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Dr. Nidhi Singh

Associate Professor
Associate Dean - Research

Location: Jaipuria Noida


Technology innovation and adoption behaviour, Mobile payments, behavioural finance and biases.


Prof. Nidhi Singh has an experience of more than 12 years in teaching and corporate. She is Ph.D. (Mobile Payments) from GGSIP University, Delhi. She has qualified UGC Net also.

She has presented many papers in various Seminars & Conferences including IIMR, IICA, NLSIU etc. and published papers in various ABDC journals of National & International Repute like IJIM (Elsevier), JRCS (Elsevier), HMM (Taylor Francis), IJBM (Emerald), JWM (Scopus), NMIMS management review (Web of Science), IJICBM (Inderscience), IJSSM (Inderscience), Decision (Springer), FIIM (Sage), MLS (Sage), SERD, GSCSR etc.

Currently, He is working as an Associate Professor at Jaipuria Management Institute in Noida, which is one of the top management colleges in Delhi NCR.


Provided Training on, “Indian Financial System and Equity Market Developments” to the Employees of “FULLERTON GROUP LTD”.

PhD (Mobile Payments) GGSIPU, Delhi, UGC (Net), PGDM(Finance), Association for Information Systems (AIS) membe

13 Years
Academic: 12 years
Industry: 1 year

20 (A*: 1, A: 2, B: 3, Scopus/Web of science: 9, Refereed: 5)

Singh, N., Sinha, N., & Liébana-Cabanillas, F. J. (2020). Determining factors in the adoption and recommendation of mobile wallet services in India: Analysis of the effect of innovativeness, stress to use and social influence. International Journal of Information Management, 50, 191-205. ABDC –A* category, ABS 2* ranking (Impact factor: 8.21, Cite Score: 14.1)

Singh, N., & Sinha, N. (2020). How perceived trust mediates merchant's intention to use a mobile wallet technology. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 52, 101894. ABDC –A category, ABS 2* ranking (Impact factor: 4.29, Cite Score: 7.4)

Srivastava, S., & Singh, N. (2020). Do Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) initiatives boost customer retention in the hotel industry? A moderation-mediation approach. Journal of Hospitality Marketing & Management, 1-27. ABDC –A category, ABS 2* ranking (Impact factor: 4.48, Cite Score: 6.8).

Liébana-Cabanillas, F., Japutra, A., Molinillo, S., Singh, N., & Sinha, N. (2020). Assessment of mobile technology use in the emerging market: Analyzing intention to use m-payment services in India. Telecommunications Policy, 44(9), 102009. Scopus Indexed ABS 1* ranking (Impact factor: 2.24, Cite Score: 4.8)

Singh, S., Singh, N., Kalinić, Z., & Liébana-Cabanillas, F. J. (2020). Assessing determinants influencing continued use of live streaming services: an extended perceived value theory of streaming addiction. Expert Systems with Applications, 114241. ABDC –C category, ABS 3* ranking (Impact factor: 5.452, Cite Score: 11)

Misra, R., Mahajan, R., & Singh, N. (2020). Understanding Factors Affecting Receptivity Towards Adopting Electronic Marketplace: A Merchant Perspective. e-Service Journal, 12(1), 1-40. ABDC –B category, ABS 1* ranking indexed journal.

Srivastava, S., Madan, P., & Singh, N. (2020). Towards engagement through empowerment: a study on private sector managers. International Journal of Indian Culture and Business Management, 21(2), 206-224. ESCI Indexed journal (Impact factor: 0.02)

Richa, M., Nidhi, S., & Chhavi, T. (2020). Selfies, Individual Traits, and Gender: Decoding the Relationship. Trends in Psychology, 1-22. Scopus/ESCI Indexed journal

Sinha, N., & Singh, N. (2019). Understanding technology readiness and user’s perceived satisfaction with mobile wallets services in India. NMIMS Management Review, 37(3), 10-33. ESCI Indexed journal (Cite Score: 0.3)

Singh, N., & Saharan, T. (2018). Panoramic difference of academicians in promoting sustainable change. International Journal of Sustainable Strategic Management, 6(1), 17-37. ABDC –C category

Singh, N. (2018). Effect of Cash Holding Policy of Financially Constrained Firms on Their Market Performance. Management and Labour Studies, 43(1-2), 31-45. (Impact factor: 0.03)

Singh, N., Srivastava, S., & Sinha, N. (2017). Consumer preference and satisfaction of M-wallets: a study on North Indian consumers. International Journal of Bank Marketing. 35 (6), 944-965. ABDC –B category, ABS 2* ranking (Impact factor: 2.8, Cite Score: 5).

Singh, N., & Sinha, N. (2016). A Study on Mobile Banking and its Impact on Customer's Banking Transactions: A Comparative Analysis of Public and Private Sector Banks in India. FIIB Business Review, 5(2), 57-70.

Srivastava, S., Misra, R., & Singh, N. (2016). Understanding the impact of locus of control and tolerance for ambiguity on job satisfaction: An empirical study of IT sector managers. FIIB Business Review, 5(1), 68-74.

Saharan, T., & Singh, N. (2015). Are values driving Indian consumers to support firms’ CSR initiatives? Decision, 42(4), 379-391. ESCI Indexed journal

Research Papers Accepted

What Explains Millennials Intention to Invest in Stock Market: An Extension to Theory of Planned Behavior. Accepted for publication in The Journal of Wealth management. ABDC –B category, (Impact factor: 0.24)

From Resistance to Acceptance: Role of Moderating and Mediating Variables in Intention to use Mobile Payment Services Accepted for publication in International Journal of Technology Marketing. ABDC –C category, (Impact factor: .48, Cite Score: 1.4)

Analysis of factors affecting intent to use mobile commerce services in India. Accepted for publication in International Journal of E-Services and Mobile Applications (IJESMA). Scopus Indexed journal (Impact factor: 0.03, Cite Score: .16)

Dynamics of Capital Structure and Firm value of Indian listed firms: A PLS-SEM approach. Accepted for publication in International Journal of Indian Culture and Business Management. (Impact factor: 0.02)

Conferences attended

Presented paper on “Does Earnings Retention Create Value? An Analysis of Firms from Emerging Economy” in 3rd International Conference on Financial Markets and Corporate Finance (ICFMCF), IIT Kanpur on July 12-14, 2018.

Presented paper on ‘’ Consumer’s Satisfaction on Mobile Wallets: Empirical Evidences from India” in International Conference on Strategies in Volatile and Uncertain Environment for Emerging Markets, IIT Delhi. 2017 on 10th June, 2017

Presented paper on ‘’ A Study of Financial Constraints of NIFTY 500 Companies” in International Conference on Developments in Management, Technology & Science, ICDMTB, ITS Ghaziabad. 2016 on 1st- 2nd April, 2016

Presented paper on ‘Schwartz’s Human Values and Consumer Purchase Intentions’ in IIM Raipur conference in New Delhi on May 15 and 16, 2015.

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