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Dr. Kavita Pathak

Director - Jaipuria Lucknow

Location: Jaipuria Lucknow


High-tech Marketing, Consumer Behaviour, Higher Education, Digital Technology in Teaching & Learning

Marketing Management I & II, Consumer Behaviour, Sales and Business Development

Dr. Kavita Pathak is a professor in the marketing area and Director, Jaipuria Institute of Management, Lucknow. Her teaching career spans over two decades which includes 18 years of teaching in India and 4 years overseas. Dr. Pathak has also been associated with the University of Queensland Business School, Australia; where she has taught courses in the area of Marketing and Research Methods for four years and is actively engaged in a research project on High Tech Marketing.Dr Pathak’s doctoral thesis is on ‘exploring Marketing Synergy in Mergers and Acquisitions with a specifics reference to Indian Pharmaceutical and Cement Industry’. Her research interests are in the area of High-tech Marketing; Marketing strategy along with Higher Education Practice and Policy. Dr Pathak has formerly served as Pan Campus Dean (Learning Innovations)officiating Director Jaipuria, Lucknow (Jan-Feb 2017), Dean-Academics (Jan 2014-May 2016) and as Associate Dean-Student Affairs (August 2012-December 2013) at Jaipuria Institute, Lucknow where she also lead the coordination of NBA accreditation process of the three programs (PGDM, PGDM (Financial Services), and PGDM (Retail Management) as chair of the committee. Dr Pathak has conducted training sessions at various national level institutions in India which include, Life Insurance Corporation of India, IMDUP Lucknow, Taj Hotels Lucknow, Punjab National Bank, SIFPSA, Bank of Baroda and State Bank of India.She has been a guest speaker at Queensland University of Technology (QUT), Brisbane, Australia; University of Lucknow, Kanpur University, Baba BhimRao Ambedkar University, Lucknow, Amity university.


International research Project : Dr Pathak is presently engaged in a research project on market development strategies adopted by high-tech start-up firms, at U Q Business School, University of Queensland, Australia. The research draws upon the dynamic capabilities view of competitive strategy, and is focussed upon market development by high-tech start-up firms; and is based on an extensive survey of owner managers of IT and ITES firms in India. Two papers are work in progress from the findings of the project.

Ease of Doing Business in Uttar Pradesh: Dr Pathak is engaged in a research project on Ease of Doing Business in Uttar Pradesh. The project is commissioned by the Government of Uttar Pradesh and the research team consists of members from Lucknow Management Association, Indian Institute of Management-Lucknow and Jaipuria Institute of Management. The project is based on multiple stakeholder perspective, and adopts a mixed methods approach to unpack the perceived ease of doing business in the state. (October 2015-ongoing)

SWOT Analysis of Institute of Engineering and Technology, Lucknow: Dr Pathak handled a comprehensive SWOT analysis of a major state level institution of Engineering Education, along with a colleague.

Dr Pathak has served as reviewer for The Australia-New Zealand Marketing Association annual conferenceANZMAC 2010 at held in Christchurch, New Zealand, from 29 November - 01 December 2010, under the Entrepreneurship, Innovation and New Product Development track.

She was also the reviewer for‘Industrial Marketing Management’ special issue on Capabilities, innovation and competitive advantage, 2011.

She has published her research in national and international journals as well as presented it in national and international conferences.

Pathak, V. and Pathak K., 2010, Reconfiguring the higher education value chain. Management in Education (Journal of British Educational Leadership, Management and Administration Society), 24(4), 166-171. (DOI: 10.1177/0892020610376791).(Most downloaded paper of the journal in year 2013).

Pathak Kavita and Rastogi Sanjay, 2007,Determinants of Customers’ Churn in Emerging Telecom Markets: A Study of Indian Cellular Subscribers, Journal of Korean Academy of Marketing Science, Vol. 17 (4).

Pathak Kavita, 2006, A study of the operating synergy gains to the acquiring and target firms in the Indian cement industry, ICFAI Journal of Mergers and Acquisitions, Vol. III (4).

Pathak Kavita and Misra Dheeraj, 2006, Accumulation of market power in mergers and acquisitions: evidence from the Indian pharmaceutical industry”, ICFAI Journal of Mergers and Acquisitions, Vol. III (1).

Pathak Kavita and Vaishampayan. J. V., 2005, Market power gains in mergers and acquisitions: a study of the Indian cement industry, Indian Journal of Commerce, Vol 58 (1).

Pathak Kavita, 2001, Exploring marketing synergy in mergers and acquisitions, Management Dynamics, Vol. 2 (1).

Pathak Kavita, 2000, India and the world market dynamics, Management Dynamics, Vol. 1 (2).

Pathak K, Weerawardena J and Tombs A, (2014) Conceptualizing the interplay of capabilities in the market development process of the high-tech start-ups; presented at IIM-L Marketing Conference on Emerging Markets , Lucknow 8-9 January 2014.

Pathak K., Weerawardena J. and Tombs A., 2012 ‘Life beyond the valley of death: market development by high-tech start-up firms’, presented at IIM-Lucknow Marketing Conference on ‘Shaping the Future of Research in Marketing in Emerging Economies: Looking Ahead’, held at IIM-L Lucknow Campus, 13th -14th January 2012.

Pathak K., Weerawardena J. and Tombs A.,(2010) Market development by high-tech firms: an examination of their encounter with the chasm in reaching critical market segmentsAcademy of Indian Marketing International conference, on ‘Emerging markets in the new world order’, 16-20 December, Hotel Taj Man-singh, New Delhi

Pathak Kavita, 2006, Downstream Co-Creation,Proceedings ofNational conference on interdependence, integration and co-creation, 1-2 December 2006 at Jaipuria Institute of Management, Lucknow, India.

Pathak Kavita, Marketing Strategies Beyond 2005, 2001, A Study Of The Indian Pharmaceutical Industry, presented at ‘National Marketing Conference on Marketing beyond 2005’ December 2001 at Jaipuria Institute of Management , Lucknow, India.

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