Dr. Rekha Attri has a rich experience of more than seventeen years as an academician, a researcher, and a trainer. She was awarded her Ph.D. from the University of Petroleum and Energy Studies (UPES), Dehradun and her research topic was to study the customer-based brand equity of oil marketing companies. Her core strength lies in the areas of Brand Management.
She has been the course leader for Sales Marketing and Business Development, Consumer Behaviour, Distribution, Channel Management and Customer Relationship Management. She has worked on consulting assignments and has conducted workshops and FDPs for the faculty members of government institutes, the sales team of Tata Steel.
Her areas of consulting and research interest include Performance Management for Self and Organization, Brand Management & Personal Branding, Service Quality, Spiritual Intelligence and Emotional Intelligence at Work, Time Management Skills, Business Communication & Interpersonal Skills, Change Management, Creativity at Workplace, She has reviewed the book on Brand Management and Rural Marketing for Oxford Publication India Ltd. She has also developed content for Australian Technical & Management College.
Presently, Dr. Rekha Attri is working as Associate Professor, at Jaipuria Institute of Management, India's amongst top management institutes in Indore, Madhya Pradesh.
As a team member of the management development cell at Core Business School conducted workshops and FDPs for the faculty members of government engineering and polytechnic institutes in Madhya Pradesh, for the sales force of the distributors of Tata Steel and at WM Logistics. The topics covered during the FDPs, MDPs, and workshops were as follows:
- Performance Management for Self and Organization, 2015 (FDP for Govt. Engineering & Polytechnic Institute faculty in Madhya Pradesh)
- Brand Management & Personal Branding
- Spiritual Intelligence and Emotional Intelligence at Work
- Time Management Skills, 2015 (WM Logistics)
- Business Communication & Interpersonal Skills
- Sales Motivation, PNP Infotech, 2nd September 2017
- Creating Customer Delight, Employees of Airport Authority of India Western & Central India, 29th June 2018
- Change Management, 26th June 2016, National Academy of Customs, Excise and Narcotics (NACEN)
- Creativity @ Workplace, Agriculture College, 15th May 2020
- Creating Positive Impact, Power Grid Corporation of India, July 2020
- Attri R., (2022), Physimorphic VS. Typographic Logos in Destination Marketing: Integrating Destination Familiarity and Consumer Characteristics, (Scopus and ABDC - A*) ACCEPTED
- Attri R., Bakhshi P., (2020), Age and Financial Inclusion, International Journal of Application or Innovation in Engineering & Management (IJAIEM), Volume 9 Issue 5, pp. 118-216 ISSN No. 23194847 (Scopus Listed Journal)
- Attri R., Bairagi R., (2020), Triumph Motorcycles: vrooming for increased market share in India, The Case Journal, Vol 16, No. 3, pp 307-317 (Scopus Listed Journal)
- Attri R., Kushwaha P., (2019), Impact of Digital Learning Tools on Student Performance, IUP Journal of Information Technology, Vol. XV, No. 3, pp. 47-59, ISSN 0973-2896
- Attri R., Devda S., Attri A., (2019), Need Gap Analysis of Online Taxi Aggregation Business, IUJ Journal of Management, Vol. 7, No. 2, pp. 87-92.
- Kushwaha, P., Mahajan, R., Mishra R., Attri R., (2019), Study of the attitude of B-School faculty for Learning Management System implementation An Indian case study, International Journal of Distance Education Technologies IJDET, Vol. 18, Issue 2, Article 4. (Scopus listed Journal)
- Attri, R., Sainy R., (2019), Consumer Buying Behaviour towards Consumer Durables, Archerselevators, Journal of Exclusive Management Science, Vol. 7, No. 9.
- Attri, R., Kushwaha P., Bairagi R., (2019), Women Skill Development at RVTI-Indore- Opportunities and Challenges, Archerselevators, Journal of Exclusive Management Science, Vol. 7, No. 9.
