^AIU Recognized PGDM courses Equivalent to MBA
Director - Jaipuria Jaipur
Email: prabhat.pankaj@jaipuria.ac.in
Location: Jaipuria Jaipur
Environmental economics and non-market valuation, South Asia with special interest in Indian and Bhutanese Economy, Quality of life; happiness; household economics; gender and Econometrics; business analytics; SPSS software (for teaching and training)
Economics & International Business
Dr. Prabhat is a postgraduate in Economics and a Ph.D. in applied economics. He has been teaching Economics at the postgraduate and undergraduate level for about 26 years, in the Universities and B-Schools in India and abroad, including 6 years at Sherubtse College, Bhutan. He has won prestigious engagements and fellowships of the India Government and undertaken assignments in Europe, Thailand, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Sri Lanka. Dr. Prabhat obtained executive education from Harvard University, Boston, the USA in ‘Management and Leadership in Higher Education.
Dr. Prabhat is an inquisitive person and a profound researcher, with a firm belief in creative and innovative thinking. He is an expert on Bhutan’s economic and social development and he is well networked in Bhutan throughout the country, worked extensively with the Center of Bhutan Studies, Thimphu, and represented the Royal Government of Bhutan at UNESCAP meet on Post-Cancun Agenda and presented country paper. He is a keen researcher and a resource person on the subject of economics of happiness, faculty leadership, effective teaching, and outcome-based education (OBE). He writes in Times of India and Economic Times. He has several research papers on the subject of sustainability, happiness, household economics, poverty, and trade in reputed national and international journals. Dr. Prabhat was an invitee at World Government Summit 2019, Dubai by the Ministry of Happiness, UAE.
Dr. Prabhat is the Director of Jaipuria Institute of Management, India's amongst top management institutes in Jaipur, Rajasthan. Indian Institute of Management-Ahmedabad has written a Case Study titled “Jaipuria Institute of Management, Jaipur” focusing on student engagement which Dr. Prabhat has initiated, incorporating blending of formal and non-formal learning.
Blog by Dr. Prabhat Pankaj:Ph.D, M.A
"Optimal condition of happiness: Application of Taguchi Robust parameter design on evidences from India", Gross National Happiness: Practice and Measurement, ed. Karma Ura and Dorji Penjore, Centre for Bhutan Studies, Thimphu, pp: 582-609, 2009. Co-Author: R. Mitra
"Socioeconomic conditions of adolescent girls in India", Deep and Deep, 2009. Co-Author: AK. Sinha
"Alternative approaches to liberalization in Bhutan: Domestic economic impact and social costs of adjustment", Perspectives from the ESCAP regions after the fifth WTO ministerial Meeting: Ideas and Actions following Cancun, Studies in Trade and Investment 53, UNESCAP, Bangkok, 2004