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Alumni Speak Jaipuria Lucknow

Do you really need to do your MBA to take on a family business? Yes, says Sunny Manglani who has benefited tremendously from the program

Sunny Manglani had his eyes set on taking his family business to a higher level and widening its reach. Contrary to popular advice, which suggested that MBA wasn’t required to head down the entrepreneurial road, he decided to take the plunge. He did his PGDM with specialization in Retail Management from Jaipuria Institute of Management, Lucknow in 2015. Today the alum tells us how vital the program has been in his entrepreneurial journey.

Going against popular advice

Sunny’s family runs a thriving garment business with a retail outlet in Lucknow. His well wishers were of the opinion that a PGDM program wouldn’t necessarily help him with the plans he had for his business. But he decided to go ahead and pursue the program. “I think I have realized the true significance of the program only after I completed it. I realized that education is meant for your all round development. An entrepreneur might not need to have specific knowledge in Finance or HR but MBA makes you a complete package,” he asserts.

Making a bid to boost the business

Soon after completing his PGDM from Jaipuria Institute of Management, Lucknow, Sunny entered his family business. Though technically it’s a second generation business for him, he counts it as a first generation experience because he has much bigger and new plans for it. “My dream is to change the entire operations of the business from traditional to a more modernized and organized setup. I am working on it and also planning to multiply the number of stores. I feel I am confident and equipped for the challenge thanks to my grooming at the B School,” he adds.

Welcome to the real world

Sunny admits that life as an entrepreneur is filled with challenges that are very different from his student days. However he misses his student years at Jaipuria Institute of Management, Lucknow as they were a stepping stone for what followed. He also remembers being a part of the core committer of the student excellence council, which gave him immense exposure. “I believe the two years at the B School are a huge lesson in crisis management. It’s something you are going to rely on in your corporate career or as an entrepreneur. So learn from every experience you will get here,” he concludes.

Alumni Speak Jaipuria Noida

Alum Rohit Chaudhary was the first from Jaipuria Institute of Management, Noida to be hired by Barclays Bank

Mr. Rohit Chaudhary, Jaipuria Institute of Management, Noida alum Batch 2012 was the first management graduate from his B School to bag placement with a reputed international bank like Barclays. In the last five years he has had a prolific career in finance, with the bank and in his new role with Moody’s Analytics. In the same span his bank has recruited almost 25 fresh graduates from his institute. It speaks volumes about the impression he has made with the company, and as he says, also of the growing stature of his alma mater.

Mr. Chaudhary made his presence felt at the recently held alumni meet for the first time. He was thrilled to be a part of the growth of his institute and touched by the respect shown by his juniors. According to him, the alumni-B School bond remains as strong as ever. “I have been closely associated with the Noida campus and so are some of my batch mates and seniors. I know they are closely involved with the placement decisions too. Being in NCR, job opportunities are tremendous, and if you have people in the industry, it works to your advantage,” he says.

He believes, the B School is harnessing this advantage and growing not only in rankings but in industry perception as well. Mr. Chaudhary also credits the contribution of Jaipuria Institute of Management, Noida in his own career. “I was always interested in Finance and my B School helped me on in the right direction. I used to have discussions with my Finance faculty and that helped me upgrade my skills. It also taught me the best way to express my knowledge of the subject. The faculty members understand your needs and have conversations accordingly,” he says thoughtfully.

Mr. Chaudhary admits that it’s these interactions that keep bringing him back to the campus. And he would like to stay involved with activities at Jaipuria Institute of Management, Noida as alum. “I think one of the biggest favors the B School did for our careers, is to make us independent. Even during placements while everyone who was interested got placed, you had the option of fending for yourself. I did that through RBS Bank because my B School had instilled the confidence in me,” he explains. And it suffices to say that Mr. Chaudhary has never looked back in his career since.