- Attri, R., Mulchandani, K & Mulchandani K. (2018), An assessment of advertising effectiveness of Indian banks using Koyck model, Journal of Advances in Management Research (Scopus listed)
- Attri, R., & Bairagi, R. (2018), A Study of Happiness Quotient in Higher Education Institute, International Journal of Advance and Innovative Research, Vol. 5, No. 3(IV), pp. 12-15
- Attri, R., & Kushwaha, P. (2018) Enablers for Good Placements of Graduates: Fitting Industry’s Needs, Higher Education, Skills & Work-Based Learning, (C Category in ABDC Listing and Scopus listed).
- Attri, R., & Kushwaha, P. (2018). Dimensions of Customer Perceived Value in Restaurants: An Exploratory Study. IUP Journal of Brand Management, 15(2), 61-79.
- Attri, R., & Jain, V. (2018). A Study of Factors Affecting Customer Shopping Behavior. IUP Journal of Marketing Management, 17(1), 38-52.
- Rekha Attri, Aditi Naidu, 2018, An Examination of Service Advertising Effectiveness, Abhigyan, Vo. XXXV, No. 4, pp.
- Rekha Attri and Aditi Naidu, 2017, “An Examination of Customer Attitudes Towards Hospital Advertising”, International Journal of Advance and Innovative Research, Vol. 4, Issue 4 (II): Oct-Dec- 2017, (ISSN No. 2394-7780), UGC approved journal no. 63571
- Rekha Attri and Sunil Chaturvedi, 2017, “ Measuring Performance of Higher Education Institutions Using Balanced Score Card”, International Journal of Research in Management and Social Science, Vol. 5, Issue 4 (VII), Oct-Dec 2017, ISSN No: 2322-0899, UGC Approved journal no 48996.
- Rekha Attri and Rahul Bairagi, 2017, “Challenges of Selling Luxury Motorcycle Brands in India”, IUP Journal of Brand Management, Vol. 14, No. 4, pp.47-58, ISSN No. 0972-9097
- Rekha Attri and Romi Sainy, 2017, “Impact of Brand Communication on Customer Brand Loyalty: A Study on Mobile Service Providers”, International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Sciences (IJRISS), Vol. 1, Issue 6, pp. 18-22.
- Rekha Attri, 2017, “Anju Pharmaceuticals: Riding The Herbal Wave”, Emerald Emerging Markets case Studies (EEMCS), Vol. 7, Issue 3, pp. 1-26.
- Rekha Attri, Shreta Maheshwari and Vijit Sharma, 2017, "Customer Purchase Behavior for Smart Phones", IUP Journal of Brand Management, Vol. XIV, No. 2, pp. 23-37
- Rekha Attri and Pooja Kushwaha, 2017, “Content Analysis of Official Facebook Pages of Prime Minister Schemes in India" Online Publication in International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS), Vol. 1, Issue 5, pp. 4-14 available at http://www.ijriss.org/Vol.I-Issue-V.php
- Rekha Attri, Rahul Bairagi, 2017, Case: Performance Management System: Core Business School, (Published in The Case Journal, Emerald Publication, Vol. 13, Issue 2, pp. 294-307).
- Rekha Attri, Megha Jain, and Pooja Kushwaha (2016), ‘Anju Pharmaceuticals-A’, Case study published in online case bank and uploaded on www.thecasecentre.org by the Case Centre (ECCH), UK. The case reference no. is 816-0050-1.
- Rekha Attri, (2014), Case- Ice Cream- Beat the Business Heat with Cool Strategies (Published in SVIM e-journal of Applied Management, Volume II, No.I, April 2014, pp. 24-26 bearing ISSN NO-2321-2535)
- Rekha Attri, (2013), Transformational Leadership- Getting Future Ready (Published in IUP Journal “Effective Executive”, Vol. 16, No. 4, December 2013 issue, pp. 17-32)
- Rekha Attri, (2013), The Brand Value of FM Channels in Indore: A Comparative Analysis (Published in IUP Journal of Brand Management, Vol. 10, No. 4, December 2013 issue, pp. 37-48)
- Rekha Attri, (2013), A Study of Business Potential for Car-Finance Companies in Indore (Published in Bauddhik, The Journal of Management, Vol. 4, No. 3, Sept.- Dec. issue 2013, pp. 1-8.)
