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Eighteenth Convocation at Jaipuria, Lucknow

Shri Rajnath Singh Ji, Hon’ble Union Home Minister, Govt. of India, congratulates the graduating Jaipuria students

November 1, 2014, Jaipuria Institute of Management, Lucknow, felt privileged to welcome all to its XVIII Annual Convocation on November 1, 2014. Shri Rajnath Singh Ji, Hon’ble Union Home Minister, Govt. of India was the honorable Chief Guest on this important day of recognition. Also present at the event were Chairman, Shri Sharad Jaipuria; Vice Chairman, Shri Shreevats Jaipuria; Director of the Institute, Prof. Abhishek Nirjar; as well as the esteemed members of the Board of Governors and the Academic Council of Jaipuria Institute of Management, Lucknow. All in attendance, distinguished guests and students, came to toast the perseverance and dedicationthat led to the success and achievements of batch 2012-14.

Shri Sharad Jaipuria, Chairman, Board of Governors, Jaipuria Institute of Management, welcomed the Chief Guest and the distinguished congregation on the solemn occasion. Shri Jaipuria, while delivering his welcome address, extended his wishes to the students. He added that the curriculum and pedagogy followed at Jaipuria make the student a partner and an active participant in the teaching-learning process. He advised the management students to understand the multiple challenges and opportunities in the emerging corporate world, and to work accordingly to achieve success for themselves and their organization. In closing, he urged students to always work with ‘passion’ and ‘ownership’ in life.

Prof. Abhishek Nirjar, Director, Jaipuria Institute of Management, Lucknow, highlighted the progress report and milestones achieved by the Institute during the academic year 2013-2014. He emphasized that success may be the collective goal of many, but the individual is the true judge of what success is for him. He reminded students that while the passion for higher learning began at Jaipuria, it is a never ending process. He concluded by extending his best wishes to the graduating class, and reminding the audience that the future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.

The Chief Guest Shri Rajnath Singh Ji expressed joy in being a part of the convocation ceremony at Jaipuria Institute of Management, Lucknow. He congratulated the young graduates for having received their diplomas and wished them good luck on their journey into the corporate echelons. He emphasized the fact that for a comprehensive development of personality, character and values are equally as important as knowledge. And, he reminded all to follow our ancestors and never let go of the genuineness and reality of our culture. Emphasizing the fact that female employment is equally important, he congratulated the institute for achieving a record 100% placement. He summed up his address by wishing students the best in their future endeavors.

The Convocation souvenir was also released on this occasion.
A vote of thanks was proposed by Shri Shreevats Jaipuria, Vice Chairman, Jaipuria Institute of Management. He advised students to treat their workplace as ‘an extension of their personality’ and to keep a firm belief in themselves for attaining great heights. Saying that it is not the end but the beginning of a long and continuous journey, he wished the students an enriching future.

In all, 270 students successfully completed various programmes of the Institute this year.The programmes are: 2-year full-time PGDM, 2-year full-time PGDM (Financial Services), 2-year full-time PGDM (Retail Management) and 3-year part-time PGDM programmes. The diplomas were conferred on successful candidates by Shri Sharad Jaipuria, Chairman, Board of Governors of the Institute.

The meritorious students were awarded scholastic medals for their outstanding performance by the Chief Guest, Shri Rajnath Singh Ji. In addition to various scholastic medals, a trophy to recognize the ‘Student of the Year 2014’ was presented for exceptional scholastic performance in the various two-year full-time Post Graduate Diploma in Management programmes. Anshula Sharma was recognized forher hard work and determination and was awarded this year’s trophy.

Rohit Rastogi was awarded the Chairman’s Gold Medal; Nishu Agarwalwas awarded the Vice Chairperson’s Silver Medal, and Harneet Kaur was awarded the Director’s Bronze Medal in the Full-time PGDM Programme. Anshula Sharma was awarded the Chairman’s Gold Medal in the Full-time PGDM (Financial Services) Programme. Garima Srivastavawas awarded the Chairman’s Gold Medal in the Full-time PGDM (Retail Management) Programme. Devendra Sharma was awarded the Chairman’s Gold Medal in the Part-time PGDM Programme. Certificates of Merit across all Full-Time PGDM programmes in the areas of Marketing, Finance, Human Resources and Operations were conferred onSrishti Chaubey and Anmol Kumar Srivastava (Marketing), Anshula Sharma and Nishu Agarwal (Finance), Reema Gupta (Human Resources), Naman Chaturvedi (Operations), respectively

Blog Jaipuria Featured Stories Jaipuria Noida Events

Jaipuria Noida launches Information Technology Club (iTops) and creates a platform to help students stay with IT

Jaipuria Institute of Management, Noida recently inaugurated an Information Technology Club for the benefit of its students. Called iTops, the club is another initiative from the B School to offer the best amenities to its students and offer them a comprehensive learning environment. Information technology is obviously an integral part of every management professional’s life in today’s corporate environment, in one way or another, and the club will aim to hone these skills amongst students, preparing them for the challenges that lay ahead.

