the environment in the country, a message they have brought back home with them.

Switzerland has been an advocate for world peace for a long time and takes pride in its neutrality. Students learned a lot about that during their interactions on the programme. Whether it was getting new perspectives on long-held opinions, or something as simple as noticing parents walking on the roads with their babies in prams for complete convenience and control, students had many eye-opening experiences throughout the trip.

They also developed an insight into Swiss culture, which is a mix of several European cultures. While the three main languages spoken are German, French and Italian, the cultural diversity is immense and proved to be fascinating to Jaipuria students.

The students learned a lot about the world beyond India through a whole new culture, but they also kept a focus on the experiential learning of work-places in a foreign country. They noticed that everything worked with precision and utmost efficiency and also realised that the Swiss give a lot of importance to work ethics and quality. And according to the students, that makes for the perfect work environment where people can find the right balance between their professional and personal lives. Now that is something this group of students hopes to manage in their future careers too.

Geetika Goyal
Jaipuria Noida, Batch of 2012-2014

Alumni Speak Jaipuria Lucknow

Deepak Singh, from the founding batch of 1995-1997, walked on the path of self-discovery to success at Jaipuria Lucknow

There are many aspiring students who come to Jaipuria Institute of Management to brighten their career prospects. But Deepak Singh’s journey was slightly different; he claims that he succumbed to parental and peer pressure before deciding to pursue management studies. He got selected to Jaipuria Lucknow and hasn’t looked back since; today he has a flourishing career in media to his credit.  

“As a 22 year old, I didn’t really know what I wanted to do with my life. An MBA seemed to be the most sought-after degree. It promised a fat pay check, a white-collar designation and a cushy job,” says Deepak Singh. Thus the youngster from Lucknow began his journey with the reputed institute in 1995; he was part of Jaipuria Lucknow’s founding batch.

Today, Deepak is based in the US and works as a writer and journalist in Indiana. His impressive resume lists BBC World Service as one of his employers. He has also featured on NPR’s affiliate WVTF, PRI’s The World, the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, and World Vision Report.

But Deepak realises that his aspirations and skills truly gained momentum at Jaipuria Lucknow, where his horizons were broadened to a large extent. “Studying with students from diverse backgrounds coming from all over the country was a learning experience in itself,” he says. Through the exchange of ideas and lively discussions amongst each other, students began to shape their ideas of the world around them in a most constructive manner.

Deepak also gives credit to his professors for making learning an exciting and engaging process for him. “Highly professional and experienced professors made the most mundane subjects intellectually stimulating,” he remembers. And that’s what kept students motivatedand on their toes throughout their programme.

The years at Jaipuria Lucknow were an eye-opening experience for him in many ways, and he says, “I learned who I was, what I believed in, and what I wanted from life. And that is the most valuable asset I still have. My mind started to become clutter-free, and my thought processes clearer.”

Today Deepak has made a name for himself in the world of media. As a freelance journalist, radio producer and writer, he divides his time between India and the US. So, does he have any advice for future students? “Follow your heart and give it your hundred percent. Money will follow and you will always be happy,” says the man who has found his true calling.

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First student academic council heads elected from the batch of 2012-2014 at Jaipuria Jaipur

The Student Academic Council at Jaipuria Institute of Management, Jaipur came into being to foster the values of democracy and good governance among students. These values are considered to be signs of development and progress, and have relevance in educational institutes as well. With the notion of democratic processes in mind, elections for the council were held for the first time at the institute, generating much interest. After all, coordinators for different committees, including the Academic Programme Committee, Corporate Relations Committee, Placements Committee, Media PR & IT Committee, Student Welfare & Disciplinary Committee, Conferences & Events Committee, etc., were to be elected.

Only students from the 2012-2014 batch were allowed to give in their names. Candidates who made it to the top two in the election results were put through an interview round. The esteemed interview panel included names like Mr.Rupesh Mathur (Marketing Head of Fortis Escorts Hospital, Jaipur), alumnus Mr.Ankur Jain (Oriental Bank of Commerce), Dr.Prabhat Pankaj (Director) and Dr.Pradeep Kautish (Faculty – HR).

