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Students of Jaipuria Jaipur get a taste of panel discussions.

Students of Jaipuria Jaipur get a taste of panel discussions.

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In keeping with its efforts to give real-life experiences to students, Jaipuria Institute of Management, Jaipur organised a Panel Discussion on the 17th of October 2012, with the panel comprised entirely of student managers. Four student managers of the 2011-13 batch of Jaipuria Jaipur made up the panel, and they discussed what is regarded as one of the most crucial topics in a knowledge society – ‘Intelligence Quotient versus Emotional Quotient’. After the initial hiccups, the panelists – Ajay Singh, Himani Wadhwa, Ritish Sharma and Monisha Mohanan – grew in confidence as the discussion moved forward in defining the two concepts, and their importance in present times. Dr. Prerna Jain from the Economics department adeptly steered the discussion as the Chairperson of the Panel.

“At various points, I was surprised by the level of preparation of the panelists,” remarked Dr. Jain after the panel discussion. “Especially when the discussion reached the critical point of defining why a person with a high IQ and lack of EQ is susceptible to failure, the students on the panel handled it like seasoned experts.”

After establishing the importance of Emotional Quotient, the panelists, in the later part, focused on how EQ is of far greater importance in the work-force of a 21st century organisation.

“EQ is about flexibility, creativity, adaptability, stress management, problem solving, self awareness, interpersonal skills and the ability to take on leadership,” elaborated Ritish Sharma, when a student in the audience asked her about the attributes of EQ and IQ. “IQ is all about the cognitive abilities of an individual. A good indicator of success in the past has been the level of one’s intelligence but today this tenet is questioned.”

The panelists concluded that IQ will get somebody through school and college, but it is EQ that will get one through life. It explains why we often see someone hardly noticeable in school doing so well in his or her profession.

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