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FACULTY Speaks Jaipuria Lucknow

Brands aren't built overnight. Dr. Kavita Pathak of Jaipuria Institute of Management, Noida on "how brands are built!"

According to Dr. Pathak, Director, Jaipuria Institute of Management, Noida- “the concept of a brand is a matter of belief and timeless brands are created by everyone concerned staying invested with it.” She was speaking at the “Brand Marquee” event organized by T. A. Pai Management Institute in association with MBA Rendezvous.

Dr. Kavita Pathak is an eminent Professor of Marketing and the Director of Jaipuria Institue of Management, Noida. Her teaching career experience of over two decades includes 18 years of teaching in India and 4 years overseas, teaching at University of Queensland Business School, Australia. Her research work focuses on the area of high tech marketing.

She shared her perspectives in a very interesting panel discussion titled “Director’s View on Branding: We Produce Budding Managers”. The panel consisted of Directors from reputable B-Schools and hence provided for a very rich discussion on the subject.

For a management education institution, brand building begins with fundamental elements, one of which is the people and processes it invests in. For Dr. Pathak the choice of joining Jaipuria, Noida on her return from Australia was a very clear one. According to her, there is little that the institute does that is of mere ornamental value. “The investment it makes in people and facilitating collaboration between them makes the whole experience of teaching here worthwhile,” states Dr. Pathak.

Another aspect that leaves a mark on students well beyond their time at the institute and thus creates long term brand value is the mentoring they receive in their 2 years. Speaking about the mentoring process for students, she went on to say, “we run a unique individual development and mentorship program. In most cases, our mentorship begins at the undergraduate level itself where Jaipuria has an extensive teach through its quiz leagues. The intensive mentorship program then covers the 2 years that students spend on campus and extends well beyond graduation.”

Apart from research, collaboration through the unique ‘Uncampus’ initiative, and mentorship, the other important focus area for Jaipuria according to Dr. Pathak is the industry connect. This helps the institute to develop a curriculum that is relevant and in turn with industry needs. Besides this, it also helps to groom and prepare students effectively for placements, providing them with an opportunity to compete effectively with students from other leading B-schools.

As per Dr. Pathak, the most important factor for her own personal success in building the Jaipuria brand is to ensure that she and her support team are completely on the same page on the brand promise. Only then can the brand be marketed effectively to outsiders. “One challenge that I see from my side is making sure that the passion I imbibe for the Jaipuria brand extends to all the faculty, students, and staff,” she added. This involves keeping the energy of faculty members channelized towards entrepreneurial activity that can help the organisation grow.

In summation, Dr Pathak feels that brands are a matter of belief, trust and staying invested in the ultimate goal. “So, whatever it takes to carve a belief about your institution, first carve a belief about yourself, nurture that belief and the vision of what you wished to be and give it everything. That’s how brands are made,” she concludes.

Blog Jaipuria Jaipur

Starting a Pink Revolution in the Pink City: Jaipuria Institute of Management, Jaipur's MDP on Women Empowerment

Jaipuria Institute of Management, Jaipur recently organized a five day Management Development Programme on the crucial theme of ‘Stri-Shakti: Empowering women for Leadership’. Held between 11th and 15th September in Jaipur, it was another initiative from the B School to raise social awareness and bring about a change in the society. The MDP brought together 24 senior female officials from organizations like Airport Authority, PNB, Central Coalfield, Power Grid Corporation, NBC, Central Warehousing Corporation and Aviation Academy on one platform, and was a huge success.

Women are the backbone of the society, at the heart of homes and a force to reckon with in the professional sphere. But in spite of being a major stakeholder, their contributions are often overlooked. The MDP coordinated by Mr. Jai Prakash Chaubey, Senior Manager, MDP & C sought to discuss various issues related to the theme in the presence of resource faculty Ms. Manjusha Bhatnagar, Director HR & CA, Balmer Laurie & Co Ltd., Ms. Meenakshi Davar, ED, Power Grid, Ms. Anamika Sethi, renowned dietician, Ms. Rashmi Kanwar, Image Consultant, Ms. Seema Mishra, Lawyer, High Court, Delhi and Ms. Seema Gupta, Executive Director, Power Grid Corporation of India Limited.

Mr. Y P S Kanwar, Vice President, MDP, Jaipuria Institute of Management presented the Welcome address and stressed on the need for such programmes to empower women in today’s times. Ms. Manjusha Bhatnagar inaugurated the programme and also held the opening session that focused on the role of women in the changing scenario. “It is time for us to make a difference and effect a mindset change in the male-centric scheme of things. We can bring about a true socio-economic empowerment of women across regions, religions and classes,” she said in her inspiring speech.

