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Placed as a Business Analyst with HCL Technologies Shailja Sharma talks about the entire placement process and more

Given the industry trends, the role of a Business Analyst has been hailed to be one of the premier positions in the corporate world for years to come. Shailja Sharma, student of Jaipuria Institute of Management, Noida has not only bagged the dream role but will start her career with an industry powerhouse like HCL Technologies. She may be heading south to begin her professional life in Chennai, but her career graph is on the up as she is set to reach for the skies. Here’s the story of her flight to the top.
Shalija came through four rounds of the selection process for HCL Technologies with flying colors. It’s the promising role that has her excited about the future. “I will be required to prepare a few important documents like Business Requirement and Functional Requirement documents. I will be bridging the gap between the IT department and the financial clients by delivering products,” she says earnestly.
There is a lot to look forward to for Shailja, but we rewind to the crucial placement process that included a GD round and three rounds of PI. She informs us that more than 40 aspirants appeared for the selection process. “For the GD, we were asked to discuss financial ratios while assessing the credit need for the firm. I was the first one chosen for the interview because I was told I did exceptionally well in the GD since I had examples to support my data,” she says proudly.
As a coordinator for Jaipuria Quiz League, you would think the PI would have been a cakewalk for Shailja. But she reminds us that it was entirely based on the word document given by the company and required three rounds for the final selection. “One of the tricky tasks of the PI was when I was asked to analyze the DSCR ratio based on the amount of loan they had given me. I did well but I wish I had prepared the document they had given us better,” she says candidly.
It was the confidence she had gained through presentations, mock GDs and PIs that saw Shailja through. Getting feedback from her faculty members every step of the way helped her assess her strengths and enhance her skills. “Our B School’s location in a corporate hub gave us a huge advantage. It has helped me start my career with this exciting profile. I want to make my way to top management and then mentor young professionals,” she reveals her plans for the future.

Jaipuria Indore Home

Did the one-year off between Under Graduation and MBA hurt Seemant Vadnere’s career graph in any way?

After completing his B. E in Computer Science, Seemant Vadnere decided to take a gap year before opting for his PGDM program at Jaipuria, Indore. It was a question that he bound to face during the placement season. “I spent the year taking competitive exams including IBPs, RRBs, POs for different banks but I wasn’t able to clear them. But I was destined to get chosen by a bank after the opportunity Jaipuria, Indore gave me,” he says euphorically after getting placed with IDFC First Bank for a plum package of Rs. 8.2 LPA. He tells us how his two years at the B School helped him bridge the gap and took his career to the place he always dreamed of.
The fact that Seemant wanted to make a career in banking was evident from his strong preparation for the IDFC First Bank’s selection process. The competition was intense as 450 candidates appeared for the placements. Aptitude test, Group Discussions, and Personal Interview rounds were conducted with topics and questions that tested his composure. “My group discussion topic was ‘why scams like Nirav Modi happen in India?’. I entered the discussion at a crucial moment and directed it to the right direction. It was a tricky task since 10 – 12 of us were a part of the GD but I handled the situation well,” he says going over the events.
Being a National level sports player, Seemant is used to improvisations. He relied on those skills during the GD and the personal interview later. He also talks about the role-plays during the classroom sessions, which prepared him for the moments where he had to think on his feet. Frequent presentations built his confidence to execute his ideas. He will take those skills into his professional life where he will start as a Management Trainee / Assistant Manager. “I will have to enforce bank regulations, oversee bank security measures, monitor financial activities, and review reports. I feel like I have been working my way up to these challenges,” he says strongly.
Part of his job profile will also involve gaining and retaining customers’ trust. Seemant says that studying on the diverse Jaipuria, Indore campus has helped him understand different perspectives while boosting his communication skills. He will dig deep into the resource of skills he has gained to make a lasting impression. “One thing that has made a big impression on me is the sense of social responsibility here. I have joined an NGO that helps less privileged students in their studies and training to guide them to successful careers. It’s something I want to be involved in all my life,” he concludes thoughtfully as he embarks on his promising career path.

Jaipuria Lucknow Home

From Lucknow to Latvia, Ankit Mishra’s International dreams take off with a roar

Growing up in the erstwhile princely city of Lucknow, Ankit Mishra harbored the dreams of making an international career. It’s only fitting that not only has he landed a placement with Unifarma, Latvia but will make a princely package. The Mechanical Engineering graduate asserts that he wanted to achieve every goal for personal and professional growth that he missed out on during his graduation years. At Jaipuria Institute of Management, Lucknow he got the necessary platforms to do just that and it has launched him into the International sphere in style.
Ankit’s single-minded focus on a global career can be seen in the fact that he had marked out companies offering International profiles during the placement season. His own internship experience has given him the belief that a career in Operations was the right fit for him. “For my internship, I handled digital sales for TATA Motors. Through my interactions there I realized that my technical knowledge helped me understand different operations, functions and new features a lot better. So choosing Operations and production was a no-brainer,” he explains his reasoning.
Not surprisingly, Ankit chose Marketing and Operations & IT as his specializations. It was time to take advantage of his technical background coupled with management training at Jaipuria, Lucknow during the selection process for Unifarma. “There were two Skype interview rounds before the final face to face meeting with the company’s MD. I was clear in my mind that I have to get selected at any cost. So I stayed confident, cheerful and had the right body language. I think my persistence and never give up attitude got me the job,” he adds looking back.
Ankit attributes his dogged persistence to his army family background, which has also imbibed a strong sense of discipline in him. Besides inherent traits of leadership, quick decision making and risk-taking capabilities, he has also become more adaptable. As he begins his professional career on the International front, he will rely on these traits to help him adjust to the new environment. “As a production manager, my responsibility will be to ensure optimum utilization of resources for on-time production. I will also handle sales in some regions,” he explains.
The future looks bright for him and it’s heartening to note that Ankit has decided to give part of his salary to soldiers. He describes himself as a learner, who is ambitious and makes the most of every opportunity given to him. He certainly did that at Jaipuria Institute of Management, Lucknow through various initiatives. “I was a senior member of the Cultural Committee and along with our President tried to start the Poetry club. Our B School environment not only groomed me as a manager but helped me discover sides of my personality I was unaware of,” he ends with a winning smile.

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