- Rekha Attri, Manvinder Singh Pahwa, (2013), Customer Purchase Behaviour for Lubricants in Indore- Insights from Private Players for Oil Marketing Companies in India (Published in “Private or Public sector: A Catalyst for Social and Economic Revolution”, 2013, ISBN (978-93-83083-03-9), Excellent Publishing House, New Delhi, pp. 1-5.)
- Rekha Attri, (2012), Spiritual Intelligence: A Model for Inspirational Leadership (Publication in The International Journal’s Research Journal of Social Science and Management, Vol. 1, No.9, 2012.
- Rekha Attri, (2012), A Study of Spending and Saving habits of Youth with special reference to Indore (Published in Bauddhik, The Journal of Management, Vol. 3, No. 2, May-August issue 2012, pp. 8-15)
- Rekha Attri, Manvinder Singh Pahwa (2012), Learning for Public Sector Oil Marketing Companies in India to Manage Business in Turbulent times (Prabandhan & Taqniki, Management Research Journal, Vol. 6, August 2012, pp. 29-36)
- Rekha Attri, Manvinder Singh Pahwa, (2012), A Study of Brand Association of the Customers with the Public Sector Oil Marketing Companies (Published in Indian Journal of Commerce, Vol. 65, No. 1, January-March 2012, pp. 21-32.)
- Rekha Attri, Deepak Kaul (2011), Analysis of Behaviour Patterns of Middle-Level Managers Using FIRO-B (Published in International Journal of Business & Technology Research, Vol. 4, No. 1, July 2011)
- Rekha Attri, Sunil Chaturvedi, (2011), Study on Consumer Perceptions of the Products sold through Multilevel Marketing (Published in Prabandhan & Taqniki, Management Research Journal, Vol. 5, August 2011)
- Rekha Attri, Manvinder Singh Pahwa, (2011), India’s Petroleum Market: Journey from a Commodity to a Brand (Published in Prabandhan & Taqniki, Management Research Journal, Vol. 5, August 2011)
- Rekha Attri, Manvinder Singh Pahwa, (2011), Study of Brand Position & Customer Loyalty for Public Sector Oil Marketing Companies (Published in International Journal of Management Prudence, 2011, Vol. 2, No.2, pp.25-35)
- Rekha Attri, Manvinder Singh Pahwa, (2011), Measuring Public Sector Oil Marketing Companies’ Brand Awareness (Published in IUP Journal of Brand Management, Vol. 8, No. 4, pp. 7-24, December 2011)
- Rekha Attri, (2018), Bottlenecks during Implementation of Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Vikas Yojna, ICMC organized by BIMTECH Noida organized on 29th and 30th November
- Rekha Attri, Aditi Naidu, (2017), An Examination of Service Advertising Effectiveness- Presented at Management Conclave, 2017 organized by Mittal School of Business (Accredited by ACBSP, USA), Lovely Professional University on March 17-18, 2017.
