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Everyone talks about "new ideas" but a session with Mr. V.P.Kamath at Jaipuria Institute of Management, Lucknow shed light on- how to break the clutter for achieving success!

The thing with the Jaipuria Institute of Management’s PGDM curriculum is- you get to hear a lot of industry stalwarts addressing some of the most interesting, topical issues and brainstorming on them with students over hours’ sessions. Industry Sessions here is a daily practice and is comfortably weaved into the daily curriculum of students. A latest talk with Mr. V.P. Kamath, Non-Executive Director, WellCorp Health Services Pvt. Ltd., Mumbai at Jaipuria Institute of Managaement, Lucknow reinforced the fact once again.

Mr. Kamath talked about- “Emerging Challenges In Global Business Industry: Expectations From Young Managers” and the man with his 30 years of leadership experiences had some of the most insightful things to share with the students.

He initiated the discussion by highlighting Market capitalization, growth of business and international competition faced by the young leaders today. He mentioned- “with the changing environmental conditions, idea of innovative disruption is of paramount importance.” But with good ideas, come the pressing need of letting the world know about them.

Mr. Kamath shared that Customer Relationship Management that earlier focused on a single scale with moderate consumer contact has now transformed into long time scale benefits and consumer retention. Previously the population had limited use of technology while the consumer was almost a passive component. Today, the scenario is quite different. “The world has taken up a wide turn involving powerful use of new adapted technical ideas and consumer benefit programs. To survive in a market like this, is a completely new ball game” he elaborates.

Bringing the example of various schemes launched by Modi government on issue of Visa, Mr. Kamath further emphasised that “it is a remarkable step towards the network of growth and communication as well as business enhancement technique.” Similarly, the 4G services brought forward by Reliance Jio network has taken the whole economy by surprise. He underlined that “it is in fact the popular use of technical sciences coupled with incredible ideas to enhance customer experiences is what taking the world forward- one big step at a time.” Yet there are lot of things that can be done to help young leaders lead in better ways.

The talk got even more interesting when Mr. Kamath brought one of the foremost, pressing concerns of young entrepreneurs to daylight. “Marketing has to be personalized, customized, and made cost effective in today’s hypercompetitive atmosphere. Brand building in India has always been an excellent initiative but it is about time to think around it more constructively to attend success,” were the words of advice from Mr. Kamath.

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