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Dr. Saumyaranjan Sahoo

Assistant Professor
Assistant Dean - Research

Location: Jaipuria Jaipur


Production Planning & Scheduling, Industry 4.0, Internet of Things, and Manufacturing Sustainability

Total Quality Management, Operations Management, and Technology & Innovation Management.

Dr. Saumyaranjan Sahoo specializes in the area of Quantitative Techniques and Operations Management. He holds his Bachelor's degree in Power Electronics Engineering, and his Master's degree in Technology Management, and has been the university rank holder in both. He has earned his Ph.D. in Production and Operations Management from the School of Petroleum Management, Pandit Deendayal Petroleum University.

As an avid researcher, he has published his work in globally acclaimed and accredited journals of repute. Also, he has presented his research at top conferences in the world such as Global Conference for Sustainable Manufacturing, IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management (IEEM), etc. His research interest lies in Production Planning & Scheduling, Industry 4.0, the Internet of Things, and Manufacturing Sustainability.

Currently, he is working at Jaipuria Institute of Management, India's one of the top business Management Colleges in Jaipur, Rajasthan as an Assistant Professor.

Prior to joining academics, he has worked in the industry with companies like Suzlon Energy Limited, TARU Leading Edge Private Limited, and Enigma Ventures Private Limited. When he’s away from scholastic pursuits in academia, he prefers to travel to serene destinations, listen to music across genres and read non-fiction books.

Ph.D (Production & Operations Management), MBA (Technology Management), BE (Power Electronics)

