Dr. Nitin Merh has done his doctorate in computer science in the area of financial informatics from the School of Mathematics and Allied Sciences (SOMAAS) Jiwaji University, Gwalior. Ph. D topic is interdisciplinary in nature using techniques of Artificial Neural Networks (ANN), Data Mining, Mathematical Modeling, Econometrics and Time Series Forecasting.
He has handled various administrative positions like Dean, Assistant Dean, Proctor, and Programme Chair.
He has more than twenty-two years of teaching experience at undergraduate and postgraduate levels. He has worked with institutions like IBS, ICFAI University, Hyderabad; Institute of Management, Nirma University (IMNU), Ahmedabad; Symbiosis University of Applied Sciences, Indore and School of Business Management, SVKM’s NMIMS Deemed to be UNIVERSITY, Indore Campus.
His research and training interest includes business analytics, time series forecasting, IT infrastructure, and predictive analytics. He has nearly fifty publications to his credit in the form of research articles, conference papers, management cases, book reviews, abstracts, and popular articles published in peer-reviewed national, international journals, newspapers, and conference proceedings.
Dr. Merh has conducted training programs for Nicholas Piramal India Limited, Indore, Indore Management Association (IMA), IMA Student Chapter Centre of Excellence, Kalpa -Taru Power Transmission Ltd., Ahmedabad, and Department of Customs and Central Excise, NACEN, Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh.
During training sessions, Dr. Merh wishes to see the smiling faces of his participants with an interactive session through dialogue by keeping things simple. Interaction during sessions later applied in real-world situations is the key objective of sessions organized by Dr. Nitin.
Presently, Dr. Merh is working with Jaipuria Institute of Management, which is India's amongst top management colleges for MBA in Indore, Madhya Pradesh as an Associate Professor.
- Best Paper Award (Runner-up Category) in International Conference on ‘Future of Work, Workforce and Workplace’ organized by S. P. Mandali’s Prin. L. N. Welingkar Institute of Management, Development and Research, (WeSchool), Mumbai was conferred on him during January 13-14, 2020.
- Editorial board member of IBMR, IPS Academy Journal Unnayan – The International Bulletin of Management and Economics. Unnayan was part of the UGC Listed Journal from 2017-2019 and, now it is in process of UGC Care List, February 2020.
- Member, Board of Studies, (Computer Science, Information Technology and Computer Applications), Shri Vaishnav Vidhyapeeth Vishwavidyalaya, Indore for the Academic year 2016-17(participated in Board of Studies meeting held during 2016, 2017, and 2018).
- Member, Programme Committee (as a reviewer ), Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Soft Computing for Problem Solving (SocProS 2012), Institute of Engineering and Technology, JKLU, Jaipur, December 28–30, 2012, Springer India 2014.
- Session Chair and Co-Chair – Technical Sessions, Computer Science and Information Technology, International Conference on Inter-Disciplinary Research in Engineering, Management and Pharmacy and Sciences (ICIREMPS 2K14) at Sagar Institute of Research and Technology, Bhopal, M.P. during February 22-23, 2014.
- Selected as Judge for the evaluation of Projects under theme Information Technology and Society and Mathematical Modeling in Regional CBSE Science Exhibition (Ajmer Region) at Prestige Public School, Indore during August 22-24, 2013.
- Session Chair – Invited Talks and Contributory session on Information Technology, in 17th Annual Conference of Gwalior Academy of Mathematical Sciences and National Symposium on Computational Mathematics and Information Technology at Jaypee University of Engineering and Technology, Raghogarh, Guna, M.P. on December 09, 2012.
- Recipient of Prestige Institute of Management and Research, Indore Best Ph.D. Thesis award on February 11, 2012.
- First Prestige Institute of Management and Research, Indore best teacher award was conferred on him in the year 2008
[I] Research Papers- Arindam Saha and Nitin Merh (2020), Data-Driven Modelling for Predicting Financial Performance of BSE 500 Companies, Aweshkar, Vol. 27, No.1, pp.64 -78, ISSN -0974-1119, March 2020. Aweshkar is included in EBSCO Database, USA, and Ulrich' Directory of Periodicals, USA.
- Akshay Jain, Shrey Jain and Nitin Merh (2020), “Application of Association Rule Mining in a Clothing Retail Store” accepted for possible publication in the peer-reviewed edited volume of papers from IIM Ahmedabad International Conference on Advanced Data Analytics, Business Analytics and Intelligence, 2019 to be published by Springer Proceedings in Business and Economics. Springer, Singapore, Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. (In the process of publication).
