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A chat with Mr. Manish Diwan, Business Head – Corporate Cards, SBI, on challenges ahead in the Financial world

A chat with Mr. Manish Diwan, Business Head – Corporate Cards, SBI, on challenges ahead in the Financial world

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Mr. Manish Diwan, Business Head – Corporate Cards, State Bank of India floored everybody during JAMC 2012 with his calm analysis of Financial Services during recession and effective methods that future managers should inculcate to counter uncertain times.Mr. Diwan has been a part of Financial Services for over 20 years now. An IIM Lucknow MBA from the batch of 1992, Mr. Diwan started his career with ANZ Grindlays Bank, moving on to a regional leader role with Standard Chartered between 1994 and 2000. He was thereafter a Director with American Express till 2006, after which he joined the State Bank of India as the Head of Customer Care. He is currently the Business Head for Corporate Cards with SBI.

Campus Journalist Geetika Goyal, a first year student at Jaipuria Noida, got an opportunity to chat with Mr. Diwan on the challenges in the Financial Services Sector.

Geetika – Thank you for making it to JAMC 2012. What are the kinds of challenges that a newcomer is likely to face in the Financial Sector? How are the current challenges different from those when you joined as a fresher?

Mr.Diwan- A manager’s career is strewn with challenges, but in the Financial Sector this is even more acute, and no two challenges are the same. Completing targets is one challenge that has, and will always been there. You never know how the markets will react to a new product in the market. Within the organisation, convincing and influencing others will always remain the biggest challenge. You have to convince the stakeholders and people about your ideas.Half the time people have ideas but they can’t present it well. Today the scope of multi-tasking is far greater, and student managers should concentrate on this ability.

Geetika – What are the abilities that you would like to see in young managers from Jaipuria Institute of Management, which will add to their employability?

Mr. Diwan –The ability to read. If you continue reading – professionally or otherwise – year on year, you will grow, without a doubt. Take up your first job as it comes. Try and start your career with a small company; the learning is greater there. Do not bother too much about package being offered; work hard, try off-campus jobs at Jaipuria Noida, take chances and experiment with jobs and in other spheres of your life.

Geetika – Thank you so much for joining us at JAMC 2012. We immensely from your experience and hope to hear you more often at Jaipuria Noida

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