Ms. Anamika Sethi then stressed on the fact that good health is the key to an empowered woman. She suggested that we shouldn’t look at fitness as a trend but make it a part of our lifestyle. She also shared tips on staying healthy along with busy work and house routines. Ms. Rashmi Kanwar, who conducts the popular “Create a Positive Impactful Image” workshops around the country made a presentation highlighting the importance of a positive space around you. “Identify the core competencies, character traits that you wish to be associated with you,” she said before sharing tips on ‘power of personal appearance’ with the participants.

‘Sexual Harassment at the workplace and Supreme Court Guidelines’ was the burning topic of discussion of another session conducted by Ms. Seema Mishra, an eminent High Court lawyer. She offered real life examples to talk about ‘Domestic Violence Act’, which had a huge impact on the audience. Her session on ‘Legislative and Judicial initiatives towards women empowerment’ made the participants aware of various legal and judicial initiatives for the protection of women. After the serious discussion, the participants had a breather as they explored the sights of the Pink city.
As the participants regrouped the next day, Ms. Meenakshi Davar took charge of the sessions. Her first session was all about maintaining work life balance and creating a culture of excellence. She talked about the impact of Globalization in her next session on ‘Building leadership competencies and harnessing their potential’. “Significant strategic shifts are transforming the playing field, vast opportunities for growth are emerging. Successful business leaders must shape their organizations to be more nimble and flexible and less hierarchical,” she said.

The discussions progressed on the final day as Ms. Seema Gupta looked ahead in her session on ‘Moving forward -The Modern Women’. According to her, it is important for a modern woman to be supported, and that there is equality in every aspect. Dr. Nidhi Vashistha, Professor, Jaipuria Institute of Management and Trainer then carried out an interesting activity that brought forward the fact that managing work-personal life balance might be difficult but it is indeed possible.

The MDP had raised several important questions and facilitated a platform to exchange tips and ideas for betterment of women in different walks of life. Mrs. Suman Sharma, Head, Mahila Ayog, Rajasthan distilled the learning from the programme in her Valedictory Session on ‘Women In Leadership roles’. “We are all born leaders. But there are times when our halos go dull and we need the support of a mentor, guide, friend and family,” she said. She also commented that such programmes are a platform for women to realize and recognize that truth. And that’s something the MDP had managed to achieve through five days of intense ideating and sharing after which the participants walked away with certificates a big dollop of inspiration.

Blog Jaipuria Noida

Sonam Marwaha, Jaipuria Institute of Management, Noida gives us the inside outs of Tax Consultant role with Deloitte US

Ever wondered what it takes to work as a Tax Consultant intern with a global giant like Deloitte? It seems like a lucrative but daunting proposition; what is the ground reality? We had Sonam Marwaha, Jaipuria Institute of Management, Noida on the ground, interning as a Tax Consultant with Deloitte US, Gurgaon. According to her, every single day in the professional environment was filled with opportunities. She reports on the challenges, the tasks, interaction with professionals and the overall learning experience from her internship with UK-incorporated multinational professional services firm.

Getting up to speed after a false start

sonam1Sonam recounts the time she enrolled for the program late in the first semester. Soon after, she was taken ill with chikungunya, which hampered her progress. But with the support of her faculty members and friends she managed to keep pace with her studies and came through the internship process with flying colors. “The experience taught me never to give up hope and I took that attitude to my internship. Internships help you get true insight of the corporate world and build your own network. That’s why I was always proactive, communicating and networking, which helped me get the best out of my internship,” she reveals.

Not getting ‘taxed’ about it

sonam2Sonam’s internship brought her a stipend of Rs. 50,000 but it also demanded every bit of her effort and dedication. Her project was on Tax compliance for C – Corporation and as a part of business tax services central she was a part of Houston team, as they are divided geographically. “I was assigned to prepare the book return for the U.S Clients and compute their taxable income. I learned about Tax software and how to calculate taxable income. About the work environment I would say that they have an open door policy. All the professionals are so amiable and I learned how to connect with right people and build a network,” she narrates.

What Tax Consultant role demands?

Now as an insider, Sonam reveals the key responsibilities of the role with Deloitte. You need to understand the basics of US Tax law, learn the software for various tax returns and above all to be strong team players. The confident Jaipuria Institute of Management, Noida intern proved herself on all these counts and overcame the challenges along the way too. “Getting comfortable with US Tax provisions proved to be a challenge because it is a whole new concept for me. But as my industry mentor said to me, no question is stupid. If you don’t understand something, ask the questions. An inquisitive mind is the key to internship success,” she reveals her mantra.