- Nitin Merh (2019) Applying Predictive Analytics in a Continuous Process Industry. In: Laha A. (eds) Advances in Analytics and Applications. Springer Proceedings in Business and Economics. Springer, Singapore, Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2019, pp. 105 – 115, DOI https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-13-1208-3_10, Print ISBN-978-981-13-1207-6, Online ISBN-978-981-13-1208-3. (First online copy released on September 08, 2018).
- Nitin Merh (2013), Optimal Model Design of Artificial Neural Networks for Forecasting Indian Stock Trends: An Experimental Approach, Vilakshan – XIMB Journal of Management, Vol. 10, No.2, pp. 21- 42: ISSN: 0973-1954. (Indexed in EBSCO).
- Nitin Merh (2012). Stock Market Forecasting: Comparison between Artificial Neural Networks and ARCH Models, Journal of Information Technology Applications and Management (JITAM), The Korea Database Society and The Korea Society of Information Technology Applications, South Korea, Vol. 19, No. 1, pp. 1-12, March 2012: ISSN: 1598-6284.
- Nitin Merh, V.P. Saxena and Kamal Raj Pardasani (2011). Next-Day Stock Market Forecasting: An Application of ANN and ARIMA, IUP Journal of Applied Finance (IJAF), Vol. 17, No. 1, pp. 70-84; ISSN: 0972-5105 (Indexed in EBSCO and in Social Science Research Network (SSRN)).
- Nitin Merh (2010), Financial Data Mining using Techniques of Artificial Neural Network for Indian Stock Market Forecasting, SIRT Journal of Engineering, Management and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Vol. 1, No. 1 &2, Issue1), pp. 29 – 32 (Inaugural Issue); ISSN: 0976-8416.
- Nitin Merh, Vinod P. Saxena and Kamal Raj Pardasani (2010). A Comparison between Hybrid Approaches of ANN and ARIMA for Indian Stock Trend Forecasting, Business Intelligence Journal, Isles Internationale Université, Belgium ( In collaboration with Business Intelligence Service of Secured Assets Yield Corporation Limited, London, UK), Vol. 3, No 2, pp. 23-44; ISSN: 1918-2325.
- Nitin Merh, V.P. Saxena and Kamal Raj Pardasani (2008). Artificial Neural Network for Stock Market Forecasting. Nirma University Journal of Business and Management Studies (NUJBMS), Vol. 2, No. 3 & 4, pp. 3-19.
[II] Case Studies International Publication- Smriti Jain, Nitin Merh, Somil Mishra, Ashish Savita, Mili Singh, and Madhu Khurana, (2006). Singh Motors Limited.
- Registered with the European Case Clearing House (ECCH), Cranfield University, the United Kingdom under Ref. No. 906-005-1. URL: http://www.ecch.cranfield.ac.uk/.
- Smriti Jain, Nitin Merh, Ashish Savita, and Deepika Upadhyaya, (2005). A Case of Bharat Exports Limited.
- Registered with the European Case Clearing House (ECCH), Cranfield University, the United Kingdom under Ref. No. – 905-011-1. URL: http://www.ecch.cranfield.ac.uk/.
- Smriti Jain, V.K. Jain, Nitin Merh, Somil Mishra, Gyanendra K. Chaturvedi, and Janardhan Reddy, (2005) A Case of Alpha Telenet Limited.
- Registered with the European Case Clearing House (ECCH), Cranfield, University, the United Kingdom under Ref. No. – 505-006-1. URL: http://www.ecch.cranfield.ac.uk/.
National Publication- Nitin Merh, Bhavna Sharma, Preeti Poswal and Gaurav Kumar Tripathi (2007), Road to Success, Prestige Journal of Management and Research, Vol. 11, No. 1, pp. 125-127.
- Nitin Merh, Alok Bansal, Bhavna Sharma, Deepak Shrivastava, Shailendra Singh and Abhishek Tripathi (2006), ISPL: Aspiring ERP Leader. Prestige Journal of Management and Research, Vol. 10 No. 1 & 2, pp. 158-161.