Alumni Speak Jaipuria Indore

Sravanti Ivaturi Mishra of Jaipuria Institute of Management, Indore intends to take the cultural heritage of her B School forward through Communications

There are many reasons Sravanti Ivaturi Mishra is glad that she chose to pursue her PGDM program from Jaipuria Institute of Management, Indore. After all, she calls them the best years of her life filled with immense learning and experiences that shaped her. But above all she is grateful because the program also worked on her communication skills. As a Public Affairs and Communications coordinator with American Express those skills are her bread and butter today.

Jaipuria Institute of Management, Indore alum Batch 2011 – 13 reveals how her B School also added an extra dollop of sweetness to her ‘growing up’ experience and made it a whole lot of fun.

Transition from academic to corporate life

Sravanti admits that corporate life is vastly different from academic sojourn, but her B School had prepared her for the challenges she would face. She discusses how her grooming ensured that she can handle different responsibilities in her professional life. “My team handles entire communications for American Express JaPa – Asia-Pacific and the Japan region. We take care of internal, leadership and media communication. I keep going back to my communications classes at the B School to draw inspiration.” she says candidly.

Peer learning on campus

According to Sravanti, one of the hallmarks of studying at Jaipuria Institute of Management, Indore is the diverse learning environment. Studying in a small batch of 37 students not only brought them closer but helped her understand different cultures better. “It was such a versatile bunch; there was a budding artist, a musician, an IT geek, and a dancer. But they were all so talented and we fed off each other’s energies. Divers backgrounds led to interesting exchange of ideas. As my work involves a wide and diverse geographical region, that experience is quite useful,” she says.

Butterflies in her stomach

It’s not because of any work pressure though. Sravanti is excited to meet her contemporaries at the alumni meet after a long time. She is connected with them over social media and speaks to her faculty members on the phone. But the alumni meet is her opportunity to relive her memories. “I genuinely believe that we should have more such interactions and the responsibility lies with the alumni. Such events will help us take the cultural heritage of the institute forward and for our juniors to follow,” she says warmly.

Alumni Speak Jaipuria Indore

Can a B School help you find your identity? Yes, says Madyantika Mehra of Jaipuria Institute of Management, Indore who is making waves in the retail world

Madyantika Mehra, alum Batch 2014 – 16 of Jaipuria Institute of Management, Indore strongly believes that her B School gave her the identity she was looking for. It has given her the wings to soar high in the corporate world and she is making the most of the platform. She was placed with Retails giant Pantaloons and a year on, she is handling the SPO profile for the company. She gets talking about her journey and preparedness for career challenges at the recently held alumni meet of the B School.

The bumpy ride at the onset

Madyantika admits that things weren’t easy when she set foot on the sprawling Jaipuria Institute of Management, Indore campus. She feared getting lost but found her own thanks to the support of her faculty members. “There were many hiccups along the way but my faculty team and mentors held my hand through the rough ride. I was also lucky to have friends who backed me every step of the way. I think because of that I have become more confident. I believe Jaipuria Institute of Management, Indore has given me the identity I needed to get a firm footing in the corporate world,” she says looking back.

Turning the tide in her favor

During her two years’ program, Madyantika was prepared for different corporate roles. Interestingly she did her summer internship with More, another big name in Retail business. That helped her bag her placement in her area of interest with a brand like Pantaloons. “There were placement sessions with mentors that offered me deep insight into the world of retail. Yet it is difficult to tell if it’s going to be a smooth sailing. However my B School has definitely given me the wings to reach the heights I want to,” she says thoughtfully.

Feeling anchored with her B School

In spite of her busy schedule Madyantika makes it a point to keep in touch with her batch mates and faculty members. Her mentors help her out when she has doubts till date. “I also try and stay connected with company activities since we keep asking for interns. I am still involved with the campus company Spark that offers placement assistance. I think having that feeling of gratitude is important no matter how high you fly. There are no short cuts to success and the real foundation for it was built at Jaipuria Institute of Management, Indore. I am thankful for that,” she ends on a humble note.

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