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Faculty Development Programme On Research Publication: Best Practices and Pitfalls

Faculty Development Programme On Research Publication: Best Practices and Pitfalls

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Jaipuria Institute of Management, Noida, in its continuous drive to strengthen the research skills organized a two day Faculty Development Programme on “Research and Publication: Best Practices and Pitfalls on 25th-26th April 2014 . The FDP was designed with the aim to familiarise the participants with an overview of the research process, building better academic arguments ,research misconduct, and research publication in academic Journals and research collaboration. This FDP further attempted to provide insights on the elements of good research and how one can do meaningful, good quality research within the given constraints. A hands-on approach was adopted for the FDP which included exercises and brainstorming sessions. The FDP was enriched with the valuable insights given by eminent speakers like: Dr Sushil, Chair Professor, Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, Dr N P Singh Professor and Dean – Research & Accreditation ,MDI, Gurgaon, Dr G C Tripathi, Deputy Director General (Academics), PMI, NTPC, Noida and Dr. Mukesh Chaturvedi, Ex-Professor, IMT, Ghaziabad. 15 faculty members, research scholars and entrepreneur from Institutes like Delhi University, Amity University, Galgotias University, JSS Academy of Technical Education, JIMS, Rohini and faculty members of Jaipuria, Noida attended the FDP. The FDP was co-ordinated by Dr Shalini Srivastava-Chairperson Research Committee and her team.

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