Dr. Shalini Nath Tripathi, assistant professor in marketing at Jaipuria Institute of Management, Lucknow campus, has an interesting career graph. She started as marketing professional. Given her keen interest in the subject soon got pulled into doing corporate training. She then left it to join academics. Now she again goes back to her corporate experiences and networks to create an ideal learning environment for the class.
Dr Tripathi’s corporate journey started with Modi Korea Telecommunications Ltd. Where she got hands on marketing experience being a functional head in customer relations. She oversaw different product promotion campaigns which were backed by extensive customer satisfaction surveys and solutions to customer complain and grievances.
Given her grasp of the marketing subject she soon invited conducting regular training programs for network communication executives. From there started her journey as a teacher in academic, Dr. Tripathi says, “while conducting these classes teaching came to her naturally and she would problem solve for her class even after they went on the field and came back with their problem set”
Coming to Jaipuria Lucknow in 2005, Dr. Tripathi is teaching services marketing and marketing management; doing research in the areas of services marketing and strategic marketing and co-ordinating the PGDM (Retail Management) program of the institute.
Coming back to how her industry experience helps her in making her classes more interesting – “My industry experience helped in enriching my marketing classes with real life corporate examples,” she says, which she supplements by having guest lectures by industry veterans on relevant topics. “when I invite industry experts, I brief them on what aspect of their experience is best to share from an academic point of view. I can do this as I have been on both sides. So not just simple industry gyan but learning’s of practitioners that students can relate to what they are studying in the class room.”
As a faculty member, she is also involved in academic research, question paper setting, academic project monitoring and student mentoring-placement training
She is a prolific researcher and is currently working on a study based on service recovery processes followed by banks.
Her experience at Jaipuria Lucknow has been “a learning experience so far, both on the academic (teaching) front and in terms of research.”
And she summed up her advice to students in a quote by Anthony J. D’Angelo – “Develop a passion for learning. If you do, you will never cease to grow.”