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FACULTY Speaks Jaipuria Lucknow

Dr. Athar Mahmood stands as an example of what is best about Jaipuria Institute of Management

A strong faculty is a key component in the success of any educational institution. Cognitive growth of students stay directly proportional to the kind of faculty they learn from. The management at Jaipuria Institute of Management knows that this fact is a cornerstone of the educational process and prides itself on the strength of its faculty. This strength is especially personified at the Jaipuria Institute of Management, Lucknow in the form of Dr. Athar Mahmood.

If you ask a student at Jaipuria Lucknow to name one of the more unique and dedicated faculty members, chances are that Dr. Mahmood’s name will come up more often than not. A veteran of both the corporate and academic worlds, Dr. Mahmood made the switch to full-time professor at Jaipuria Institute of Management, Lucknow. Based on the highly reputable name of the institution, Dr. Mahmood came to the campus in search of exposure to the fresh ideas of young minds beginning their educational career. As Dr. Mahmood states, “It has been an enthralling journey.”

In person, Dr. Mahmood exudes both humility and calmness, traits that allow him to speak both eloquently and with pinpoint precision. It is a combination of these abilities that have made him a popular fixture at Jaipuria, Lucknow. His enthusiasm is contagious as he speaks, and his ideas and expertise clearly display that when it comes to his work, he is clearly a no-nonsense individual.

In looking at the state of the overall business industry, Dr. Mahmood believes that along with conflict resolution, negotiation, and leadership, emotional intelligence is gaining the spotlight in the corporate world. Dr. Mahmood also participated in an international paper in conjunction with the University of Bucharest-Romania. Entitled, “Stress Management on Executives in Lucknow City & New Perspectives of Understanding Stress in Organizational Context”, the study went on to find that a large portion of corporate workers were under stress, either from official or personal issues. The study proved to be a challenge for Dr. Mahmood, but one that he readily embraced.

A native of Lucknow, Dr. Mahmood feels a special affinity for the city. Having seen the area grow in recent years, he finds the natives of Lucknow to be very flexible to change. This was especially true when it came to the citizens not only accepting, but actually living with, the relatively new mall culture in such a short span of time.

Students from throughout the Jaipuria Institute of Management, Lucknow also are quick to sing the praises of Dr. Mahmood. As student Tushar Panta states, “In theory classes, where students can seem to lose interest, it’s only Prof. Athar who keeps the students interested by keeping us actively involved via his exciting activities. His activities keep us extremely enthusiastic, and the OB theory we learn through these activities are hard to forget. We are not just hearing about the theory but are experiencing it. This is what makes him our favorite teacher on campus.”

In looking back on his career, Dr. Mahmood becomes particularly nostalgic. “My first year of academic work was vital. I started identifying my mentoring instincts. As they grew, becoming stronger and better, I knew there was no going back to the corporate world.” Dr. Mahmood goes on to expound how the air of fresh ideas and budding energy that accompanies a new batch of students each year is especially thrilling for him, creating more passion within him to continue his work and teaching.

Perhaps that is the best summation of Dr. Mahmood’s key characteristic: a never-ending zeal to continue working. When asked what makes Jaipuria Institute of Management different from other schools, he states, “Our respect for our people is the most unique quality.” His appreciation of the fact that Jaipuria Institute of Management values the individuality of each person is evident.

In the end, Dr. Mahmood displays his trademark humility when he says that his accomplishments pale in comparison to the satisfaction he gets from his students and their smiling faces. While some might disagree with Dr. Mahmood and his assessment on all that he has done, few would argue that he represents the best that Jaipuria Institute of Management has to offer.

Shubhi Tripathy and Deepti Bansal
PGDM- 2013- 2015

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