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“My Favourite Brand” at Jaipuria Indore was about a fun exercise to bring the basics of Branding home

Richa Puri and Prof. Aditi Naidu

An out of the box classroom exercise was held for the students of Jaipuria Institute of Management, Indore recently as it not only worked on their communication skills but made them aware of concepts like brand loyalty and value as well. Organized by the Marketing club of the institute “My Favourite Brand” was an activity that hit the point home with the students as they related their own personal experiences. Thus the initiative served its purpose of helping students understand the importance of users’ connection with brands and marketing aspects involved in the process.

The task in front of the students was fairly straightforward; they had to talk about their favourite brand for two minutes. But as they talked about their love and loyalty for their chosen brand they could see the bigger picture as they realized what consumers look for when they build a bond with a particular brand.

Needless to say, students put their best foot forward during the contest and came up with arguments that were quite becoming of budding management professionals. Vivek Pathak, student of the 2014-16 Batch who spoke about Dettol as his favourite brand was adjudged the winner. “The brand has been used by my family for a long time. Whenever there are cuts and bruises in the family, Dettol is a trusted name,” was his winning reply. His reward for winning the contest was a book on Branding, which he intends to put to good use at the earliest.

Other participants who talked about various brands like Apple, Dove, Red Tape Shoes and more, might not have won a book on the subject but they certainly went back home richer in understanding of branding. They were also awarded Certificates of Participation but it was the huge learning experience this activity offered them that the students cherished the most. The exercise turned out to be a fruitful one also because the participants’ communication skills were called into play and they learned to put their points across in an effective manner.

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