- Nitin Merh, Deepak Jarolia, Shradha Varma, Suyash Jhawar and Neha Sharma (2005), Tycoon Technologies: A Magic Wand. Cases in Management: Indian Experiences. PIMR Monograph Series, 13/2005, pp.170-172.
- Smriti Jain, Nitin Merh, Ashish Savita and Anup Bose, (2005) Devi Mills Private Limited. Cases in Management: Glimpses of Indian Situations, pp. 159-161.
- Smriti Jain, Nitin Merh, Ashish Savita and Deepika Upadhaya, (2003) A Case of Bharat Exports Limited. Cases in Management: Glimpses of Indian Situations, pp. 159-161.
- Smriti Jain, V.K. Jain, Nitin Merh, Somil Mishra, and Gyanendra K. Chaturvedi, (2003) A Case of Alpha Telenet Limited. Cases in Management: Glimpses of Indian Situations, pp. 137-139.
- V.K. Jain, Smriti Jain, Nitin Merh, Somil Mishra, and Gyanendra K. Chaturvedi, (2003) Reorganizing Beta Telenet Limited. Cases in Management: Glimpses of Indian Situations, pp. 134-136.
- Smriti Jain, Nitin Merh, Somil Mishra, Ashish Savita, Mili Singh, and Madhu Khurana, (2002) Singh Motors Limited. Cases in Management: Glimpses of Indian Situations, pp. 131-134.
- S.S Bhakar, Vinod K. Jain, Nitin Merh, Alok Mittal and T. Virupaksha (2002), A case of DML, Prestige Journal of Management and Research, Vol. 6, No. 1-2, pp. 170-175.
[III] Book Reviews- Nitin Merh (2013). Data Mining for Business Intelligence: Concepts, Techniques, and Applications in Microsoft Office Excel® with XLMiner (Author: Galit Shmueli, Nitin R. Patel and Peter C. Bruce). Delhi: Wiley India Edition, Vision – The Journal of Business Perspective, Vol. 17, No. 1, pp. 100-102.
- Nitin Merh (2005). Computer Applications in Business Management (Author: Versha Mehta and N. Kumar). New Delhi: Anmol Publications Private Limited. Prestige Journal of Management and Research, Vol. 10, No. 1 & 2, pp. 209-212.
- Nitin Merh (2003). E-Commerce: A Managerial Perspective (Author: P.T. Joseph). New Delhi: Prentice-Hall of India Private Limited. Prestige Journal of Management and Research, Vol. 7, No. 1, pp. 114-117.
[IV] Popular Articles- Nitin Merh (2003), E-Commerce, Management Special, Free Press, Indore, March 4, 2003 p. 11.
- Nitin Merh (2003), E-Security, Management Special, Free Press, Indore, January 21, 2003, p.12.
- Nitin Merh (2002), Video Conferencing, Management Special, Free Press, Indore, December 24, 2002, p.12.
- Nitin Merh (2002), Analogy to Brain, Management Special, Free Press, Indore, December 10, 2002, p.12.
- Nitin Merh (2002), Call Centers: Redefining Business Transactions, Management Special, Free Press, Indore, November 26, 2002, p.12.
[V] Conference Papers- Arindam Saha and Nitin Merh (2020), Data-Driven Modelling for Predicting Financial Performance of BSE 500 Companies, International Conference on ‘Future of Work, Workforce and Workplace, S.P.Mandali’s Prin. L. N. Welingkar Institute of Management, Development and Research, (WeSchool), Mumbai, during January 13-14, 2020.
- Akshay Jain, Shrey Jain, Nitin Merh (2019), Application of Association Rule Mining in a Clothing Retail Store, 6th IIM Ahmedabad International Conference on Advanced Data Analysis, Business Analytics and Intelligence at Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad, April 06-07, 2019.
- Nitin Merh (2017), Applying Predictive Analytics in a Continuous Process Industry, 5th IIM Ahmedabad International Conference on Advanced Data Analysis, Business Analytics and Intelligence at Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad, April 08-09, 2017.
- Nitin Merh (2011), Stock Market Forecasting: Comparison Between Artificial Neural Networks and ARCH Models, The Korea Database Society 7th International Conference on IT Applications and Management (ITAM) on Technological Innovation and the Future of Culture and Tourism, at Institute of Management, JK Lakshmipat University, Jaipur, December 28-29, 2011.
