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Dr. Puneet Rai

Assistant Professor

Location: Jaipuria Lucknow


Puneet Rai is a phd form IIT, Kanpur. He has a blend of industrial and academic experience totaling 19 years. He is working as an Assistant Professor in the area of marketing at Jaipuria Institute of Management, Lucknow. He was involved in marketing industrial products to clients such as Maruti Udyog Ltd, Yamaha, Escorts, etc.

He excelled in selling industrial products in New Delhi and Mumbai, one of the most competitive markets of India which won him an exemplary performance award from his employers DeluxBrgs Ltd in the year 2003. He co-edited a book on branding titled ‘Brandcraft’. He has presented research papers at several international conferences and he has published research papers in refereed journals.

He has conducted a sales training program for DeluxBrgs Ltd, Mumbai, and NSIC, Kanpur. He was a part of the team that designed and conducted a blind test for Goldiee Group’s One-one Noodles to understand the consumers’ acceptance of the product, this testing culminated into the launch of One-one Noodles across India.

Ph.D. from IIT, Kanpur,
B.E (Mech.)

Book Publication:

  • Co-edited a book titled ‘BrandCraft-2014” on selected papers of First International Marketing Conference held at GHS-IMR, Kanpur.

Paper publications

  • Virmani, S and Rai. P, ‘Impact of Brand Equity Perceptions and Socio-economics Factors on Consumer Brand Preference for LCD/LED Television, Edited book- Brandcraft-2014, p58-63.
  • Rai Puneet, Emergence of Buzz Marketing & Rural Marketing in India, Shodh- Journal of Management, Technology & Social Sciences, Vol 2, Issue 1, 2012.
  • Rai Puneet, “Workplace Spirituality: A Fad or a Relevant Paradigm’ in the book of selected papers at the International Conference held at Rishikesh organized by SEFOD (Oct, 2010).
  • Awasthi, P. and Rai, P, Nanolution: Lessons from development of Nano, IMR-Management Speak, Vol 5, No. 2, 2012.

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