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Jaipuria Noida STUDENT Speaks

The strength of belief and encouraging words- a lesson to learn from Pushpendra’s PGDM journey at Jaipuria

“One of our professor of Information system in the first trimester during our ITM classroom session asked us a simple question- “Is there anyone here who has not worked in any Microsoft tool ever in life,” recalls Pushpendra with a smile on his face. “And I was the only one who had raised his hand, confessing that I had not and it took almost the entire class by surprise. My professor suggested immediately that I have to work really hard to ace up. That particular moment taught me a lot,” adds Pushpendra. By the time he was wrapping up the course, this Jaipuria Institute of Management, Noida boy of Class 2019 had scored the 2nd highest in the subject.
The Jaipuria Institute of Management classrooms are really interesting spaces with myriads of life transforming stories and experiences embedded in them. Students come from across entire India, spend their 2 years pursuing excellence and in the process- leave their indelible marks in the growth story of the B-school and students like Pushpendra are perfect examples. However, what makes the learning ecosystem of a B-school like Jaipuria absolutely unique are the people themselves- they celebrate each other, and hold each other up in times of failures and successes. Each and every student contributes to the life of their peers and all of it in absolute humility and earnestness! It almost comes naturally to a Jaipurian- to stand as a rock by its team or teammate, as if it is a part of the b-school’s very DNA. And that is exactly what Pushpendra did for his friends and his friends did for him in return. How?
Be it managing the study group or giving proxy to friends busy in placement processes, Pushpendra did not deter from his responsibilities as a team member or a friend and when his turn came, his peers did not disappoint him either. “I was at the Group Discussion round of Amazon and I desperately wanted to make it to the organization. However, things didn’t work out in my favor despite all the hard work I had put into it and the rejection had me hit hard to the effect of losing all self-confidence. Recruiters were continuously visiting campuses and I did not have any ounce of interest left in me to sit for any other process. But my friends did not give up on me. IDFC First Bank arrived the subsequent week and they insisted I take the test. I was absolutely reluctant but they would not give up and pushed me to go ahead,” remarks Pushpendra who is now one of the new Management Trainees in the Sales Office of the organization. He had not informed his father about it till the HR declared his name among the finally selected candidates. “I was scared of disappointing him the second time, so I went from Noida to Jaipur campus for the selection round without informing him and when I finally got the job and informed him, he was pleasingly surprised,” says the boy who started with IDFC First from April 15, 2019.
However, nothing has been more inspiring for Pushpendra Singh Rathore than his mentor Prof. Ajay Bansal. “He always said- I will do something great in life and not just stop at getting a placement, and I will do whatever it takes to ensure his belief in me does not go to waste,” he says.
Pushpendra believes Jaipuria Institute of Management’s 2 years taught him to be a good human being above everything else. Team work, CSR activities, selflessness are just among hundred other things Pushpendra thinks his PGDM has taught him. He had arrived at the B-school in the summer of 2017 with the hope of gaining as much knowledge as possible in his specialization, perform as many Live projects that 2 years could offer and secure a good placement. And now that he is graduating from the school, he feels “I have almost all boxes of my check-list, ticked green.”

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A. Balasubramanian, CEO – Aditya Birla Sun Life AMC Ltd. addresses 7th Convocation at Jaipuria Institute of Management, Indore

Indore, 8th May 2019: A. Balasubramanian, Chief Executive Officer – Aditya Birla Sun Life AMC Ltd. addressed the 7th Annual Convocation Ceremony at Jaipuria Institute of Management, Indore on April 27th, 2019. Total 87 students confred with diploma from Post Graduate Diploma in Management program.
The convocation ceremony witnessed A. Balasubramanian, Chief Executive Officer – Aditya Birla Sun Life Insurance AMC Limited as chief guest and Shri Anurag Verma, Senior Director – HR, Flipkart, was the guest of honor gracing the occasion. Other dignitaries present included Shri Sharad Jaipuria, Chairman, Jaipuria Institute of Management, and Dr. Harshvardhan Halve, Director of Jaipuria Indore.
Shri Sharad Jaipuria, in his commencement address, welcomed the dignitaries and thanked everyone associated with the B-school. He spoke on the importance of higher education in India and emphasized on understanding present day education’s transformation that needs to be utilized as a path for career building, than merely career development. Amidst thunderous applause, Shri Sharad Jaipuria added, “There’s no other solution apart from education to economic prosperity and serenity in the world. I only hope that in years to come, everyone talks about all of your achievements by looking up to your path of success.”
Shri A. Balasubramanian, CEO, Aditya Birla Sun Life Insurance AMC Limited, congratulated the students for their dedicated efforts to earn their degrees. “We need to realize our energies as far as education is concerned. Today’s world is highly competitive. It does not matter what background you belong to or what your societal status is, it’s an era where only the strong can survive – and the strength needs to come from education,” he added. Towards the end, he concluded with welcoming the students to the corporate world and wished them a great career ahead.
This was followed by conferring degrees and awards to the graduating students. The chairman’s Gold Medal award was awarded to Manisha Roy, the vice chairman’s Silver Medal award was awarded to Apoorv Pandey, and the director’s Bronze Medal was awarded to Suyash Bhalerao.
The convocation ceremony concluded with the vote of thanks given by Shri Shreevats Jaipuria. He also expressed his gratitude towards Dr. Harshavardhan Halve’s contribution and motivation to the students. “I would urge all the students present here to stick to your values and principles constantly. Be authentic, transparent, dedicated, and always follow your principles – for that will help you in attaining your goals,” he added.

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