- Nitin Merh (2010), Optimal Model Design of Artificial Neural Networks for Time Series Forecasting in Indian Context, 15th Annual Conference of Gwalior Academy of Mathematical Sciences on Mathematics and Development of ICT (Including Allied Applications) at Mohyal Education and Research Institute of Technology, New Delhi, December, 12-14.
- Nitin Merh (2010), A GUI Based Approach for Indian Stock Trend Forecasting using Techniques of Artificial Neural Network, National Conference on Emerging Trends in Computer Science & Informatics at Sagar Institute of Research, Technology and Science, Bhopal, March, 19-20.
- Nitin Merh (2009), Stock Trend Prediction: A Comparison between ANN and ARIMA Techniques, in 14th Annual Conference of Gwalior Academy of Mathematical Sciences (GAMS) on Computational Mathematics and its Application to Engineering, Management and Biology at Institute of Professional Studies (IPS-CTM), Gwalior, July, 18.
- Nitin Merh (2009). Hybrid Model of Artificial Neural Network and ARIMA for Forecasting Stock Market, 96th Indian Science Congress on Science Education and Attraction of Talent for Excellence in Research in Information and Communication Science & Technology section (Including Computer Science)at North-Eastern Hill University (NEHU), Shillong, January, 03-07.
- Nitin Merh, V. P. Saxena and Kamal Raj Pardasani (2008). Next-Day Stock Market Forecasting: An Application of Artificial Neural Network and ARIMA, International Conference on Quantitative Methods, Operations and Information Technology for Managerial decision Making (ICQMOIT 2008) at IBS, Hyderabad, October, 23- 24.
- Nitin Merh, V. P. Saxena and Kamal Raj Pardasani (2008). Artificial Neural Network Model for Forecasting Stock Price, 13th Annual and First International Conference of Gwalior Academy of Mathematical Sciences (GAMS) and Symposium on Mathematical Modeling in Engineering and Biosciences at Anand Engineering College, Agra, January, 10-13.
- Nitin Merh, V. P. Saxena and Kamal Raj Pardasani (2008). Stock Market Forecasting Using Artificial Neural Network for Data Mining, 11th Nirma International Conference on Management (NICOM 2008), Institute of Management, Nirma University of Science and Technology, Ahmedabad, January, 9-11.
- Nitin Merh, V. P. Saxena and Kamal Raj Pardasani (2007). Prediction of Next Stock Price: A Comparison Between Backpropagation and Recurrent Neural Networks, 12th Annual Conference of Gwalior Academy of Mathematical Sciences (GAMS) and India Symposium on Computational Biology at Department of Mathematics, Maulana Azad National Institute of Technology, Bhopal, April, 6-8.
- Nitin Merh, V. P. Saxena and Kamal Raj Pardasani (2007). Application of Artificial Neural Network for Predicting Next Stock Price, International Congress and Eighth Conference of Indian Society of Industrial and Applied Mathematics( ISIAM ) & Seventh Annual Conference of Jammu Mathematical Society at the University of Jammu, Jammu, March 31- April 3.
- Nitin Merh, V. P. Saxena and Kamal Raj Pardasani (2006). Data Mining and ANN Applications in Financial Management, 11th Annual Conference of Gwalior Academy of Mathematical Science and National Symposium on Applicable Mathematics to Engineering and Technology at Jaypee Institute of Engineering and Technology, Raghogarh, Guna (M.P), April, 22-23.
- Nitin Merh (2003). Biological and Artificial Neural Networks (A Comparative Study), 5th PIMR, National Conference on Changing Trends in Management: Challenges and Opportunities, January, 30 – 31.
[VI] Working Paper
- Nitin Merh and Upinder Dhar (2005). Biological and Artificial Neural Networks (A Comparative Study). Working Paper Number PIMR/2005/02. Indore: Prestige Institute of Management and Research. February 2005. (Also published in edited book by Ajay Prasher and Rajeev Prasher (Eds.) Business Management: Parameters and Perspectives, Ludhiana: Medallion Press, pp. 61-78.).
[VII] Conference Proceeding- Arindam Saha and Nitin Merh (2020), “Data-Driven Modeling for Predicting Financial Performance of BSE 500 companies”, Proceeding of International Conference on Future of Work, Workforce and Workplace, S. P. Mandali’s Prin. L. N. Welingkar Institute of Management, Development and Research, (WeSchool), Mumbai, during January 13-14, 2020.
