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Jaipuria Internship

"Your mentor sees you through your internship,” says Shubham Pandey, Jaipuria Lucknow

“Your mentor is the one who sees you through your internship,” says Shubham Pandey, Class of 2015, Jaipuria Lucknow, interning with Bajaj Electrical Ltd.

“Summer Internship Project is an opportunity that each student should grab and make the most of it while it lasts”, says Shubham Pandey of Jaipuria Institute of Management. He has been placed with Bajaj Electrical Ltd., for his summer internship project.

Shubham is a commerce student and belongs to the city of Lucknow in Uttar Pradesh. He completed his education in commerce and went on to earn a Bachelor of Business Administration from Lucknow University. It was a careful and conscious effort to build a career in management, which began with a degree from Lucknow University. Now, Shubam is at Jaipuria Institute of Management to fulfill his goal of higher studies in management. Jaipuria Institute of Management is India’s one of the Top MBA Colleges in Lucknow having campuses in Noida (Delhi-NCR), Jaipur, and Indore. Jaipuria Institute of Management is offering PGDM courses in Retail Management, Financial Services, Marketing, and Service Management. Since Shubham arrived at the B-school in 2013, he has been working hard to find his place within the corporate structure.

Bajaj Electricals Ltd. interviewed him on campus and he believes the selection has provided him with a great opportunity to learn with the best. And, he is excited about the project that he has been assigned to: “I have been assigned to do a market survey by Bajaj Electrical Ltd. I have to study the market for Bajaj LED lights, which is a new product from the Bajaj stable in the Lucknow region.”

He received a thoroughly professional reception at the organization. On day one, he was handed over to an industry mentor who oriented him to the company, its organizational structure, and its various functions. He was then briefed about his work during the entire internship period. The clarity helped Shubam focus himself on the coming work and time: “My first day at Bajaj was built around getting to know my organization and the work I was expected to carry out. The onboarding helped me find my way and also facilitated the learning process”.

Shubham has also been assigned a mentor from the college who will support him with his SIP. “My mentor has also been my faculty for marketing research and he always been helpful and supportive”, he says. “No one else could have been a better choice to guide me through my SIP.” In the first few days of his SIP, Shubam has woken up to the reality of the working world: “the first thing that I have learned is that the real corporate world is very different from the world we believe in. It’s the application of concepts that actually matters!”

According to Shubham, SIP can be an important stepping stone for students; for his opportunity, Shubham enthusiastically thanks Jaipuria Institute of Management for providing the platform. During the internship, he hopes to gather a working knowledge of the corporate world, so he can succeed in any opportunity that comes his way.

Jaipuria Academics

Faculty Development Program on “Mentoring the Mentors” hosted by Jaipuria Institute of Management, Jaipur

5th & 6th May, 2014

“God did not create you to be alone. He deposited skills, knowledge, and talents in someone out there who is expected to mentor you, teach you and encourage you to go high…”

A two-day faculty development program on “Mentoring the Mentors” organized by Jaipuria Institute of Management, Jaipur was an effort to revaluate and re-analyse the importance of “Teachers”, as outlined in the above passage. The role of faculty is indeed to teach, inspire, and take students to the next level. It is also proven that having a good Mentor early in one’s career can make a difference between success and failure in any field. Mentoring, therefore, is an important tool that helps us bring the best out of our students so they can reach their goals. With a focus on the aforementioned themes, the two day FDP was successfully organized at Jaipuria Institute of Management. It was beneficial for all who attended, and it offered an opportunity for faculty members to improve their individual mentoring skills, and it helped the institute develop a more effective method of mentor/mentoree organization.

The two day FDP was facilitated by Raj Shankar, Founder Ichiban Consulting Group and an expert on Strategy and Entrepreneurship. The program was attended by Dr. Prabhat Pankaj, Director Jaipuria Institute of Management, Jaipur, and the entire faculty pool of the Jaipur Campus along with Prof. Rajesh Sharma of Jaipuria Institute of Management, Noida.

The program was inaugurated by Dr. Prabhat Pankaj who shared the value of having a Mentoring process in Jaipuria and the importance of effective Mentoring in students’ holistic development. He also shared the history of Jaipuria and its contribution in the field of management education.

The workshop was conducted in a facilitative method and was spread across eight sessions in two days. The highlights of the session coverage are as follows:

Day 1:

  • Introduction to Mentoring
  • Setting workshop objectives- What got you here won’t get you there
  • Discussion based on “Pre-work exercise”
    What is mentoring? Why do we need it?
    Nuances in mentoring graduate students
    Building a formal Mentoring Program – 1:
    Setting the objectives / goals for mentoring/- Formulating a formal mentoring program on campus
  • System requirements for Year 1 and Year 2
  • Becoming an effective mentor- listening, Questioning, Influencing

Day 2

  • Building a formal Mentoring Program 2
  • Mentor Mentee Match (Structuring groups)/ student orientation towards mentoring/ coaching

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