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“I do not load my students at Jaipuria Institute of Management with heavy academic inputs. I try to make sessions interesting and hassle-free for them.”

“I do not load my students at Jaipuria Institute of Management with heavy academic inputs. I try to make sessions interesting and hassle-free for them.”

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In Dr. Pradeep Kautish’s class, ‘fun while you learn’ is guaranteed. Dr. Kautish, who is a teacher of Human Resources and Organisational Behaviour at Jaipuria Institute of Management, Jaipur, is known for his lively way of teaching.

“My teaching philosophy is ‘less is more’. I do not load my students at Jaipuria Institute of Management with heavy academic inputs; I always try to make sessions interesting and hassle-free for them. Most of my effort goes into simplifying the more complex issues. I’m always on the lookout for students who are not able to understand a topic. I rely a lot on case method teaching, giving live examples through telling stories, using videos from films, advertising, short movies, documentaries, cracking management jokes at times, and making classes more participative for students.”

After doing his MBA, Dr. Kautish worked as Marketing professional with the media powerhouse, Dainik Bhaskar, for nearly three years, followed by a short stint with Dr. Reddy’s Labs. Realising his passion for teaching, he gradually moved out from the corporate domain, and began furthering his education. Apart from a Doctorate, Prof. Kautish has qualified in the National Eligibility Test (NET) for Lectureship in Management. He is also an Accredited Management Teacher (AMT) from AIMA. Dr. Kautish uses his 13 years of mixed experience in industry and academia to conduct numerous seminars and workshops in Jaipuria Jaipur. The topics for these seminars include team building, leadership, selling skills, training issues in organisations, etc. Given his varied experience, he often accompanies students of Jaipuria Jaipur on industrial visits as well.

“My favourite subjects in the classrooms of Jaipuria Institute of Management are those related to human behavior. Whether it is an individual working in organisation, or a consumer making a purchase decision, I find the process of decision-making fascinating.”

A keen researcher, Dr. Kautish has more than 20 published research papers to his credit, most recently in the International Journal of Management on Green Consumerism. Interestingly, while his teaching area is HR, his research interests also include subjects like Environmental Friendly Products and Service Quality. He is currently researching the work-life balance proposition in an organisation. In his five years with Jaipuria Jaipur, Dr. Kautish was the Admission Chair for the first three years, followed by one year as Examination Coordinator.

For the last year or so, he has been holding the chair for student welfare. “As you know, Jaipuria Institute of Management campuses are student managed. My role is simply to provide inputs to students in designing the mess menu – which is a healthy mix of tasty and nutritious food – satisfactory canteen facilities, seeking suitable vendors for quality of food, etc. It is also my mandate to help students deal with aspects of hostel life and address any issues that might arise in the hostel and other facilities.”

Dr. Pradeep Kautish is a great fan of infotainment channels like National Geographic and the History Channel. He uses a lot of his spare time watch science fiction movies.

“My tenure at Jaipuria Jaipur has been enjoyable – personally as well as professionally. The academic freedom provided by the Jaipuria Group of Institutes is of great benefit to its faculty, and ultimately to the students.”

He encourages students at Jaipuria Institute of Management to be themselves, work smart and do everything in their lives with passion, and compassion as well.

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