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‘The national conference on understanding global economy for business decisions’ is a big hit with Jaipuria Jaipur students

‘The national conference on understanding global economy for business decisions’ is a big hit with Jaipuria Jaipur students

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On the 31st of August 2012, Jaipuria Institute of Management, Jaipur conducted ‘The National Conference on Understanding Global Economy for Business Decisions’. It was the culmination of 3 months of hard work and, going by the response of the faculty and students of Jaipuria Jaipur, the event was quite a success.

The event was inaugurated by Mr. Shiva Kumar, Managing Director of State Bank of Bikaner and Jaipur, followed by ‘a session with a difference’ with Professor K. Bhattacharya, former Dean of IIFT, Delhi. Professor Bhattacharya addressed the changes in the economic environment, and the corresponding changes needed in the government structure that could make India globally competitive. Interestingly, Professor Bhattacharya listed quite a few factors that indicated a halt in the world’s march towards globalisation. He spoke distinctly about the role of FDI and FII in the economic growth, and how different cultures affect an economy.

The 2nd session on ‘Global Presence and a Competitive Advantage’ was taken by Dr. Rajiv Thakur – the Director of Jaipuria Jaipur – himself. Dr. Thakur focussed on the tangible and intangible factors that can a help an organisation build a competitive advantage that could minimise risks and maximise returns.

The final session of the workshop was taken by Dr. S.P. Garg, Faculty Member – Finance, Jaipuria Jaipur. Based on his vast experience in the Banking sector, he drew a picture of the changing trends, and discussed survival techniques that would hold the future managers from Jaipuria Jaipur in good stead. He discussed the advantages of taking initiative, focussing on people, talent and culture, to maximise one’s career.

“The Workshop was undoubtedly very interactive,” commented Sagar Agarwal from the 2012-14 PGDM batch of Jaipuria Jaipur. “The concepts which we came across in the workshop will help us build a perspective. I think it will go a long way in helping us make the right decisions whenever we are confronted with a problem.”

Both the students and faculty of Jaipuria Jaipur were of the opinion that workshops such as these should be used as effective pedagogical tools.

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