Thirteen coordinators for 13 committees were finally chosen through a rigorous election process.

1Academic Programme CommitteeAnmol Agarwal
2Corporate Relations CommitteeSanjay Mehta
3Placements CommitteeSagar Agarwal
4Conferences &Events CommitteeSheikh Burhan
5Social Responsibility CommitteePrateek Shukla
6Media, Public Relations& IT CommitteeNikita Thomas
7Admissions CommitteeGovind Prasad Sharma
8Alumni CommitteeSonali Priya
9International Relations CommitteeRashi Sharma
10Research CommitteeAjit Kumar Roy
11Extra-Curricular CommitteeAnubhav Saxena
12Student Welfare & Disciplinary CommitteePrachi Jaiswal
13Entrepreneurial & Innovation CellShubham Daruka

The first Student Academic Council was thereby formed and met with the Director, Dr.Prabhat Pankaj. The oath-taking ceremony was conducted on the 2nd of August, 2013, in which Dr.Pankaj addressed the students and emphasised the role of leaders in shaping the institute. “With power comes responsibility” was a central dictum that he gave to the students, encouraging them to host functions enthusiastically but responsibly.

In his talk, Dr.Pankaj also spoke about the importance of the newly formed Student Academic Council when it came to placements for students. He ended by asking the juniors to learn from the example of their seniors in order to become better leaders in the future.

Nikita Thomas
PGDM 2012-14

FACULTY Speaks Jaipuria Noida

Dr. Rajiv Thakur, Director, Jaipuria Noida, Talks About Why Studying At Jaipuria Noida Has Become Such A Hit With The Current Generation

Dr. Rajiv Thakur took over as Director of Jaipuria Institute of Management, Noida, in March this year. Having now settled well into his new role (prior to this he was the Director of Jaipuria Jaipur), Dr. Thakur has put in place a number of ‘Gen Y’-compliant initiatives. A PhD in Economics and an MBA from IIT-Delhi, before shifting to academia Dr. Thakur worked with the media industry for over 10 years and was associated with one of India’s leading media conglomerates at a senior managerial position. As an academician, Dr. Thakur has held prestigious appointments in the education industry. He has been actively involved in MDPs and research, and has published research papers in international/national journals, as well as presented them at international conferences.

The Media Relations Club of Jaipuria Noida talks to Dr. Thakur about what makes ‘brand Jaipuria’ click and what his thrust areas as Director will be.

MRC Thank you for your time, Sir. Every leader has a short-term and a long-term vision for the organisation. Can you share some of the goals that you are working towards?
Dr. Thakur – Anything we do in the short term or medium term has to be aligned with the long-term vision of the institute. We are strongly guided by the vision of the Chairman, that in the next five years we should be among the top three institutes in northern India. In order to achieve this, our focus is on delivering value to our students and industry, in sync with the higher standards of these testing times. This we successfully do by closely interacting with our partners in industry and understanding their needs. This understanding leads us to look into our curriculum, deliveryand engagement with the students. Due to this, the learning outcome is purely skill-based and in keeping with industry standards and requirements. Of course, the behavioural aspects of this generation and new technological tools play a big role in deciding what we deliver and how we deliver it. Increasing complexities, pace and dynamism in the environment, society and the market – which all have global dimensions – also require the learning to be researched based. We also have to ensure that students develop the aptitude to think, analyse and come to their own conclusions and inferences about problems and situations. This is something that leads to innovation through the value chain, which is key to the success of business today.

MRC How has your industry experience helped you in academics and administration? Are there any particular experiences you would like to share?
Dr. Thakur – Luckily, time and success has made me believe that this combination did provide me with an edge in managing things better. While academics have been a passion – and one enjoys growing as an academician – industry experience did help me to bring in a result-oriented approach to academic administration. Having an approach that is outward-looking and reaches out to industry and society has helped me to build institutions that are responsive to the needs of the time. It helps me in taking initiatives that are of high impact for the outer world and not simply confined to the boundaries of the institution.

