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Jaipuria Noida Placement Update

Zomato hires students from Jaipuria during campus recruitment

Campus Placements for the batch of 2012-14 of Jaipuria Noida have only just begun and the careers of students have already taken off. There was a lot of buzz around the campus when Zomato Media Pvt. Ltd. – the premier restaurant discovery platform in South Asia came visiting. In their first phase of recruitment they have picked Geetika Goyal (PGDM) and Aneesh Srivastva (PGDM-Marketing) as their Managers, Sales and Marketing for the coveted jobs with pay package of 5.48 lacs p.a. This only seems like the beginning for these two. Zomato’s visit to other three campuses of Jaipuria is in the pipeline.

Today, Zomato is a name that has become synonymous with all things restaurant and has made its presence felt across continents through different platforms, including the web, mobile phones and print. For the role of Manager, Sales and Marketing, they were looking for candidates with exceptional skills to carry their brand name forward and sell advertising space to restaurants on Zomato. Geetika and Aneesh shone through the rigorous recruitment process and are obviously thrilled to bits at having landed the lucrative job.

On his part, Aneesh had done his homework about the company and was well-prepared for the selection process. But he admits that he could feel the intense competition every step of the way, which in some ways brought the best out of him. “It was a great learning experience and I feel proud to have made it through the process. As my introduction to the corporate world, I needed a company that carries a brand name but at the same time would provide me with a platform to showcase my abilities. Zomato, being a young and growing company, offers me just that,” he says.

For Geetika, the job gels perfectly with her career plans, which has her motivated to give it her best. “I want to become a Marketing Manager in the future and we all know that to understand and execute the role of a marketer, we must be sellers first. Hence, the profile of Sales Manager will help me become a successful marketing manager,” she says practically.

Both Aneesh and Geetika are quick to acknowledge the support they received from their mentors, faculty members and friends at the institute who helped them get through the various rounds of the selection process. And they appreciate the efforts taken by the Training and Placement Team, which not only offered them moral support, but ensured that everything went smoothly during the placements.

In fact, Aneesh singles out the contribution of the training sessions with the team and urges fellow students by saying, “Do not miss any session arranged by the Training and Placement Department. Feel free to talk to the faculty as well as Training and Placement officials – they are a big help.”

With their careers getting a solid start, they can now start thinking about their future. “I see myself as an Area Head (Manager) three years down the line. In a growing company like Zomato, that seems quite possible,” says Aneesh, brimming with confidence. Good luck to all students!

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