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Eduroomz – A Story of Startup by 5 Jaipurians

Among the myriad tales of start-ups in India is a tale worth telling. This is a story of innovation, dream, tenacity and above all, of relentless motivation. This is the tale of Eduroomz.

“The greatest achievement was, at first, and for a time, but a dream.”
Napoleon Hill (from Think and grow rich)

Eduroomz was the dreamchild of Akshay, one of the 5 Jaipurians from the Lucknow campus who introduced the novel concept of providing classrooms to teachers. The journey of Eduroomz started as Akshay ramped up his team and implemented his idea on small- scale. While Akshay’s dream Start-up was just budding, Jaipuria’s MiDCOM BUSINESS CHALLENGE came as a boon to his team as they were given an opportunity to present their business plan. How could their dreams fail them? They won the title and were awarded a cash prize of Rs. 5 lakhs!

“If you have zeal to succeed, you have all you need to succeed”- is what Eduroomz believe in. Eduroomz provide rooms on rent to teachers who wish to impart knowledge but lack space to make their visions a reality. So if you are a teacher and have students with the desire to teach, Eduroomz has a room for you! The best part is the nominal cost, which is as low as Rs. 49 per hour. As a token to contribute to the society and not hinder the stream of knowledge from flowing, even in absence of monetary benefits Eduroomz is determined to provide rooms of knowledge to the weaker sections of society. So if you see an air conditioned classroom at Rs. 49 per hour (irrespective of the strength of the class), flexibility in terms of timings and independent work space to teachers, you are looking at an Eduroomz!

The Eduroomz team comprises of 5 members. Since it’s a startup by students, role switching is common and in a way this strengthens the team to explore all operational perspectives.

Right from the very beginning, Jaipuria Institute of Management, Lucknow has provided an uninterrupted support to Eduroomz. Because the expert team could recognise potential in budding enterpreneurs, be it providing various platforms to showcase a plan, mentorship and guidance, or networking, Jaipuria has been a pillar of support to Eduroomz. Jaipuria has also been working upon the team’s request to incorporate an incubation centre collaborated with the U.P. government.

It’s not that there have not been obstacles in the journey of Eduroomz. When it comes to education, ideas and results often do not coincide. Eduroomz has endured the obstacles and has built up a robust client network. Eduroomz is Lucknow’s well- knit network with well-equipped classrooms, conference halls, computer labs and study lounges. Eduroomz own 50+ properties with more than five thousand teaching slots in a month, where the priority is to provide teaching by experts at affordable prices.

Eduroomz is still experimenting to include other services, planning to expand its horizons over the next decade and create a niche where online teaching is taking over offline classrooms.

The most unanimous message that these young entrepreneurs wish to convey to those who aspire to have a start- up of their own someday is to be assured that no matter how meticulously they plan, their plans will fail, but the key is to plot a new scheme every time the old one is reduced to ashes. They also suggest stepping out and analysing the needs of target customers instead of planning in isolation because the key to a successful start- up is knowing the demands of target population and targeting them. Jaipuria is glad it could provide aid to these young minds and is committed to their success throughout their journey.

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