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Jaipuria Lucknow STUDENT Speaks

Life At Jaipuria : Amit Prakash

My background:

Family: I belong to a small family. My father Ramjivan Sharma is a businessman (contractor ). My mother Anju Sharma is a housewife. My brother Chandra Prakash is currently pursuing engineering in mechanical from ITM university Gwalior. My family has always been my biggest support throughout my life. We rarely get chance to be together as both of us brothers are busy in their studies but the time we are together, we just live to fullest.

Educational: I have done my secondary schooling from DAV Public School, Hazaribagh (Jharkhand). My higher secondary studies continued at Vishakhapatnam (Andhra Pradesh) at Sri Chaitanya. I have roamed to almost three corners of our country during my study span itself.

I am from a very beautiful city of Jharkhand named Hazaribagh. It is considered to be as one of the hill station of Jharkhand due to its cold weather. It is really chilling in the winters and summer also doesn’t disturbs so much.

I choose Jaipuria not because of any ones advice or suggestion. It was totally my own decision. Infact before my admission I suggested a student to go for this college. I was knowing about the college back from my graduation days itself as both my graduation and post graduation college belongs to the same family but different person. My faculty (Dr. Tazyn Rehman) guided me to achieve my future dreams of becoming successful. I wanted now to become serious about my life. My friend who has already spent a year in this college told me about each and every points related to the college. I firstly found it a bit hard because I had never been in such an environment which prepares you to fight for your success in future. Above all my only motive was that after two years from my graduation I should stand at a place where I can make my parents feel proud of me. I had a talk to my family member about the college and they agreed. Now here I am and still I suggest my friends to go for this college if they want to achieve something.

First Semester: Speaking frankly it was one of the toughest time of my life. It was a new place, new faces, new chores to be accomplished. Assignments, projects, quizzes, exams, presentations, God I was really panicked at times. It took time to getting used of these things.

Second Semester: Till now I was used to work and deliver my performance at my best wherever asked for. I understood that these tasks are building me for the corporate world which I will be facing.

Third Semester: This was the time which flew like anything. I remember that the semester had a major part in itself which was nothing but our SIP Company selection. Now I was totally comfortable with the college environment and still love to be at college with friends and faculties.

My achievements in past few months are as follows:

Certificate of recognition for contribution made in two of the committees of OJAS (Annual Fest) : Food Committee and Branding &Communication Committee.

Certificate of appreciation for being a member of Social Responsibility Committee (2015-2016).

Certificate of Operational Tour at Pizza Hut and On Job Training at Big Bazaar.

Participated in Nukkad Natak (1st position), E Week 2016, Ran Marathon ( IIM Lucknow annual fest).

Faculty: Faculties in our college Jaipuria are not just a person who teaches us but they are the individuals helping us bring out the best from us. Their guidance at each steps help us enlighten ourselves and deal with any situation in most apt manner. All faculties here are ready to help us out from any situation, it doesn’t matter that wether they teach us or not.

Class: Classes at Jaipuria are not only for providing us the bookish knowledge but also teaches to be a better person in life. Classes are interactive and a two way communication exists. Some extra classes which the college organises helps students gain idea about the real industry availing in the market scenario.

Learning at Jaipuria: The best thing which I have learnt at Jaipuria is being professional. I am still learning it. Jaipuria has made me learn to work in a team, to work under pressure, to give your best and many more. It has helped me gain immense confidence which will surely give me an edge over my competitors. And last but not the least I learned about the managerial skills required in corporate world.

Life has changed drastically if I compare it with my graduation one. I became more organised, serious, professional and above all more focused towards my goal. Graduation was a place where I studied for marks, here I study for learning. My priorities from enjoying the life has changed to first accomplish the task assigned. I thanks Jaipuria for bringing this pleasant change in my life.

My majors here are Marketing and Finance.

At the beginning I see myself working for a good company under a person who recognises my potential and help me enhance them. I want to climb the ladder of success i.e from the grass root level to a top executive one and for this I would give my best to the company I join. I see myself stable in the corporate world rather than hopping from jobs to jobs just for a bit increase in salary. I want to invest my first few years in corporate to learn and gain respect.

My strengths which will help me in getting the job I want, as I consider are as follows:

y communication skill. My never say never attitude. My dedication for things I want to have. My co curricular activities participation. Guidance by people whom I see upon.


Having my own house within 5 years of my career.
Keep my parents and person related to me happy for the rest of life.
Earning respect in the society and workplace.
Attending a Tomorrow Land Event.
Going on a world tour.

My father inspires me the most. I wish I can be like him. He is just perfect, a person who have never said me no for anything. His hard work and dedication always makes me respect him even more. He is my role model and I admire him the most.

My sunsign is Leo.

