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FACULTY Speaks Jaipuria Jaipur

“SPPS & AMOS for Business Data Analysis & Research in Collaboration with SPPS Asia"

Knowledge of business Analytics and the use of software packages like SPSS & AMOS provide skills which are helpful in handling and analyzing variety of data set for better and sophisticated results. Knowledge of applied research tools and methodology along with the use of software would enhance the user skill of faculty who in turn can use them for linking classroom teaching with research and self- generated new knowledge.

Keeping this need of developing skills in Business Analytics and Research, Jaipuria Institute of Management, Jaipur organized a two day FDP on SPSS & AMOS in collaboration with SPSS South Asia in its campus on 10-11 January, 2014

The FDP was conducted by Dr. Prabhat Pankaj- Director Jaipuria Institute of Management, Prof K.K Nigam –SPSS TRAINER & Consultant and Prof. Saurabh Agarwal –Expert in QT, Operations Research and Business Statistics. It was attended jointly by faculty members of Jaipuria Jaipur campus and other faculty members & scholars from institutes like IILM, Poornima University, NIIT University, Biyani Group, Jai Narayan University and also few self-employed consultants from Rajasthan.

Session Coverage’s : The two day FDP had sessions on Introduction to SPSS: Data Handling and preparation, Creating & editing Charts & Graphic Board Visualizations, Factor Analysis , Descriptive Analysis, Classification & Segmentation Analysis , Anova & Manova, Decision Trees , Neural Networks, Logit/ Probit regressions & AMOS- Path Analysis, Confirmatory Factor Analysis, Structural Equation Modeling etc.

Session Methodology: Each participant was given access to a computer installed with SPSS software and they accessed the sample data set for ease in analysis. All the sessions were in hands-on-mode which helped the participants to work along with the resource person during every concept.

Session Learning Outcomes:

  • Understanding fundamentals of business research, data handling and related research issues.
  • Use SPSS & Amos for empirical estimations and data based modeling

Session Feedback: Overall the participants found the FDP to be good, informative and highly useful.
“The FDP has equipped me with basics of SPSS and has enriched my knowledge in terms of statistical tools.” Ms. Surbhi Mathur- Poornima Uniiversity
“This program has been very informative & helpful to me as I am pursuing P.hd. All the Faculty and team members were really nice.” Ms. Swati Purohit –Scholar J.N.V.U.
“Program was very good and provided great amount of learning even in a very short duration”. Mandvi Tiwari – Poornima University.

Suggestions: To improve our future sessions the valuable participant feedback has been received and analyzed. However every participant gave the following suggestion:

  • Extending the workshop to three days and adding chapters on Research Methods and Analysis Methodologies.
  • Add sessions on Basics of RM.

Towards the End: The valedictory session of the FDP was conducted by Dr. Swati Soni- Dean Academics, Jaipuria Institute of Management and participants were awarded with participation certificates. Overall Coordination was done by Dr. Nidhi Vashishth, Mr. A.K Tiwari was the logistics support and Ms. Shalvi Sharma as Programme Secretary provided help at every step to make the FDP successful.

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