- Rekha Attri (2016), Case: From a Shopkeeper to a Distributor, Presented in National Case Symposium on Management in India, April 30, 2016, Published in Excel India Publishers, pp. 19-24
- Rekha Attri, Sunil Chaturvedi, (2016), Factors considered by the Prospective Students while Deciding on Seeking Admission in a Business School- (Presented the paper in 10th International Conference on Social Change Through Quality Education, Entrepreneurship and Innovative Business Practices held at Prestige on 6th and 7th Feb 2016)
- Rekha Attri, Sunil Chaturvedi, (2015), Perception and Purchase Behaviour of Customers towards E-Commerce Companies (International Conference on E-Business: Prospects, Challenges, and Implications 2015, held at TAPMI School of Business)
- Rekha Attri, (2014), From Place to Space: The Changing Indian Retail Scenario (Prestige International Conference) (Published in Quality Management Practices for Global Excellence, ISBN: 978-81-8424-968-2, pp. 402-411)
- Rekha Attri, (2014), Brand Building @ Kudos Kids Utility Pvt. Ltd.- Not a Kids Job ( Presented the paper in the 8th National Conference on Contemporary Management & Future Growth Challenges at LNCT, Indore on 29th November 2014)
- Rekha Attri, (2014), Hope to Triumph- Leading in Turbulent Times (Presented the paper in the 7th National Seminar on “Contemporary Scenario in Innovative Management & Growth” held on 3rd October 2014 at Laxmi Narain College of Technology, Indore. The paper has been published in the journal Prabandhan & Taqniki)
- Rekha Attri, Neha Mahskar, (2014), A Study of Self Awareness Quotient Observed in Aspiring Managers (Presented the paper in the 7th National Seminar on “Contemporary Scenario in Innovative Management & Growth” held on 3rd October 2014 at Laxmi Narain College of Technology, Indore. The paper has been published in the journal Prabandhan & Taqniki)
- Rekha Attri, (2013), Being Relevant in Changing times- Battle of Health Food Drinks (Presented the paper in the IInd International Conference on “Paradigm Shift in Innovative Business Management” held on 7th December 2013 at Vashisht Institute of Professional Studies and Research, Indore)
- Rekha Attri, (2013), Case- Brand Activation-The Mantra for Success in Times to Come (Presented the case at the International Case Colloquim on “Facing Challenges in the Era of Globalization” held on 18th May 2013 at Sri Vaishnav Institute of Management, Indore. Published in Book titled “Facing Challenges in the Era of Globalization”, 2013, ISBN No. 978-93-83083-13-8, Excellent Publishing House, New Delhi, pp. 1-9.)
- Rekha Attri, (2013), Case- Retail Shrinkage- Problems and Prevention (Presented the case at the International Case Colloquim on “Facing Challenges in the Era of Globalization” held on 18th May 2013 at Sri Vaishnav Institute of Management, Indore. Published in Book titled “Facing Challenges in the Era of Globalization”, 2013, ISBN No. 978-93-83083-13-8, Excellent Publishing House, New Delhi, pp. 37-42.)
- Rekha Attri, (2012), Creating Value in Higher Education: Producing Work Ready Graduates (Presented the paper at National Seminar on Quality in Higher Education: Challenges and Opportunities, sponsored by NAAC-National Assessment & Accreditation Council, Bangalore, organized by Lachoo Memorial College of Science & Technology, Jodhpur on 16-17th February 2012. Paper published in conference proceedings)
- Rekha Attri, (2012), Loyalty and Customer Satisfaction with Public Sector Oil Marketing Companies: Way Forward for Developing Effective CRM Strategies (Presented the paper at IIM-Indore for their 4th Conference on Excellence in Research and Education to be held from 10-13th May 2012, a paper published in Indore Management Journal, Special Issue, Refereed Proceedings of 4th Conference on Excellence in Research & Education, pp. 99-113).
- Rekha Attri, (2012), A Comparative Study of Brand Building Activities of Oil Marketing Companies in India with their Western Counterparts (Presented the paper in the 15th International Conference to be held at NIRMA University on 5-7 January 2012 at Ahmedabad; the paper published in conference proceedings on Global Recession to Global Recovery, pp.45-60.)
- Rekha Attri, (2011), Spiritual Intelligence: A Catalyst for Inspirational Leadership and Management Excellence (Paper presentation and Publication in the proceedings of Conference of Indian Culture organized by Institute of Indo Aryan Studies in association with Department of Philosophy, University of Mumbai, 17th September, 2011, abstract published in conference proceedings- Future Culture, pp.68)