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Jaipuria Lucknow Jaipuria Lucknow Placement Update STUDENT Speaks

Pranay Kapoor from Jaipuria Lucknow, Class 2014-16 will be contributing in designing mobile apps

Pranay Kapoor from Jaipuria Lucknow, Class 2014-16 will be contributing in designing mobile apps loaded with Internet banking features with his Management skills in the kitty.

Pranay Kapoor has joined Ujjivan Financial Services Ltd. with a package of Rs.7 lacs p.a. Here, he shares his thoughts on his time at Jaipuria Institue of Management, Lucknow, his placement experience and his plans for the future.

I come from the Union Territory of Silvassa and have completed my Mechanical Engineering (B.E. Mechanical) from Sinhgad College of Engineering, Pune (University of Pune). I already had two years of work experience before joining Jaipuria Jaipuria’s PGDM in 2014. The objective behind joining this program was to move from the technical cadre to the management cadre. From these two years, I expected to get the best guidance possible for career and personal growth. Upon reflection, I must say this purpose has been well served here.

My two years have been transformational in many ways. I have become more confident in my abilities to lead any project, assignment, or event. Compared to my batchmates from engineering who did not choose to go for a PGDM, I see significant differences in job profiles. I am not aware of many management people who get to design a mobile app and internet banking website for a bank, thus contributing in setting up a bank.

I have also had a chance to undertake a lot of extracurricular activities during these two years. I presented a research paper on “Identification of Best Entertainment Place for Youth Using Multi Criteria Decision Making Process” during the International Conference on Optimization, Computing and Business Analysis for Sustainable Development held at The Department of Mathematics, Central University of Rajasthan.

My internship experience was also invaluable in building my confidence and abilities. I interned with Bridgestone India Jaipur and my work included assessing brand popularity and comparative analysis of 4 and 2 wheeler tyre market in Jaipur city. For this, I conducted market survey of customers, 2/4 wheeler tyre dealers and performed data analysis using SPSS. I also worked on a project for Lifestyle, Landmark Group, Jaipur wherein my topic was ‘Operational and Marketing practices of a retail store’. I gained experience in maintaining inventory levels, understanding the importance of CRM and experiencing innovative promotional activities like loyalty cards and sales points.

This invaluable experience and my ability to articulate the main highlights from the SIP (summer internship program) helped me a lot during my final interviews. The overall interview experience was very satisfactory. I feel that the ability to justify how my SIP work experience and how my strengths would work for the betterment of the organization was the turning point in my interview.
I have joined Ujjivan as a Management Associate – Channels (Internet Banking and Mobility). I will need to finalize a field list and feature list for the Ujjivan Mobile banking app and Internet Banking, develop process maps and process flows for each service and develop User Acceptance Testing (UAT) cases.

Jaipuria Jaipur STUDENT Speaks

For Prachi Kettry, Jaipuria Jaipur (2014-16), talks about how her 2 journey has taken her further

Prachi has joined Deloitte India as a Tax Consultant with a salary package of Rs. 5.35 lacs p.a. She shares her Jaipuria Jaipur experience and how it has helped her reach where she is today.

I come from The Great City of Joy- Kolkata. I have done my BBA-Marketing from Shri Shikshayatan College which is affiliated to Calcutta University.
The BBA is known as a mini MBA. For career progression, I opted for the PGDM, which involves a more enriching experience. The presentations, case studies, projects, and research papers improve understanding of business. Another reason for pursuing MBA was to build a network and to discard my stage fear.

Coming to Jaipuria Jaipur was indeed a big decision for my family and me. I have been in Kolkata with my family all my life. Convincing them about the move was a challenge. However once I made them understand the importance of taking my career to a next level and how Jaipuria would help me with this, they were convinced. I will always be grateful to them for their support and for the faith that they entrusted on me.

At Jaipuria, I have learnt to do more than one thing at a time, and have gained considerable knowledge. Staying away from home, Jaipuria Jaipur has helped me to become independent. This has boosted my self-confidence and has helped me improve my socializing and leadership skills. Also, it has helped to broaden my horizons.

My stage fear has vanished. Continuous and rigorous presentations helped me to overcome this problem and boosted my confidence. Also, doing an MBA from a reputed B-school gave me a great opportunity to network with smart students and achievers. My internship experience was also useful in building my skills. I accomplished my SIP from Emami Limited, Kolkata in their Finance and Accounting function. My project was based on analysing the financial statements and of the company, while comparing its working capital trend with competitors.

Another self-development aspect at Jaipuria Jaipur are the extra-curricular opportunities. During the two years I participated in many activities, including Basics of Communication Skills, Duet Dance, Paper Dance event in “Abhyudaya-National Inter-College Annual Fest and many more.

After all this, I do see a large difference between myself and my BBA batchmates in terms of professional approach towards my work and occupation. The skills that Jaipuria has instilled in me has made me more efficient and productive. Its healthy campus life has added on in grooming myself and has taught me to cope with life, not only academically, but also practically.
My role in Deloitte will be of a Tax Consultant-1. The key responsibility will be filing tax returns for the US clients, acting in compliance with the US tax laws. It will require working in teams, supporting one another. Along with this, there will be continuous training and e-learning sessions.

Good communication skills are important to make an impact, so I would advise the current batch to work on that. Show recruiters your positive side and stay calm while speaking. Be brief and give to the point answers, especially in the technical round. They do not appreciate confusing answers at all. Have clarity in your thoughts. Don’t overdo anything. To prepare yourself for the interview, start preparing your answers now. Write down your answers somewhere, get it reviewed by your faculty mentor and read them once every day. This will build up your confidence and on the final day, you can answer them without any hesitation. Trust me, it helped me a lot!

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