Blog Jaipuria Noida

An internship is so much more than the stipend. A tete-a-tete with Smriti Sharma of PGDM Class 2018 of Jaipuria Institute of Management, Noida

Opple Lighting is an interesting company to work with. Being a comparatively new global player, the company’s innovative approach to lighting makes it an extremely unique player in the market and Smriti’s tryst with Opple Lighting happened this summer, 2017. She worked with the company as an intern and bore the sun, rain, heat and wind to make things work out her way.
“It wasn’t easy but my colleagues and mentors at Opple made it a phenomenal experience for me. I learnt amazing things and the challenges started feeling like cakewalk,” mentions a satisfied Smriti of Jaipuria Institute of Management, Noida.

On-field training opportunities are “invaluable” and why does Smriti believe so?

smriti1Smriti was beating the blues of peak summer while at Opple. She was visiting retailers and sellers to understand the edge of Opple Lighting over its competitors. The Delhi sun of May or June has never been kind to anyone and amidst all the dust and heat; Smriti was pulling a 9am to 7pm schedule, everyday. Not to forget, the anemometer was reading 40 degrees Celsius.
What is she saying about it all? “Through varied tasks I got a firsthand experience of figuring out the market, competitor analysis and interacting with retailers. I also had to make sales pitches to make people aware of our products. The end goal was to increase sales. I just couldn’t get that kind of experience in a classroom,” she says matter-of-factly.

Paid or unpaid, unless your internship is introducing you to a world you haven’t seen already, it isn’t doing you any good. Did Smriti’s do enough good to her?

While Smriti might not have received a stipend for her internship, she knows that she has been enriched by the experience. “I never thought I could handle so many people at a go. I was speaking to consumers, moody and difficult retailers, boosting sell of the company, studying customer psychology, pitching business, and I tell you, my internship experience could not have been better than this!” admits an excited Smriti who is now back to her Jaipuria classroom with fresh energy and insights.

“Importance of taking certain initiatives yourself. I took mine and am glad I did!” How?

smriti2Smriti is of the opinion that B Schools can only play their part in preparing you for internships; beyond that you need to take the initiative to gain optimally from the experience. Jaipuria Institute of Management, Noida had already done everything possible to bring industry exposure to the campus through guest lectures, seminars, workshops and facilitate the internship. It was up to her to get the most out of the internship experience she had. “To do well in your internship you need to have the right attitude to learn. You have to be humble and cheerful to work in a stress free environment. If you can manage that, the internship can be a big step towards successful professional career for you,” she says.


Blog Jaipuria Noida

Leela Swarup Mullapudi, Jaipuria Institute of Management, Noida wouldn't trade his internship with Accenture for comfort

leela1Students of Jaipuria Institute of Management are no strangers to practical exposure. They study in an environment where they closely interact with corporate professionals and are put through activities that help them hit the ground running from day one at the B-school. Leela Swarup Mullapudi, student of PGDM Class 2018 remarks- “I felt confident going into the internship and had the right mindset for it. I performed to the best of my abilities and have come away with many crucial learning experiences for my future career.” Here’s Jaipuria Institute of Management, Noida’s Leela’s story.

What was Leela’s Summer Internship all about?

Leela’s summer internship project focused on “Reduction of Cost at Accenture” and process improvements in operations of the facility. During the internship he was based in their office in Gurgaon and learned a lot from interacting with experienced professionals. “Initially it wasn’t easy to get into a groove with the team. But as I got familiar with professionals and worked in different departments, things got a lot easier. You have to work hard but smart when you are in a professional environment and communicate effectively; it will take you far,” he claims.

There is no one specific job role for an intern. You have to bounce with multiple things and do them well.

leela2Leela asserts that to work with a renowned name like Accenture, you have to be flexible and versatile when it comes to responsibilities of the role. From ensuring sound progress of scheduled activities to collecting daily snags for maintenance, he had to handle different tasks every day during his internship. “I was also managing the inventory and client visits. I was inspecting quality of operations and in charge of organizing training programs for third parties. I was thrilled to have such dynamic professional experience at this stage in my life,” he enthuses.

Getting the most out of the internship

Of course, Leela had to face challenges during his internship but he looked at them as learning opportunities. According to his, working with the transportation department was a big challenge but he got over it, thanks to the support from his industry mentor. Today, in spite of the struggles, he wouldn’t trade the internship experience for comfort because it has molded his. “Internships are vital for management students because they make you familiar with the corporate environment. You understand different processes in an organization. I also improved my communication and networking skills, which I will rely on in the future,” he adds.


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