The big launch of the club took place on the 4th of September, 2014 and it turned out to be a much talked about event. “Technology is a word that describes something that doesn’t work yet,” according to Douglas Adams, the famous writer who fuelled the curiosity for technology with his imagination. And the inaugural event had many young minds from Jaipuria, Noida display these two attributes; curiosity and imagination, in abundance, which definitely is a positive sign for the new club.

Proceedings for the day began with the welcome of Chief Guest Mr. Pankaj Madan, National Marketing Manager and Guest of Honour, Mr. Abhinav Shikawat, Chief Marketing Executive; both from HCL Info system Ltd, a leading name in the industry. Things then started on a bright note with the traditional lighting of the lamp by faculty members, Prof. Durgansh Sharma, Prof. Lalit Sharma and Prof. Richa Misra. Like in the fast paced world of Information Technology, things got underway immediately after as the members of the club were thrust right in the middle of action.

The very first activity of the club was to explore and understand The Power of Micro Blogging. A competition held on this highly relevant topic set the ball rolling as the members of the club were divided into groups of five each. They had to present a blog on some of the most talked about topics in the recent times. The subjects ranged from FIFA Fever on Facebook to Women Empowerment in India, digital marketing to Infrastructural development in the country. Completely charged up with the mission, the participants gave the task their best shot.

Judges comprising the chief guest, the guest of honour and faculty coordinators had a tough time on their hands to select the winner. But finally it was the group that wrote the blog on Ice Bucket Challenge for ALS that won the competition. The bloggers on the topic of FIFA Fever were runners up. As the activities ended on a high, Prof. Richa Misra and Prof. Lalit Sharma presented mementos to the guests. Prof. Durgansh Sharma offered the vote of thanks and urged students to make the most out of the club and take it to greater heights.

But that already seems the agenda for the members of the club, who are thrilled to have the opportunity to come out on iTops. Abhinay Mishra, PGDM 2015 said, “I completely appreciate this initiative taken by our institute and am looking forward to all the learning I can get from it.” Another member of the club was of the opinion that, “Information Technology is the way forward for all professionals and the club will equip us with the latest that will help us in our management careers.” That in itself would be purpose served for an exciting and ambitious club like this one.

Jaipuria Indore STUDENT Speaks

Jaipuria Institute of Management, Indore hosts a Lecture on the Ideas of Self-Concept and Locus of Control

“Dreams and Self-Belief are Free”

Meeta Malik
PGDM, Jaipuria Institute of Management

Those are the prescient words of Mr. Aditya Verma, who addressed students at Jaipuria Institute of Management, Indore as a Guest Lecturer. Mr. Verma has eight years of experience in Marketing, Human Resources and Business Development with three organizations. He has also been associated with management education since 1997, and has shared his experiences and knowledge with several reputable institutes across India. He is currently working with Sanghri Institute of Management, Indore (SIM).
He opened the session by introducing the topic “Self-Concept”, explaining how it is not fixed and how it changes from day to day. He said, “Each one of us should understand his or her value”, and emphasized that we are all capable of realizing our goals because “Dreams and Self-Belief are free”. He then conducted a small activity on “Analysing Self”. Taking the session forward he shed some light on how people create and destroy their own self-concepts. He also explained the dimension and circle of self-concept, as well as the positive and negative self-concept.

The students were completely engrossed by Mr. Verma’s words, and they were eager to interact with the open and affable speaker. Mr Verma then discussed the Locus of Control, Internal Locus of Control and External Locus of Control. He connected this to Self Efficacy and its four principles. He touched upon both the drawbacks of and tips for developing internal and external locus of control. The session ended with a video titled “21 Things Successful People do differently”. The video used examples to illustrate the power of locus of control and how people use it to succeed. It ended with a quote “Beware of your own Locus of Control”, which is meant to ensure that people are aware of themselves and their capabilities. The session was well received by the students who deal with anxieties of an unknown future and have aspirations that sometimes make them feel helpless. It brought to them the feeling of control and invited them to explore empowerment.

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