  1. “Entrepreneurial orientation of SMEs, Total Quality Management and Firm Performance”- Author/s: Saumyaranjan Sahoo, Sudhir Yadav; Journal: Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management (ISSN: 1741-038X), Volume 28 Issue 7, 2017, Emerald Publication. ABDC “B” Category & Scopus Indexed Journal.
  2. “Lean implementation in small and medium-sized enterprises: An empirical study of Indian Manufacturing firms”- Author/s: Saumyaranjan Sahoo, Sudhir Yadav; Journal: Benchmarking: An International Journal (ISSN: 1463-5771), Volume 25 Issue 4, 2018, Emerald Publication. ABDC “B” Category Journal & Scopus Indexed Journal.
  3. “Lean manufacturing practices and bundles: a comparative analysis”- Author/s: Saumyaranjan Sahoo, Sudhir Yadav; Journal: International Journal of Lean Six Sigma (ISSN: 2040-4166), Volume 9 Issue 3, 2018, Emerald Publication. Scopus Indexed Journal.
  4. “An empirical exploration of TQM, TPM and their integration from Indian Manufacturing Industry”- Author/s: Saumyaranjan Sahoo; Journal: Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management (ISSN: 1741-038X), Volume 29 Issue 7, 2018, Emerald Publication. ABDC “B” Category Journal & Scopus Indexed Journal.
  5. “Total Quality Management in Indian Manufacturing SMEs”- Author/s: Saumyaranjan Sahoo, Sudhir Yadav; Journal: Procedia Manufacturing (ISSN: 2351-9789), Volume 21, 2018, Elsevier Publication. Scopus Indexed Journal.
  6. “Analyzing the effectiveness of lean manufacturing practices in Indian small and medium sized businesses” Author/s: Saumyaranjan Sahoo, Sudhir Yadav; Journal: IEEE Explore (ISSN: 2157-362X), 2018, IEEE Publication. Scopus Indexed Journal.
  7. “Assessment of TPM and TQM practices on business performance: A multi-sector analysis” - Author/s: Saumyaranjan Sahoo; Journal: Journal of Quality in Maintenance Engineering (ISSN: 1355-2511), Volume 25 Issue 3, 2019, Emerald Publication. ABDC “B” Category Journal & Scopus Indexed Journal.
  8. “Quality Management, Innovation Capability and Firm Performance: Empirical Insights from Indian Manufacturing SMEs” - Author/s: Saumyaranjan Sahoo; Journal: The TQM Journal (ISSN: 1754-2731), Volume 31 Issue 6, 2019, Emerald Publication. ABDC “B” Category Journal & Scopus Indexed Journal.
  9. “Lean manufacturing practices and performance: the role of social and technical factors” - Author/s: Saumyaranjan Sahoo; Journal: International Journal of Quality & Reliability Management (ISSN: 0265-671X), Volume 37 Issue 7, 2020, Emerald Publication. ABDC “B” Category Journal & Scopus Indexed Journal.
  10. “Assessing lean implementation and benefits within Indian Automotive Component Manufacturing SMEs” - Author/s: Saumyaranjan Sahoo; Journal: Benchmarking: An International Journal (ISSN: 1463-5771), Volume 27 Issue 3, 2020, Emerald Publication. ABDC “B” Category Journal & Scopus Indexed Journal.
  11. “Exploring the effectiveness of maintenance and quality management strategies in Indian manufacturing enterprises” - Author/s: Saumyaranjan Sahoo; Journal: Benchmarking: An International Journal (ISSN: 1463-5771), Volume 27 Issue 4, 2020, Emerald Publication. ABDC “B” Category Journal & Scopus Indexed Journal.
  12. “Influences of TPM and TQM Practices on Performance of Engineering Product and Component Manufacturers”- Author/s: Saumyaranjan Sahoo, Sudhir Yadav; Journal: Procedia Manufacturing (ISSN: 2351-9789), Volume 43, 2020, Elsevier Publication. Scopus Indexed Journal.
  13. “An empirical examination of manufacturing improvement practices on performance of Indian manufacturing firms”- Author/s: Saumyaranjan Sahoo, Sudhir Yadav; Journal: Materials Today Proceeding (ISSN: 2214-7853), Volume 26 Issue 2, 2020, Elsevier Publication. Scopus Indexed Journal.
  14. “Aligning operational practices to competitive strategies to enhance the performance of Indian manufacturing firms”- Author/s: Saumyaranjan Sahoo; Journal: Benchmarking: An International Journal (ISSN: 1463-5771), Volume 28 Issue 1, 2020, Emerald Publication. ABDC “B” Category Journal & Scopus Indexed Journal.
  15. “Green supply chain management practices and its impact on organizational performance: evidence from Indian manufacturers”- Author/s: Saumyaranjan Sahoo, Lokesh Vijayvargy; Journal: Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management (ISSN: 1741-038X), 2020, Emerald Publication. ABDC “B” Category & Scopus Indexed Journal.
  16. “Lean Practices and Operational Performance: The Role of Organizational Culture”- Author/s: Saumyaranjan Sahoo; Journal: International Journal of Quality & Reliability Management (ISSN: 0265-671X), Emerald Publication. ABDC “B” Category & Scopus Indexed Journal.
  17. “Impact of Process Quality Management on Firm’s Operational Performance: A Mediation Analysis of Firm’s Absorptive Capacity”- Author/s: Saumyaranjan Sahoo; Journal: Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management (ISSN: 1741-038X), Emerald Publication. ABDC “B” Category & Scopus Indexed Journal.
  18. “Big Data Analytics in Manufacturing: A Bibliometric Analysis of Research in the Field of Business Management”- Author/s: Saumyaranjan Sahoo; Journal: International Journal of Production Research (ISSN: 1366-588X), Taylor & Francis Publication. ABDC “A” Category & Scopus Indexed Journal.
  19. “Process Quality Management and Operational Performance: Exploring the role of Learning and Development Orientation”- Author/s: Saumyaranjan Sahoo; Journal: International Journal of Quality & Reliability Management (ISSN: 0265-671X), Emerald Publication. ABDC “B” Category & Scopus Indexed Journal.
  20. “Religion as a social shaping force in entrepreneurship and business: Insights from a technology-empowered systematic literature review” Author/s: Satish Kumar, Saumyaranjan Sahoo, Weng Marc Lim, Léo Paul Dana; Journal: Technological Forecasting and Social Change, Volume 175, 2022 (ISSN: 0265-671X), Elsevier Publication. ABDC “A” Category & Scopus Indexed Journal.

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