I always have a habit of having a plenty of friends which I have here either. But their is always a special one for me and that special one in this college is Puja Pandey. She is a person whom I can trust blindly. I have never had any friend like her in my whole life. I have many more friends like Priyanka Kashyap, Rohan Tripathi, Jai Kumar Agrahari and the list continues. My friends are always there for me and I love them a lot for this.

My favourite faculty at Jaipuria is Ms. Reena Agarwal. She is like my mother away from home. She supports me, guides me, understands me and above all is always their for my help. She is also my SRC committee head for which I work here at college. She always try to make me perform better and bring professionalism under myself. I share almost everything with her and respect her a lot.

I am a member of Social Responsible Committee and Marketing Club.

My hobbies are: chilling with friends, listening to music, watching stand up comedy, playing sports (TT, Basketball, Badminton).

Being part of Social Responsible Committee is a new life experience for me at Jaipuria. It has made me more responsible towards society. It changed my way of looking at life. I have started helping people in need. It has made me a better person.

Ms. Reena Agarwal (faculty): “Work hard and give your best… Rest success will follow you”
Rohan Tripathi (friend): “You can win hearts, just keep smiling and keep shining.”

Internship Company : IDBI Federal Life Insurance.

It has been just two weeks since I have joined IDBI and trust me I am loving to work with this company. I have learned about the policies of company, how to pitch them, other financial terms regarding policies and many more. I haven’t had any customer interaction yet but I do believe that I would be successful in generating leads for the company. It is great to have such a work experience before getting placed.

Summer Internship Project: Risk Analysis and Marketing of Insurance Policies.
Objective: To determine the risk factor involved in the policy subscription by a customer and also to learn the ways of marketing the same policies.

Jaipuria Noida STUDENT Speaks

I could not have imagined doing so much in just one year – Souvik Ghosh, Class of 2015-17, Jaipuria, Noida

“My name means magician,” explains Souvik Ghosh, “and it’s really been a magical journey for me so far,” he adds. Growing up in Belgharia, north of Kolkata, Ghosh passed out of St. Xavier’s school with scholarship. A graduate degree in BBA followed. “I was then looking for a college that would provide me with a platform that would not just give me a degree but something more valuable than that — an understanding, a purpose, a reason…,” he explains. After long hours of surfing the net, the young man came across an advertisement. This was the start of his Jaipuria, Noida journey. And as he says, “I am now part of this rich and vast experience called the Jaipuria Institute of Management, Noida.”

Ghosh slowly moved up the ladder working hard across the semesters with his work-load increasing and one day merging into the next. But as he says, “I realised that I was good at time management. With the support of the faculty, my friends and my peers, worries soon became a thing of the past. Not to mention all the fun activities Jaipuria, Noida has to offer that also contributed.”

The young man’s Jaipuria experience also included “many platforms” where he showcased his talents. The first was a campus sports event ‘Spardha’ where he was approached by the Media Relations Committee to join them because of his skills in videography and editing. He was also part of ‘Udaan’, where he won first prizes in Face-Painting, and Short Film-Making. “I felt proud since I had won two times in a row and people knew what potential I had in me. I also won first place in the drama competition where we enacted a street play on the subject ‘Save Our Farmers’.” Ghosh has also helped the institute design a certificate, using his skills in Pictogrpahy and Photoshop, which will be provided to foreign exchange students.

As far as academics is concerned, Ghosh stresses that the faculty is extremely supportive and is always there if students need a helping hand. “We have also been assigned mentors who help us in our routine work, whether it be personal or related to academics,” says Ghosh. Two of his favourite faculty members are his mentors, Dr. Swati Agarwal, and Dr. Shalini Shrivastava. “Swati ma’am is an amazing person. On the very first day, we were assigned a ‘Coffee with Mentor’ session where she gave me excellent advice and helped me overcome my home-sickness. I met Shalini ma’am on the first day of class which was on ‘Organisational Behaviour’. She was the first faculty member to have interacted with the whole class in such a friendly and interactive fashion. Her unique way of teaching was so enjoyable that everyone seemed to love her sessions.”

Ghosh, whose inspiration comes from his parents and grandfather, feels that if you want to be a manager, learning to manage time is the most important thing. As he says, “Time management and discipline are the most important qualities that you must inculcate if you want to be successful. Jaipuria, Noida has also taught me that no matter how much you learn and how many people are there to help you, ultimately it is you who has to walk upon the path to your goal.”

Ghosh’s time at Jaipuria, Noida also included industry exposure, and networking with senior industry experts. “I got to meet Prahlad Kakkar at the international conference ICROSMOS held by Jaipuria, Noida. I was delighted to meet a man of such magnitude and I can say that this was my most life-changing moment at the Institute.”

Speaking about his internship programme, Ghosh says that his dissertation was on, “The detailed study of commodities and trading in Indian markets.” Interning with Sharekhan Ltd, one of the most prestigious names associated with trading and investment in the market, has given him an “exposure as to how challenging and vast the global as well as Indian market and economy really is. Being able to understand the market, how things work, being constantly guided by my industrial mentor Deepak Rohilla and Praveen Sir, has added to my rich experience.”