- Nitin Merh, V. P. Saxena and Kamal Raj Pardasani (2008). “Next Day Stock Market Forecasting: An Application of Artificial Neural Network and ARIMA”, Proceeding of International Conference on Quantitative Methods, Operations and Information Technology 2008, ICFAI Business School (IBS), Hyderabad.
Successfully completed consultancy for Aegis School of Telecommunication in the year 2002. The consultancy was Academic in nature and the title of the project was Curriculum and detailed syllabus for Master’s Program in Telecommunication Management (MPTM), corporate degree, and short-term programs. Involved in the project as an Internal Coordinator. The team consisted of four members. The total amount of the consultancy was rupees sixty thousand.
- Conducted session on the topic Business Analytics: Scope and Trends organized by Indore Management Association Student Chapter Centre of Excellence on digital platform Webex during October 22, 2020.
- Conducted Skill Development Management Development Programme (MDP) on the topic Digital Media Marketing: An Effective Way for Organizational Growth. The program was designed for middle and senior-level managers. Participants’ were from various domain areas like HR, IT, Operations, Financial Services, Insurance, and Production. Participants’ were representing organizations like Yash Technologies, Shriram Life Insurance Co. Ltd., IIF Overseas, Ad Magnum, Sigma Chemicals to name a few. The event was organized by Indore Management Association on the digital platform Webex during August 12 – 13, 2020.
- Conducted Faculty Development Programme as a resource person on the theme Innovative Teaching-Learning Practices: Way to Transform Teachers (Five Days FDP during July 27 -31, 2020) on July 29, 2020, during 10:30 – 11:45 am at Institute of Information Technology and Management, New Delhi, Topic of my presentation was Key Insights and Avenues for Future Research in IT. Around 225 participants from PAN India attended the session on GoToMeeting online platform.
- Conducted Management Development Programme (MDP) on the theme Evolution of Excellence (One Day Workshop Series) on the topic Applied Analytics: Data-Driven Decision Making. The program was designed for middle and senior-level managers. For data analysis, MS Excel, Frontline Solver ® XLMiner, and RapidMiner software tools were used during the program. Participants’ were from various domain areas like Insurance, Finance & Accounting, IT, Operations, Pharmaceutical, Mechanical. Participants’ were representing organizations like Anju Pharmaceuticals, Shriram Life Insurance Co. Ltd., Yash Technologies, Gabriel India Ltd., BM Jain & Co. to name a few. The event was organized by Indore Management Association at IMA Office Jall Sabhagraha, Indore on February 28, 2020.
- Conducted Teachers’ Training Program on the theme Data Analytics using Python on January 24, 2020, at IET College of Technology, Bhopal, Topic of my presentation was Applications of Data Analytics for Decision Making in Business Organizations (Real Data Implementation on Various Fields using Frontline Solver ® XLMiner). The event was sponsored by AICTE, New Delhi, and RGPV, Bhopal.
- Conducted Management Development Program for Department of Excise & Customs, NACEN, Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh on the topic Knowing Self on March 04, 2016, and April 28, 2016, at Jaipuria Institute of Management, Indore. The program was designed for Class “A” Officers (Assistant Commissioners), NACEN.
- Conducted session in Faculty Development Program on the theme “Impact of Cloud Technology in Education” sponsored by Computer Society of India and MP Council of Science and Technology at Truba College of Engineering and Technology, Indore on March 17, 2015.
- Conducted Management Development Program for Kalpa –Taru Power Transmission Limited, Gandhinagar, Gujarat on the topic Managing IT Infrastructure on March 10, 2011. The program was designed for middle and senior-level executives and managers.
- Conducted EDP as a resource person for Indore Management Association on the theme Baaton Baaton Mein – Computer Skills for Associates and Junior Executives, on December 10, 2005.
- Conducted course-based training program on Introduction to Information Technology for Regional Sales Managers and Area Sales Managers of Nicholas Piramal India Limited, Pithampur, Indore (September 23-24, 2005) organized by AIMA (All India Management Association), New Delhi.
Ph.D. - SOMAAS, Jiwaji University, Gwalior, M.P. - Computer Science 2010
M.Sc. - SOMAAS, Jiwaji University, Gwalior, M.P.- Computer Science 1997
B.Sc. - Pt. L.M. Sharma Govt. PG College Rishikesh, HNB Garhwal University, Srinagar, Uttrakhand - Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics 1995