MRC – You have now been the Director of two Jaipuria campuses – Jaipur and Noida. In your opinion, what makes Jaipuria different from other institutes? What has been your experience of working with both these campuses?
Dr. Thakur – Engagement with students and the effort to provide real value to students are the two areas in which ‘brand Jaipuria’ would surpass even the IIMs today. Much of this is because of the commitment levels. Right from the top management to the support staff or security staff, everybody gives his or her best. The role of the faculty as mentors to each student is something unique about Jaipuria.
Regarding the difference between the Noida and Jaipur campuses, both these institutes, though woven commonly in terms of their basic ethos and values, are at different stages of their life cycles. Jaipur, being a relatively new campus, has priority areas requiring a very different strategy than what would be required here at Noida, which is well established. Building, or rather rejuvenating the Jaipuria Jaipur brand was a memorable experience, where each and every member contributed day in and day out. At Noida, our focus is more on research, industry interface and preparing our students to scale great heights and setindustry standards. This is very much in keeping with our vision of being among the top three B-schools in north India in the next five years.

MRC – Jaipuria keeps organising seminars and workshops for students. What should they take away from these forums? How can they benefit most?
Dr. Thakur – Besides the learning and exposure they get from the sessions and talks on contemporary and relevant topics, students gain a lot in terms of organisational skills and leadership skills. They should look to building on their confidence by interacting with participants who are from various strata of the corporate world, industry and society at large. Further, there are always opportunities fora select few students to directly participate in researching and making presentations on the subject. My advice to students is to grab these opportunities with both hands, as they are rich learning experiences. These conferences and seminars also spread a positive account of Jaipuria through word of mouth, which enhances brand value and ultimately benefits the students’ association with Jaipuria.

MRC – Away from your responsibilities, what do you enjoy most in your spare time?
Dr. Thakur(smiles) Quite frankly, there is very little spare time available. Most of it goes into contemplating the pros and cons, thinking things through, and yes – watching TV talk shows. Of course, spending quality time with family is what I like.

MRC – Would you like to share your success mantra with us?
Dr. Thakur – At your stage, what matters most is confidence. And confidence can only come with knowledge and abilities that you develop. So be honest to your work and make hard work second nature.



67th Independence Day Celebrations at Jaipuria, Jaipur

Not just speeches but getting inspired from people who are making a difference.

15thAugust, 1947 marked the beginning of a new era, the age of independence, and this month we celebrated our 67th year of freedom from foreign rule. As our Director, Dr. Prabhat Pankaj said, today’s youth are on the verge of forgetting the true meaning of struggle, which brought us our democracy. He gave us a quick look back at the many battles fought in those days of savage colonisation.

Standing in the audience, I learned at an emotional and intellectual level about the cost paid for being an independent citizen. All of us stood with renewed zeal and vigour when the tricolour was hoisted a short while later. At the start of the Independence Day celebrations, we entered the auditorium expecting philosophy slew of tediously long speeches but to our surprise, there was something new in store. We were introduced to a new world of caring through an NGO called CRY-Child Rights and You. We had the chance to interact with Ms.Bharti, a corporate lawyer by profession and a very involved volunteer with CRY. Based in Jaipur at present, she is devoting her time to advocating for the Right to Education for all children. She talked to us about the altruism of the founders, who heard the cry of children in need and worked to protect their basic human rights. Her dedication to the cause was clearly visible during her speech, as she encouraged us to stand up and work towards a better future of our motherland. She asked to recognise the dire need that many of our brothers and sisters were in.

After this moving and impactful session, our student performers enthralled the audience with the sheer beauty of their performance. The dance acts and desh bhakti songs sung with great passion created a new aura of patriotism in the auditorium. There was a mime act, which gave a silent portrayal of the true meaning of freedom. The programme ended with our silent prayers and humble words of thanks for all the courageous souls who gave their lives for the freedom we celebrate today.

Happy Independence Day to all.
Prerana Jhawar and Priyamvada Shanker
PGDM – 2013-15

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