Guided by the philosophy “Knowledge grows by sharing” a 2 day Faculty Development Programme (FDP) on “Case Writing and Case Discussion for enhancing learning in Marketing Classroom” was organized at Jaipuria Institute of Management, Lucknow from 28th-29th June, 2013. The work shop was facilitated by Prof. Himanshu Mishra
The FDP started with discussion on the need and relevance of case studies in marketing classroom. The discussion focused on various factors hindering case studies in classroom, the facilitator suggested various techniques to overcome the various barriers faced. One of the participant opined that this session was “Very relevant for classroom teaching and discussion, excellent understanding of the constraint factors of a faculty”.
Next two sessions focused on Case discussion in the classroom, the participants were provided were 4 cases well in advance and they selected two which they wanted to discuss in the classroom. The facilitator demonstrated how a case should be approached in classroom, the preplanning before the class, the learning objectives, structure of discussion, instigating discussion and various points to be kept in mind for effective case discussion in a classroom. The facilitator suggested various ways in which a case discussion may be done in a classroom setting. One participant was of the view “Case discussion was very relevant and now finally I can draw a conclusion from a case, if it is given to me. Motivational part from the facilitator side is incredible. The learning’s are immense”.
Two sessions were dedicated to identification and inviting ideas from the participants about their interest areas and how to go ahead with writing a case. The participants identified their interest areas and various issues related to the same were discussed upon. How to start a case, listing of learning objectives, structure and flow of case was discussed in this session. The participants found the session “full of insights on how to write a case”
The last session focused on devising a suitable evaluation technique for case study. Depending on the way the case study is used in class the evaluation should be well aligned to ensure learning of the students. Various evaluation schemes were suggested by the facilitator and the participants found the session insightful and of immense help. One of the participants opined “Very thorough worksheet provided for evaluation. Highly Exhaustive and taking into account all possible factors”
The programme ended with experience sharing and certificate distribution to the participants. One participant summarized his experience as “This FDP was very useful for giving an insight into the classroom teaching. Also how to go for case writing, i.e planning, flow and evaluation gave a clear insight for writing a case for a fresher like me”