And his ultimate vision? “I have good communication skills and I have good market knowledge and management skills. When these skills have been polished by Jaipuria, Noida, I hope they will lead to my being placed with a good multinational brand,” he says.

This Sagittarian has a lot of friends on campus. “I can’t fit them into one category,” he says, “so I will just say, “they are a cocktail of fun” – Arnish (my room-mate), Sohini, Tridip, Paulomi, Bornita, Deepshikha, Swatilekha, and Rachaiyata – without them campus life would be rather dull. Two of the brightest personalities I have met so far are my seniors – Aarohan, and Arko.” Says classmate Aditya Singh, “Souvik is a dear colleague and friend. He has always been busy but has found the time to help those who need his support.” Arnish Mukerjee concurs, “Souvik is a fantastic individual. He has been my room-mate for a year and I wish him the best of luck.” Arko Debsharma and Aarohan Dev (batch of 2014-16) both agree that their friend is the most creative person they have ever encountered. “He lives up to his Bengali heritage,” says Aarohan Dev.”

Ghosh’s ultimate dream would be to create an organisation where people can recognise talent in the smallest of spheres. “I would like to help such people, to inculcate new ideas with my creativity, no matter how little impact I have in this world, I want people to understand each others’ potential, so that we can all grow together,” he says.

Jaipuria Lucknow STUDENT Speaks

"The choices we make, make us what we are," says Aishwarya Mishra

For Aishwarya Mishra (Jaipuria, Lucknow Class of 2015-17), the first year has seen her gain immensely in confidence and knowledge and get ready to pursue her dreams.

“The choices we make, make us what we are,” says Aishwarya Mishra as she talks about her PGDM journey with Jaipuria, Lucknow. Mishra says she chose to study at Jaipuria Institute of Management, Lucknow because she wanted to be someone who stood out in a crowd and also because she felt that “this is a prestigious Business School” that could help her achieve her goal.

“I started my first semester on 23rd June 2015 amidst lots of excitement, new friends, competition and a multitude of experiences. I certainly noticed a change in the kind of pressure and responsibility that I had experienced during my graduation. Here at Jaipuria, Lucknow the emphasis on academics is remarkable,” she says as she talks about long lecture hours and endless presentations. However, “All this became routine and I got accustomed to the pace. Soon I settled comfortably into the routine.”

Life at Jaipuria, Lucknow however, does not just mean study and more study. “The Institute left no stone unturned for us. There were many extracurricular activities I participated in. For instance there was a pageant organised by the Miss India Association called Campus Princess, which was held in IIM Lucknow and I got an opportunity to represent my Institute there. I also participated in a colloquium held at Jaipuria, Lucknow on the subject of Budget 2016,” explains Mishra 

Talking about her learning experience, the young lady emphasises that without the brilliant faculty students would be at a loss about how to bring out the best in themselves. “The faculty devotes their time and energy to us to the fullest extent. They are never reluctant to solve our queries,” she says. She points out that her academic journey has been a blend of everything. “Academics has helped me sharpen and enhance my knowledge and sense of individuality. It has helped me to become a more confident, bold and professional person. Due to the daily presentations and tests including communication classes I have imbibed good leadership as well as linguistic skills. Apart from academics Jaipuria, Lucknow has opened up an ocean of opportunities in the corporate world for me,” she says.

Mishra’s favourite faculty member is “Professor Masood Siddiqui. He always motivates me and identifies the potential in his student just as a skilled jeweller who cuts and engraves gem stones and makes a beautiful adornment,” she waxes eloquently adding, “Someday I will bring laurels to my college.” Faculty member Prof. Siddiqui concurs that Mishra has indeed come a long way. “She has already made an impression and with time and experience she will prove to be an asset in every environment.”

This Scorpio lady says that her greatest source of inspiration is her family. “They are my life support system.” And of course her friends “who are always by my side and my biggest supporters after my teachers. They take care of every need of mine especially my best friends Anubhav, Gaurav and Ashraf.” Her friends echo her sentiments: “She has a charming and winsome manner and we wish her well.”

Mishra, whose hobbies are reading – “especially fashion and financial magazines — listening to music and exploring places,” is doing her summer internship at ICICI Securities, Lucknow. “My SIP is all about mutual fund awareness. Its objective is to create an awareness in people about their investments through the online portal of ICICI Direct, which makes an investment easy and convenient without any broker in between,’’ she explains.  


With Finance and Marketing as her subjects where would she like to see herself eventually? “My dream is to grab a job in the top financial consultancies such as the Big 4 and to earn enough so that I can do something for mentally challenged children,” she confesses. And she will be able to do this and more with her areas of strength being her “domain knowledge, confidence and communication skills.”

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