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Jaipuria Indore

Dr. Prithvi Yadav, Director – Jaipuria Institute of Management, Indore Future Growth Plan

Dr. Prithvi Yadav, the new director of Jaipuria Institute of Management, Indore reveals his Ambitious plans and growth strategies for the B School Education has remained the cornerstone of every society. But as we transition into the “new world” that relationship gets deeper. Dr. Prithvi Yadav understands the full potential and significance of this relationship. “Today when we talk about an institution, the society around it plays a crucial role. How we take society along depends on the brand image of the institution. We have a complete plan to cater to the society by involving students, faculty, and staff through formal and informal processes,” he says thoughtfully. We talk to him about his other such plans for the leading Management Colleges in Indore, Central India.

In his career spanning almost three decades, Dr. Yadav has taught at the IITs, IIMs as well as foreign universities in the UK, US, and China. He has been awarded the prestigious first “Fellow of AIMS International” by AIMS International, USA, and President, GBMF (USA) for contribution in Management Education & Research. It’s this vast experience and the reputation of being a visionary for education that he brings to his new role. But according to him, “Quality, emphasis on academics, and good faculty, have been guiding factors in higher education. NEP-2020 emphasizes on full autonomy to quality level institutions, which will maintain academics and research at the top standards.”

Having been nurtured in the faculty-driven culture of IIMs, Dr. Yadav believes in maintaining the highest order of transparency and accountability. It’s something he has emphasized on practicing from day one at Jaipuria Institute of Management, Indore. He is equally candid with us when he talks about the key areas of focus for him in the near future. “Improving the standards of academics through teaching and research, followed by executive programs will be the top priority. My prime role would be an enabler of the best learning environment for students. Faculties will have full autonomy to adopt the most appropriate pedagogy to deliver the highest level of learning and to undertake industry-relevant research activities,” he adds with refreshing candor.

According to Dr. Yadav, the Jaipuria Institute of Management already has a strong reputation, which he aims to build on further. He reminds us that the B School is perceived as one of the best in terms of RoI in the country. Its curricula are as per the standard of AACSB and faculty members have been trained by AACSB professionals. “Today, industry rates AACSB at the top for assurance of learning. Our very first agenda would be to bring AACSB accreditation to its cap in the next 2-3 years, thus becoming the first and youngest in the city to do so. AMBA accreditation would be the next target in the coming 5 years,” he spells out the tangible goals.

Dr. Yadav believes that when NEP-2020 comes into force, the higher education sector will have a complete 360-degree turn. Institutions based on the concept of multi-discipline and multi-program would be the new paradigm of growth. Jaipuria, Indore, one of the best MBA colleges in Indore already has the infrastructural facilities in place to realize the potential as full-fledged University status. With his “transformation man” reputation, Dr. Yadav is the right man to helm matters at the B School at the right time.

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